Phauss // Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth CD+BOOKLET

Phauss // Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth CD+BOOKLET

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スウェーデンの美術家Carl Michael von Hausswolffと同国映像作家Erik PauserによるデュオPhaussが、2022年12月にオーストラリアの実験レーベルRoom40からリリースした再発CDです。(オリジナルは1991年リリース)



PhaussはCarl Michael von HausswolffとErik Pauserの二人組です。1980年代初頭に結成されたPhaussは、音、光、パフォーマンス、視覚における実践の端緒を再構築することに関心を寄せる、スウェーデンらしからぬ世代のアーティストたちの中で活動しました。この時期は、様々な要因が重なり、アーティストが自分の興味や制作方法の絶対的な核心を掘り下げ、アイデアの絶え間ない発掘に専念することができた、スウェーデンにとって記念すべき豊穣の時代でした。

サウンドとインスタレーションを扱うCarl Michael von HausswolffとErik Pauserは、作曲、状況主義、サイトスペシフィック作品、拡張されたパフォーマンスの方法論といった概念を解体する手段としてPhaussを使用しました。1980年代後半から1990年代初頭にかけて、彼らは旅を通して、故郷から中東、北米、アジアに広がるシーンやコミュニティへとつながっていきました。


Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truthは、1991年に  Hafler TrioとZbigniew Karkowskiと共に徹底的なツアーを行った際に、アメリカで録音されたものです。このツアーは、今では伝説となっていますが、大変なものであると同時に実りの多いものでした。一度に何週間もバンの中で生活し、最も質素な手段で都市間を移動したため、Phaussはアメリカの非常に特殊なビジョン、つまり、ありふれた風景の中に存在するものを知ることになったのです。彼らの体験は、都市の一番端っこのほうで味わうものでした。


彼らのツアーのフライヤーには「Extreme Swedish Industrial」と書かれています。この言葉は今なら見慣れた言葉かもしれませんが、1991年当時は全く異なる響きをもっていました。それは、よくわからない参照語であり、Phaussの音楽の強度は、今日に至るまでその未知性を維持しています。この作品は、非常に個性的な作品であり、後に続く世代の音楽家たちの舞台となるものです。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Room40 releases available at Tobira.


Includes 32-page perfect bound book featuring in conversation by Lawrence English with CM vom Hausswolff and Erik Pauser, plus exclusive photographs and documents from the creation of Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth.


"Phauss is Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Erik Pauser. Formed in the early 1980s, Phauss operated amidst of generation of uncharacteristic Swedish artists concerned with reshaping the edges of practices in sound, light, performance and vision. It was a monumentally fertile period for Sweden in that a confluence of factors allowed artists to dedicate themselves to the relentless excavation of ideas, drilling down to the absolute core of their interests and ways of making.

Von Hausswolff and Pauser, who both operated across sound and installation, used Phauss as a means for deconstructing ideas of composition, situationalism, site-specific works and extended performance methodologies. Across the second half of the 1980s and into the early 1990s, they made connections, through their travels, outward from their homeland into scenes and communities that stretched from the Middle East, through North America and into Asia.

Like their travels, their ways of approaching the work they made was similarly wide-reaching and innately curious. They worked with often quite strict conceptual structures within which they were able to unlock entirely new ways of considering composition and also the material production of sound, through performance, through iteration and through considered experimentation which allowed for failure, just as much as success.

Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth is a recording made in the United States whilst the pair were undertaking an exhaustive tour in 1991 alongside Hafler Trio and Zbigniew Karkowski. This, now legendary, tour was both arduous and rewarding. Living in a van for many weeks at a time, travelling between cities with the most modest of means meant Phauss came to know a very particular vision of the United States, one that existed below plain view. Their’s was an experience had at the rawest edges of cities.

Equally the performances they gave, from which this edition is assembled, were raw and quite frankly dangerous. Fire on stage, sparks flying from short circuiting electronics and intense physical rituals guided so much of their work during this tour and looking back at bootleg videos from the time it’s difficult to imagine the work being able to be presented in the modern world.

One of the flyers from their tour reads ‘Extreme Swedish Industrial’, and as familiar as those words might appear now, in 1991 they held a very different resonance. They were unfamiliar terms of reference and the intensity of Phauss’s music maintains that unknowability to this day. This is a profoundly individual work and sets the stage for a generation of musicians who followed them.

The edition includes a book featuring a long-form in conversation between Carl Michael Von Hausswolff and Erik Pauser with Lawrence English. It also includes never before seen photos and documents from their North American tour and collects together an essential and largely under-documented history of this period of the group’s work.

