Matt Krefting // Finer Points LP

Matt Krefting // Finer Points LP

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アメリカ・ニューハンプシャーの実験音楽家Matt Kreftingが、2023年12月に同国実験レーベルOpen Mouthから200部限定でリリースしたレコードです。



以下、実験音楽家Scott Foust による解説です。

"マットとは、彼がまだハンプシャー大学の学生だった00年代初期からの付き合いだ。私たちはすぐに大親友になり、それ以来ずっとそうだ。マットはIFCOのメンバー(現在はフルタイム)であり、その他にも多くのプロジェクトで一緒に仕事をしてきた。つまり、私は少し偏っているのかもしれない。(マットはもう10年以上もソロでテープミュージックをやっている。私の記憶では、最初はミキシング・デスクと安物のカセット・マシンの束を使ったライブだった。フィールドレコーディングやテープなどを使って音楽をやっている人はたくさんいるが、たいていの場合、その音楽は雑なあくび祭りのようなものだ。それはクレフト流ではない。Finer Pointsに収録されている6つの作品は、それぞれ限られた数の要素がゆっくりと回転している。各トラックのサウンドはバラバラだが、同じような手法で作られている。全体的な効果は、ジョセフ・コーネルの箱の中のボトルのようだ。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Open Mouth releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 200.


  1. Away from the Clearing 04:23
  2. A Double Request 08:09
  3. Let's Look Again 05:02
  4. An Eye on the Future 03:01
  5. Both This Life and the Next 05:57
  6. Just to Have Him Around 09:28

Text by  Scott Foust via the label: 

"I have known Matt since the very early 00’s when he was still a student at Hampshire College. We became great friends right away and have remained so since. Matt has been an on-and-off member of IFCO (full time now), and we have worked together on a number of other projects. This is to say, I might be a little biased. (But everyone is biased, no matter how much they write in the third person.) Matt has been doing solo tape music for well over ten years now. My memory says it started out as a live thing with a mixing desk and a bunch of cheap cassette machines. (My memory says a lot of things.) I’m not sure exactly what he does now, but it is something similar and still involves cassette tapes. There are loads of people doing music with field recordings and tapes, etc., and, for the most part, the music is a messy yawn-fest. That is not The Krefting Way. Each of the six pieces on Finer Points has a limited number of elements that slowly revolve. Each track is discrete in its sound pallet but made in a similar fashion. The overall effect is like the bottles in a Joseph Cornell box. My favorite bottle is the one for a guitar (Spanish?) It manages to hit a sweet spot between hypnotic and unsettling. The whole LP is great and expertly sequenced. (The lost art of recording!) Matt’s releases are like desert flowers that bloom and are gorgeous, then they are gone. A tip of the glass to Bill Nace as well. He has kept Open Mouth running for quite a while, and as anyone who has ever run a small label will tell you, ‘It’s a fool’s errand.’ It is, too – but if it weren’t for fools like Bill, the world would be missing a lot of great music."

Artist : Matt Krefting

Label : Open Mouth

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アメリカ・ニューハンプシャーの実験音楽家Matt Kreftingが、2023年12月に同国実験レーベルOpen Mouthから200部限定でリリースしたレコードです。



以下、実験音楽家Scott Foust による解説です。

"マットとは、彼がまだハンプシャー大学の学生だった00年代初期からの付き合いだ。私たちはすぐに大親友になり、それ以来ずっとそうだ。マットはIFCOのメンバー(現在はフルタイム)であり、その他にも多くのプロジェクトで一緒に仕事をしてきた。つまり、私は少し偏っているのかもしれない。(マットはもう10年以上もソロでテープミュージックをやっている。私の記憶では、最初はミキシング・デスクと安物のカセット・マシンの束を使ったライブだった。フィールドレコーディングやテープなどを使って音楽をやっている人はたくさんいるが、たいていの場合、その音楽は雑なあくび祭りのようなものだ。それはクレフト流ではない。Finer Pointsに収録されている6つの作品は、それぞれ限られた数の要素がゆっくりと回転している。各トラックのサウンドはバラバラだが、同じような手法で作られている。全体的な効果は、ジョセフ・コーネルの箱の中のボトルのようだ。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Open Mouth releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 200.


  1. Away from the Clearing 04:23
  2. A Double Request 08:09
  3. Let's Look Again 05:02
  4. An Eye on the Future 03:01
  5. Both This Life and the Next 05:57
  6. Just to Have Him Around 09:28

Text by  Scott Foust via the label: 

"I have known Matt since the very early 00’s when he was still a student at Hampshire College. We became great friends right away and have remained so since. Matt has been an on-and-off member of IFCO (full time now), and we have worked together on a number of other projects. This is to say, I might be a little biased. (But everyone is biased, no matter how much they write in the third person.) Matt has been doing solo tape music for well over ten years now. My memory says it started out as a live thing with a mixing desk and a bunch of cheap cassette machines. (My memory says a lot of things.) I’m not sure exactly what he does now, but it is something similar and still involves cassette tapes. There are loads of people doing music with field recordings and tapes, etc., and, for the most part, the music is a messy yawn-fest. That is not The Krefting Way. Each of the six pieces on Finer Points has a limited number of elements that slowly revolve. Each track is discrete in its sound pallet but made in a similar fashion. The overall effect is like the bottles in a Joseph Cornell box. My favorite bottle is the one for a guitar (Spanish?) It manages to hit a sweet spot between hypnotic and unsettling. The whole LP is great and expertly sequenced. (The lost art of recording!) Matt’s releases are like desert flowers that bloom and are gorgeous, then they are gone. A tip of the glass to Bill Nace as well. He has kept Open Mouth running for quite a while, and as anyone who has ever run a small label will tell you, ‘It’s a fool’s errand.’ It is, too – but if it weren’t for fools like Bill, the world would be missing a lot of great music."

Artist : Matt Krefting

Label : Open Mouth