Petteril // The Leems Boyste TAPE

Petteril // The Leems Boyste TAPE

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PetterilのThe Leems Boysteは、「ドドルストン・メッセージ」として知られるシュールで実話とされる物語を考察したものです。YouTubeでこの物語の前提を紹介する動画に出くわしたPetterilは、その奇妙な物語に魅了され、さらに詳しく調べてみました。それから数週間、Petterilの音楽活動は、不気味で超自然的な題材の物語に没頭しました


ワールド・ワイド・ウェブが普及する以前の1980年代初頭、イギリスのドドルストン村に住むある男性は、BBCマイクロコンピュータ・モデルBのワープロソフトを介して、16世紀の人物や、単に2109と呼ばれる未来からの存在と交信できたと主張しました。彼は後に、1989年の著書『The Vertical Plane』でその会話を発表しました。この2年間の言説の間、さまざまな「専門家」がこの現象を調査するために招かれましたが、納得のいく説明はできず、デマを証明することも否定することもできませんでした。メッセージは1986年に途絶えましたが、2109年からの最後の予言的開示によって、「もう一人の人間がいる」こと、そして「他の世界をそれほど遠いものではないと思わせる」かもしれない本(16世紀の男が生前に書いたもの)が存在すること、そしてそれが今日に至るまでオックスフォードのどこかに隠されていることが明らかになりました。


Leems Boysteとは、近世英語(EModE)で「光の箱」を意味し、16世紀の登場人物(ルーカス/トーマス・ハーデン)が、時間を超越したメッセージを送るために使う煙突の中の光る装置をこう表現しています。

この話はポッドキャストやYouTubeのビデオ、ブログで取り上げられ、さらにサブレディットまであります。そこでは、理論家や調査員が「垂直の飛行機」のテキストを精査して議論し、インディ・ジョーンズの映画のようにトマスの本を探し、古いBBCマイクロコンピューターを買いあさって現象を再現しようとしています。1989年に出版された『The Vertical Plane』のペーパーバックの原本は非常に人気があり、ネット上では500ポンド近い値段で取引されています。"

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Puremagnetik releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 


"Petteril's 'The Leems Boyste' is a contemplation of the surreal and allegedly true story known as 'The Doddleston Messages'. After stumbling upon a YouTube video introducing the premise of the story, Petteril was so fascinated by the bizarre tale that he investigated further. In the weeks that followed Petteril's musical practice was consumed with the eerie, supernatural subject matter of the story.

Petteril says, "It was just so bizarre. A Sixteenth-century man communicating with a school teacher in 1980s England via a BBC micro that was put in his chimney by an incorporeal entity from 2109?!"

'The Doddleston Messages':
In the early 1980s, before the world wide web, a man in the village of Doddleston, England claimed that via word processing software on his BBC microcomputer Model B, he was able to communicate with a person from the 16th Century and with an entity from the future known simply as 2109. He later published their conversations in his 1989 book 'The Vertical Plane'. During the two-year discourse, various 'experts' were brought in to investigate the phenomenon but they were unable to offer a satisfactory explanation nor to prove or discount a hoax. The messages ceased in 1986 when a final prophetic disclosure from 2109 revealed "there is another person" and that there exists a book (written by the 16th Century man before he died) which might "make other worlds not seem so distant" and which is to this day still hidden somewhere in Oxford.

"The picture that the story paints is so enticing, whether it's true or not—and obviously it's probably not— it's still a brilliant science fiction concept with a really singular mood to it. It's so spooky, dark and gloomy. There's something so appealing about that juxtaposition of dismal, grey, rural 1500s England; with the green glow of a terminal on the CRT screen of early stage 80's computer tech; with a cryptic future entity harbouring an apparent purpose but reticent to reveal its objective. As the premise of the story unravelled, more and more weird things happened. That feeling of eerie bizarreness just became how I wanted my music to sound for ages afterwards. I wanted to channel the gloom! The visual in my head is so gritty and shadowy—I like that kind of stuff."

The "Leems Boyste" is Early Modern English (EModE) for 'box of lights' which is how the 16th Century character (Lukas/Tomas Harden), describes the glowing device in his chimney that he uses to send his time-defying messages.

The story has been covered in podcast format, via various YouTube videos and blogs and even has a subreddit where theorists and investigators scrutinise and discuss the text of the Vertical Plane, search for Tomas' book, like something from an Indiana Jones movie and buy up old BBC Micro computers trying to replicate the phenomenon. Original paperback copies of 1989's 'The Vertical Plane' are highly sought after and can sell for close to £500 online although it is possible to find digital versions of the book with a little googling.

