Lisa Lerkenfeldt // Halos of Perception LP

Lisa Lerkenfeldt // Halos of Perception LP

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オーストラリア・メルボルンの実験音楽家Lisa Lerkenfeldtが、2023年11月にフランスの実験レーベルShelter Pressからリリースしたレコードです。




『Halos of Perception』は、中国マレーシア系オーストラリア人ビデオアーティスト、Tristan Jallehとのコラボレーションによるハイパーリアルフィルムとともに、2023年11月3日にリリースされる。Lerkenfeldtのフィールドワークと電子音響の実践から導き出されたピアノ、チェロ、テープループのアレンジが、内省的なミュージックコンクレート、インストゥルメンタルコンポジション、シュールな映画のパッチワークの中で、失われた部屋と地下の歴史を照らし出す。Shelter Pressからリリースされた2枚目のLPは、口承伝承、実験的なAVコンポジション、日記のようなヴィネットを通して、現実、ヴァーチャリティ、知覚への疑問を投げかけるアンダーグラウンド・ネットワークにスポットを当てている。



Lisaが私にこの作品を紹介してくれたように、経験を共有することでこの作品『HALOS OF PERPECTION』を紹介したい。




私たちは散歩の途中でベリーを食べながら、『The Caretaker』がどのように録音された音で一過性の世界を創り出すのか、この技術がどのように記憶を捉えるのか、そしてポーリン・オリヴェロスのディープリスニングバンドの探索的探求について話した。これらの記憶とディープリスニングの引用は、リサが自身の世界構築においてアナログ楽器やクラシック楽器、再生アーチファクト、アコースティックフィードバックを使用することに影響を与えている。『Halos of Perception(知覚の光輪)』について語るとき、彼女はこの作品を、クラシカルなダイナミクス、アコースティックミラー、トランスペアレントな音色を使った遊びだと表現している。



レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Shelter Press / Recollection GRM / Ideologic Organ releases available at Tobira. 


12" black vinyl.  Ask us for digital files.

Description by Panda Wong :

"Halos of Perception’ releases on November 3, 2023 with a hyperreal film in collaboration with Chinese-Malaysian Australian video artist Tristan Jalleh. Drawing from Lerkenfeldt's field work and electroacoustic practices, piano, cello and tape loop arrangements light up lost chambers and underground histories in a patchwork of reflective musique concrète, instrumental composition and surreal cinema. The artist's sophomore LP on Shelter Press spotlights underground networks opening questions of reality, virtuality and perception through oral traditions, experimental AV composition and diary-like vignettes.

'Halos of perception ripple in a black temporary lake.
Senses are alight in total darkness.
Under torchlight I see a white spider build a web in wet glitter.
Traffic becomes a tactile instrument ringing through
300km of tunnels to where I am.
When we speak it reverberates for 32 seconds.
You tell me stories from 1991.
Every moment is extended when under the damp earth.
Even the walls have a voice.
An amulet of sweat forms on my neck.'

For piano, cello and tape loops:

I want to introduce this work ‘Halos of Perception’ to you in the way Lisa introduced me to it, through the sharing of experiences.

Lisa and I met for a walk near South Yarra station to talk about this work, when inclement weather made it too wet to visit the tunnels. Moving almost seamlessly from a world of leisurewear, infinite milk alternatives and blaring neons to stretches of green by the water that brimmed with sounds and life, we saw a few people climbing the Burnley bouldering wall, butterflies suspended in the hot wind and lots of plants I wish I knew the names of. Overhead the cars rumbled like a ceaseless animal as we talked about hidden ecosystems, imagined spaces and networks of care.

Stemming from a serendipitous encounter with an original Cave Clan member that led to many underground adventures, this work explores the worlds that exist outside of our perceptions. By the river, I leafed through a selection of tunnel photos Lisa had printed off at Officeworks, revealing alien textures, tunnels that stretch on into abysses of their own, underground flowing streams. Light is sparse and delicate, something reflected by the flickering and wavering in Lisa’s piano compositions.

