Dan Melchior // Hill Country Piano LP
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イギリス出身アメリカ在住の実験音楽家Dan Melchiorが、2024年12月にイギリスの実験レーベルPenultimate Pressからリリースしたレコードです。
"Dan Melchiorにはワイルドな歴史、頭脳、そしてカタログがある。Penultimate Pressは、それに加えられることを光栄に思う。前者であり後者である。これはMelchiorにとって初めてのピアノレコーディングである。「ガールフレンドのジェシカのピアノを使い、ギターセンターでギターケーブルの端につなぐだけのかなり安いマイクを手に入れた。ピアノは広くてほとんど何もない部屋に置いてあるので、リバーブは自然だ。Hill Country Pianoは、人間のオルゴールのような心に溢れた作品である。Melchiorは、おそらくお分かりのように、正式な方法でピアノを弾くわけではない。彼は、ヘッドフォンで過去の録音を聴きながら、単純な反復パートのピアノを弾いて録音した。そしてマジックが起こる。Sparrow Songでは、バンジョーの穏やかなイントロが、今は失われたアメリカの現実を描き出している。セルフ・タイトル曲のパーカッションは、今に生きるサイケデリックなガムラン・ピアノ・デュオを解きほぐす。最初からそうだったわけではなく、決してそうではなかったが、パスカル・コメラードに興味を持ち始めた頃、このゆっくりと燃え上がるような心/世界の旅は、偶然にも形になった。オリジナルのピアノはすべてオースティンで録音された。4U.
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Penultimate Press releases available at Tobira.
Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl.
1. Sparrow Song 08:59
2. The Body 09:49
3. Night Sounds 07:22
4. Hill Country Piano 10:41
Penultimate Press:
"Dan Melchior has a wild history, brain and catalogue. Penultimate Press is honoured to add to it. The former and later that is. This is Melchior's first piano recording. “I used my girlfriend Jessica's piano and got a fairly cheap mic from the guitar centre that could just be plugged onto the end of a guitar cable.” The reverb is natural, as the piano sits in a large, mostly empty room. Hill Country Piano is the result of a human music box mind brimming with many a corner somehow aligning with chambers still being told. Melchior does not play the piano in any formal way, as you can probably tell. He played and recorded the piano, with simple repetitive parts, whilst listening to previous recordings on headphones. Then the magic happens. The gentle introduction of a banjo on Sparrow Song paints the reality of an America now lost. The percussion on the self-titled track unravels a psychedelic gamelan piano duo residing in the now. It didn't start out that way,it never does, but this slow burning trip around a mind/world happened to come into formulation just as an interest in Pascal Comelade was coming into play. All original piano was recorded in Austin. 4U.
Dan Melchior is from London, England. He has lived in various cities in the USA for the last 24 years.
Melchior’s resume is as unique as it is exciting and diverse. Having cut his teeth in the land of garage rock as a collaborator with Billy Childish and Holly Golightly his vision takes sharp twists landing on Graham Lambkin’s strange and beautiful experimental label Kye with two records which broke not only the mould of himself but that of the song itself.
Melchoir is a musician with a voluminous discography which embraces many different forms of expression, from song based rock to pure textural explorations. His music has evolved significantly, to become a distant entity from some of his earlier blues-based work, showing a definite influence of more experimental bands such as The Homosexuals and The Fall, and some absurdist elements which have led to comparisons to compatriot exponents of that genre, Vivian Stanshall and Syd Barrett.
Always experimenting with form in an original manner avoiding any inherent genre anchor. Blues is referenced and extended, musique concrete is found embedded in the song.
Melchior has collaborated with artists as diverse as Billy Childish, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Letha Rodman Melchior and the LAFMS outfit Dinosaurs With Horns. Just as diverse are the record labels he has been associated with, including Sympathy for the record industry, Siltbreeze, Kye, Ultra Eczema, Chocolate Monk, Ever/Never, Feeding Tube and Penultimate Press, and more.