Artist : Phauss

Label : Room40

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スウェーデンの美術家Carl Michael von Hausswolffと同国映像作家Erik PauserによるデュオPhaussが、2022年12月にオーストラリアの実験レーベルRoom40からリリースした再発CDです。(オリジナルは1991年リリース)



PhaussはCarl Michael von HausswolffとErik Pauserの二人組です。1980年代初頭に結成されたPhaussは、音、光、パフォーマンス、視覚における実践の端緒を再構築することに関心を寄せる、スウェーデンらしからぬ世代のアーティストたちの中で活動しました。この時期は、様々な要因が重なり、アーティストが自分の興味や制作方法の絶対的な核心を掘り下げ、アイデアの絶え間ない発掘に専念することができた、スウェーデンにとって記念すべき豊穣の時代でした。

サウンドとインスタレーションを扱うCarl Michael von HausswolffとErik Pauserは、作曲、状況主義、サイトスペシフィック作品、拡張されたパフォーマンスの方法論といった概念を解体する手段としてPhaussを使用しました。1980年代後半から1990年代初頭にかけて、彼らは旅を通して、故郷から中東、北米、アジアに広がるシーンやコミュニティへとつながっていきました。


Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truthは、1991年に  Hafler TrioとZbigniew Karkowskiと共に徹底的なツアーを行った際に、アメリカで録音されたものです。このツアーは、今では伝説となっていますが、大変なものであると同時に実りの多いものでした。一度に何週間もバンの中で生活し、最も質素な手段で都市間を移動したため、Phaussはアメリカの非常に特殊なビジョン、つまり、ありふれた風景の中に存在するものを知ることになったのです。彼らの体験は、都市の一番端っこのほうで味わうものでした。


彼らのツアーのフライヤーには「Extreme Swedish Industrial」と書かれています。この言葉は今なら見慣れた言葉かもしれませんが、1991年当時は全く異なる響きをもっていました。それは、よくわからない参照語であり、Phaussの音楽の強度は、今日に至るまでその未知性を維持しています。この作品は、非常に個性的な作品であり、後に続く世代の音楽家たちの舞台となるものです。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Room40 releases available at Tobira.


Includes 32-page perfect bound book featuring in conversation by Lawrence English with CM vom Hausswolff and Erik Pauser, plus exclusive photographs and documents from the creation of Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth.


"Phauss is Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Erik Pauser. Formed in the early 1980s, Phauss operated amidst of generation of uncharacteristic Swedish artists concerned with reshaping the edges of practices in sound, light, performance and vision. It was a monumentally fertile period for Sweden in that a confluence of factors allowed artists to dedicate themselves to the relentless excavation of ideas, drilling down to the absolute core of their interests and ways of making.

Von Hausswolff and Pauser, who both operated across sound and installation, used Phauss as a means for deconstructing ideas of composition, situationalism, site-specific works and extended performance methodologies. Across the second half of the 1980s and into the early 1990s, they made connections, through their travels, outward from their homeland into scenes and communities that stretched from the Middle East, through North America and into Asia.

Like their travels, their ways of approaching the work they made was similarly wide-reaching and innately curious. They worked with often quite strict conceptual structures within which they were able to unlock entirely new ways of considering composition and also the material production of sound, through performance, through iteration and through considered experimentation which allowed for failure, just as much as success.

Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth is a recording made in the United States whilst the pair were undertaking an exhaustive tour in 1991 alongside Hafler Trio and Zbigniew Karkowski. This, now legendary, tour was both arduous and rewarding. Living in a van for many weeks at a time, travelling between cities with the most modest of means meant Phauss came to know a very particular vision of the United States, one that existed below plain view. Their’s was an experience had at the rawest edges of cities.

Equally the performances they gave, from which this edition is assembled, were raw and quite frankly dangerous. Fire on stage, sparks flying from short circuiting electronics and intense physical rituals guided so much of their work during this tour and looking back at bootleg videos from the time it’s difficult to imagine the work being able to be presented in the modern world.

One of the flyers from their tour reads ‘Extreme Swedish Industrial’, and as familiar as those words might appear now, in 1991 they held a very different resonance. They were unfamiliar terms of reference and the intensity of Phauss’s music maintains that unknowability to this day. This is a profoundly individual work and sets the stage for a generation of musicians who followed them.

The edition includes a book featuring a long-form in conversation between Carl Michael Von Hausswolff and Erik Pauser with Lawrence English. It also includes never before seen photos and documents from their North American tour and collects together an essential and largely under-documented history of this period of the group’s work.

Artist : Phauss

Label : Room40