As we walked, we noticed the ways in which infrastructure is often designed to keep people out—cut doors into fencing and clipped wires show an active and ongoing defiance of this. We spoke about how her Cave Clan friend used to go down to this painted room and read in solitude, using candles for light. The way sound exists underground, encased in these hollow cement tunnels, a painted room with its own deep hum. How people used to hold underground shows, how there were rules for safety (no exploring after rain, never alone) that was shared with each other. This warmth and absorption of other’s experiences is present in Lisa’s work—it’s immersive, like wading in water.

We paused on the walk to eat berries and talk about how The Caretaker creates transitory worlds with recorded sound, how this technology captures memory, and the exploratory pursuits of Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening Band. These citations of memory and deep listening inform Lisa’s use of analogue and classical instruments, playback artefacts and acoustic feedback in her own world-building. When speaking about ‘Halos of Perception’, she describes it as a play with classical dynamics, acoustic mirrors and transportive timbres.

Ideas of networks and enmeshment are felt deeply in Lisa’s compositions, motifs overlaid over each other evoking the image of many hands interlinking playfully, tenderly, softly. The way her compositions delve into refraction and echo makes me think about the tunnels and the way they splinter off into many possibilities. Manipulated textures reminiscent of the chalky, earthy, moss air that perfumes the tunnels’ subterranean air. Tactile details that gesture towards close attention, verging on obsession.

This work is also about imagining ecosystems of potential. Lisa shared with me that during this project, she has been reimagining subterranean networks in dreams, thinking about oral traditions, and the way water moves—from the sky to the earth, through the ground, connecting all these spheres. Realised in collaboration with hyperreal video artist Tristan Jalleh, Lisa’s dream landscape melds waterfalls, leaks, flower graffiti, and hidden messages lit up by imagined light sources with existing subterranean networks. There’s a real sense of wonder in this world she has built, how the city can reveal itself to you with some patience and care, how the city and its secrets can find its way into your dreams.

Artist : Lisa Lerkenfeldt

Label : Shelter Press

オーストラリア・メルボルンの実験音楽家Lisa Lerkenfeldtが、2023年11月にフランスの実験レーベルShelter Pressからリリースしたレコードです。




『Halos of Perception』は、中国マレーシア系オーストラリア人ビデオアーティスト、Tristan Jallehとのコラボレーションによるハイパーリアルフィルムとともに、2023年11月3日にリリースされる。Lerkenfeldtのフィールドワークと電子音響の実践から導き出されたピアノ、チェロ、テープループのアレンジが、内省的なミュージックコンクレート、インストゥルメンタルコンポジション、シュールな映画のパッチワークの中で、失われた部屋と地下の歴史を照らし出す。Shelter Pressからリリースされた2枚目のLPは、口承伝承、実験的なAVコンポジション、日記のようなヴィネットを通して、現実、ヴァーチャリティ、知覚への疑問を投げかけるアンダーグラウンド・ネットワークにスポットを当てている。



Lisaが私にこの作品を紹介してくれたように、経験を共有することでこの作品『HALOS OF PERPECTION』を紹介したい。




私たちは散歩の途中でベリーを食べながら、『The Caretaker』がどのように録音された音で一過性の世界を創り出すのか、この技術がどのように記憶を捉えるのか、そしてポーリン・オリヴェロスのディープリスニングバンドの探索的探求について話した。これらの記憶とディープリスニングの引用は、リサが自身の世界構築においてアナログ楽器やクラシック楽器、再生アーチファクト、アコースティックフィードバックを使用することに影響を与えている。『Halos of Perception(知覚の光輪)』について語るとき、彼女はこの作品を、クラシカルなダイナミクス、アコースティックミラー、トランスペアレントな音色を使った遊びだと表現している。



レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Shelter Press / Recollection GRM / Ideologic Organ releases available at Tobira. 


12" black vinyl.  Ask us for digital files.