Melchior supports himself in recent years as a portrait artist, while pursuing various divergent paths, both artistically and musically. "
Artist : Dan Melchior
Label : Penultimate Press
イギリス出身アメリカ在住の実験音楽家Dan Melchiorが、2024年12月にイギリスの実験レーベルPenultimate Pressからリリースしたレコードです。
"Dan Melchiorにはワイルドな歴史、頭脳、そしてカタログがある。Penultimate Pressは、それに加えられることを光栄に思う。前者であり後者である。これはMelchiorにとって初めてのピアノレコーディングである。「ガールフレンドのジェシカのピアノを使い、ギターセンターでギターケーブルの端につなぐだけのかなり安いマイクを手に入れた。ピアノは広くてほとんど何もない部屋に置いてあるので、リバーブは自然だ。Hill Country Pianoは、人間のオルゴールのような心に溢れた作品である。Melchiorは、おそらくお分かりのように、正式な方法でピアノを弾くわけではない。彼は、ヘッドフォンで過去の録音を聴きながら、単純な反復パートのピアノを弾いて録音した。そしてマジックが起こる。Sparrow Songでは、バンジョーの穏やかなイントロが、今は失われたアメリカの現実を描き出している。セルフ・タイトル曲のパーカッションは、今に生きるサイケデリックなガムラン・ピアノ・デュオを解きほぐす。最初からそうだったわけではなく、決してそうではなかったが、パスカル・コメラードに興味を持ち始めた頃、このゆっくりと燃え上がるような心/世界の旅は、偶然にも形になった。オリジナルのピアノはすべてオースティンで録音された。4U.
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Penultimate Press releases available at Tobira.
Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl.
1. Sparrow Song 08:59
2. The Body 09:49
3. Night Sounds 07:22
4. Hill Country Piano 10:41
Penultimate Press:
"Dan Melchior has a wild history, brain and catalogue. Penultimate Press is honoured to add to it. The former and later that is. This is Melchior's first piano recording. “I used my girlfriend Jessica's piano and got a fairly cheap mic from the guitar centre that could just be plugged onto the end of a guitar cable.” The reverb is natural, as the piano sits in a large, mostly empty room. Hill Country Piano is the result of a human music box mind brimming with many a corner somehow aligning with chambers still being told. Melchior does not play the piano in any formal way, as you can probably tell. He played and recorded the piano, with simple repetitive parts, whilst listening to previous recordings on headphones. Then the magic happens. The gentle introduction of a banjo on Sparrow Song paints the reality of an America now lost. The percussion on the self-titled track unravels a psychedelic gamelan piano duo residing in the now. It didn't start out that way,it never does, but this slow burning trip around a mind/world happened to come into formulation just as an interest in Pascal Comelade was coming into play. All original piano was recorded in Austin. 4U.
Dan Melchior is from London, England. He has lived in various cities in the USA for the last 24 years.
Melchior’s resume is as unique as it is exciting and diverse. Having cut his teeth in the land of garage rock as a collaborator with Billy Childish and Holly Golightly his vision takes sharp twists landing on Graham Lambkin’s strange and beautiful experimental label Kye with two records which broke not only the mould of himself but that of the song itself.
Melchoir is a musician with a voluminous discography which embraces many different forms of expression, from song based rock to pure textural explorations. His music has evolved significantly, to become a distant entity from some of his earlier blues-based work, showing a definite influence of more experimental bands such as The Homosexuals and The Fall, and some absurdist elements which have led to comparisons to compatriot exponents of that genre, Vivian Stanshall and Syd Barrett.
Always experimenting with form in an original manner avoiding any inherent genre anchor. Blues is referenced and extended, musique concrete is found embedded in the song.
Melchior has collaborated with artists as diverse as Billy Childish, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Letha Rodman Melchior and the LAFMS outfit Dinosaurs With Horns. Just as diverse are the record labels he has been associated with, including Sympathy for the record industry, Siltbreeze, Kye, Ultra Eczema, Chocolate Monk, Ever/Never, Feeding Tube and Penultimate Press, and more.
Melchior supports himself in recent years as a portrait artist, while pursuing various divergent paths, both artistically and musically. "
Artist : Dan Melchior
Label : Penultimate Press