Artist : Petteril

Label : Puremagnetik

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PetterilのThe Leems Boysteは、「ドドルストン・メッセージ」として知られるシュールで実話とされる物語を考察したものです。YouTubeでこの物語の前提を紹介する動画に出くわしたPetterilは、その奇妙な物語に魅了され、さらに詳しく調べてみました。それから数週間、Petterilの音楽活動は、不気味で超自然的な題材の物語に没頭しました


ワールド・ワイド・ウェブが普及する以前の1980年代初頭、イギリスのドドルストン村に住むある男性は、BBCマイクロコンピュータ・モデルBのワープロソフトを介して、16世紀の人物や、単に2109と呼ばれる未来からの存在と交信できたと主張しました。彼は後に、1989年の著書『The Vertical Plane』でその会話を発表しました。この2年間の言説の間、さまざまな「専門家」がこの現象を調査するために招かれましたが、納得のいく説明はできず、デマを証明することも否定することもできませんでした。メッセージは1986年に途絶えましたが、2109年からの最後の予言的開示によって、「もう一人の人間がいる」こと、そして「他の世界をそれほど遠いものではないと思わせる」かもしれない本(16世紀の男が生前に書いたもの)が存在すること、そしてそれが今日に至るまでオックスフォードのどこかに隠されていることが明らかになりました。


Leems Boysteとは、近世英語(EModE)で「光の箱」を意味し、16世紀の登場人物(ルーカス/トーマス・ハーデン)が、時間を超越したメッセージを送るために使う煙突の中の光る装置をこう表現しています。

この話はポッドキャストやYouTubeのビデオ、ブログで取り上げられ、さらにサブレディットまであります。そこでは、理論家や調査員が「垂直の飛行機」のテキストを精査して議論し、インディ・ジョーンズの映画のようにトマスの本を探し、古いBBCマイクロコンピューターを買いあさって現象を再現しようとしています。1989年に出版された『The Vertical Plane』のペーパーバックの原本は非常に人気があり、ネット上では500ポンド近い値段で取引されています。"

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Puremagnetik releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 


"Petteril's 'The Leems Boyste' is a contemplation of the surreal and allegedly true story known as 'The Doddleston Messages'. After stumbling upon a YouTube video introducing the premise of the story, Petteril was so fascinated by the bizarre tale that he investigated further. In the weeks that followed Petteril's musical practice was consumed with the eerie, supernatural subject matter of the story.

Petteril says, "It was just so bizarre. A Sixteenth-century man communicating with a school teacher in 1980s England via a BBC micro that was put in his chimney by an incorporeal entity from 2109?!"

'The Doddleston Messages':
In the early 1980s, before the world wide web, a man in the village of Doddleston, England claimed that via word processing software on his BBC microcomputer Model B, he was able to communicate with a person from the 16th Century and with an entity from the future known simply as 2109. He later published their conversations in his 1989 book 'The Vertical Plane'. During the two-year discourse, various 'experts' were brought in to investigate the phenomenon but they were unable to offer a satisfactory explanation nor to prove or discount a hoax. The messages ceased in 1986 when a final prophetic disclosure from 2109 revealed "there is another person" and that there exists a book (written by the 16th Century man before he died) which might "make other worlds not seem so distant" and which is to this day still hidden somewhere in Oxford.

"The picture that the story paints is so enticing, whether it's true or not—and obviously it's probably not— it's still a brilliant science fiction concept with a really singular mood to it. It's so spooky, dark and gloomy. There's something so appealing about that juxtaposition of dismal, grey, rural 1500s England; with the green glow of a terminal on the CRT screen of early stage 80's computer tech; with a cryptic future entity harbouring an apparent purpose but reticent to reveal its objective. As the premise of the story unravelled, more and more weird things happened. That feeling of eerie bizarreness just became how I wanted my music to sound for ages afterwards. I wanted to channel the gloom! The visual in my head is so gritty and shadowy—I like that kind of stuff."

The "Leems Boyste" is Early Modern English (EModE) for 'box of lights' which is how the 16th Century character (Lukas/Tomas Harden), describes the glowing device in his chimney that he uses to send his time-defying messages.

The story has been covered in podcast format, via various YouTube videos and blogs and even has a subreddit where theorists and investigators scrutinise and discuss the text of the Vertical Plane, search for Tomas' book, like something from an Indiana Jones movie and buy up old BBC Micro computers trying to replicate the phenomenon. Original paperback copies of 1989's 'The Vertical Plane' are highly sought after and can sell for close to £500 online although it is possible to find digital versions of the book with a little googling.

Artist : Petteril

Label : Puremagnetik