Description by Panda Wong :

"Halos of Perception’ releases on November 3, 2023 with a hyperreal film in collaboration with Chinese-Malaysian Australian video artist Tristan Jalleh. Drawing from Lerkenfeldt's field work and electroacoustic practices, piano, cello and tape loop arrangements light up lost chambers and underground histories in a patchwork of reflective musique concrète, instrumental composition and surreal cinema. The artist's sophomore LP on Shelter Press spotlights underground networks opening questions of reality, virtuality and perception through oral traditions, experimental AV composition and diary-like vignettes.

'Halos of perception ripple in a black temporary lake.
Senses are alight in total darkness.
Under torchlight I see a white spider build a web in wet glitter.
Traffic becomes a tactile instrument ringing through
300km of tunnels to where I am.
When we speak it reverberates for 32 seconds.
You tell me stories from 1991.
Every moment is extended when under the damp earth.
Even the walls have a voice.
An amulet of sweat forms on my neck.'

For piano, cello and tape loops:

I want to introduce this work ‘Halos of Perception’ to you in the way Lisa introduced me to it, through the sharing of experiences.

Lisa and I met for a walk near South Yarra station to talk about this work, when inclement weather made it too wet to visit the tunnels. Moving almost seamlessly from a world of leisurewear, infinite milk alternatives and blaring neons to stretches of green by the water that brimmed with sounds and life, we saw a few people climbing the Burnley bouldering wall, butterflies suspended in the hot wind and lots of plants I wish I knew the names of. Overhead the cars rumbled like a ceaseless animal as we talked about hidden ecosystems, imagined spaces and networks of care.

Stemming from a serendipitous encounter with an original Cave Clan member that led to many underground adventures, this work explores the worlds that exist outside of our perceptions. By the river, I leafed through a selection of tunnel photos Lisa had printed off at Officeworks, revealing alien textures, tunnels that stretch on into abysses of their own, underground flowing streams. Light is sparse and delicate, something reflected by the flickering and wavering in Lisa’s piano compositions.

As we walked, we noticed the ways in which infrastructure is often designed to keep people out—cut doors into fencing and clipped wires show an active and ongoing defiance of this. We spoke about how her Cave Clan friend used to go down to this painted room and read in solitude, using candles for light. The way sound exists underground, encased in these hollow cement tunnels, a painted room with its own deep hum. How people used to hold underground shows, how there were rules for safety (no exploring after rain, never alone) that was shared with each other. This warmth and absorption of other’s experiences is present in Lisa’s work—it’s immersive, like wading in water.

We paused on the walk to eat berries and talk about how The Caretaker creates transitory worlds with recorded sound, how this technology captures memory, and the exploratory pursuits of Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening Band. These citations of memory and deep listening inform Lisa’s use of analogue and classical instruments, playback artefacts and acoustic feedback in her own world-building. When speaking about ‘Halos of Perception’, she describes it as a play with classical dynamics, acoustic mirrors and transportive timbres.

Ideas of networks and enmeshment are felt deeply in Lisa’s compositions, motifs overlaid over each other evoking the image of many hands interlinking playfully, tenderly, softly. The way her compositions delve into refraction and echo makes me think about the tunnels and the way they splinter off into many possibilities. Manipulated textures reminiscent of the chalky, earthy, moss air that perfumes the tunnels’ subterranean air. Tactile details that gesture towards close attention, verging on obsession.

This work is also about imagining ecosystems of potential. Lisa shared with me that during this project, she has been reimagining subterranean networks in dreams, thinking about oral traditions, and the way water moves—from the sky to the earth, through the ground, connecting all these spheres. Realised in collaboration with hyperreal video artist Tristan Jalleh, Lisa’s dream landscape melds waterfalls, leaks, flower graffiti, and hidden messages lit up by imagined light sources with existing subterranean networks. There’s a real sense of wonder in this world she has built, how the city can reveal itself to you with some patience and care, how the city and its secrets can find its way into your dreams.

Artist : Lisa Lerkenfeldt

Label : Shelter Press