Rene Lorenzo // Phases & Stages CDR

Rene Lorenzo // Phases & Stages CDR

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スペイン・マドリードのアンビエント作家Rene Lorenzoが、2022年12月にオランダ・アムステルダムのアンビエントレーベルShimmering Moodsから35部限定でリリースしたCDRです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Shimmering Moods releases available at Tobira.


Includes DL code. Hand numbered edition of 35.

Shimmering Moods:

"In this second album on Shimmering Moods I have focused on making a record with different soundscapes, soft and abstract rhythms and some bursts of strength and clarity, always wrapped by drones, pads, analog and digital synths processed by revers and delay pedals and sequenced. in a DAW. Sound design, loops, recordings made on some of my trips, sequence programming and a good part of improvisation is shaping this album made in my different Phases & States during this time ago."

Artist : Rene Lorenzo

Label : Shimmering Moods

スペイン・マドリードのアンビエント作家Rene Lorenzoが、2022年12月にオランダ・アムステルダムのアンビエントレーベルShimmering Moodsから35部限定でリリースしたCDRです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Shimmering Moods releases available at Tobira.


Includes DL code. Hand numbered edition of 35.

Shimmering Moods:

"In this second album on Shimmering Moods I have focused on making a record with different soundscapes, soft and abstract rhythms and some bursts of strength and clarity, always wrapped by drones, pads, analog and digital synths processed by revers and delay pedals and sequenced. in a DAW. Sound design, loops, recordings made on some of my trips, sequence programming and a good part of improvisation is shaping this album made in my different Phases & States during this time ago."

Artist : Rene Lorenzo

Label : Shimmering Moods