Carlos Cipa // The Book of Sounds 2xLP

Carlos Cipa // The Book of Sounds 2xLP

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ドイツのピアニストCarlos Cipaが、2025年2月に自主リリースした2枚組レコードです。


以下、Bastian Zimmermannによる解説です。

"ピアニストCarlos Cipaによるピアノの親密な探求、つまりCipaの指がピアノの鍵盤を押さえる瞬間の音に耳を傾ける方法である。
作曲家でありピアニストでもあるハンス・オッテが1979年から1982年にかけて創作した『The Book of Sounds』は、作曲家自身が言うように、12の「小品」からなる1時間の振り子楽章である。和音とメロディーが、時には速く、時にはゆっくりと繰り返される。和声的なカデンツで互いに追いかけながら、決して消滅することはない。

『The Book of Sounds』は、アメリカのミニマリズムのコンサート音楽に対するヨーロッパとドイツの回答である。しかし、それはまた、当時の社会と人間のあり方に関する多くの疑問のエッセンスでもあった。1960年代から1980年代までブレーメンでラジオの編集者として、カールハインツ・シュトックハウゼンやその他の「偉大な」作曲家たちの作品をプロデュースし、委嘱していたことを考えると驚くべきことだ。

「『The Book of Sounds』は、「音に近づきたいと願うすべての人に捧げられる。そうすれば、音の中の音、生命の秘密を求めて、自分自身の共鳴を発見することができる。」

Carlos Cipaはこの新譜で時代の神経を逆撫でした。音楽が芸術となりうるかどうかは、今日でも議論の余地がある。この『Book of Sounds』は「芸術の証明」ではないし、その点では今日でも挑発的である。それは、作品と対峙する中で、感じ、体験し、そしておそらく自分自身を見いだすための素晴らしい招待状であり、しばらくの間、言説を煽るものではない。アートであることを望まないアート。それ以外は作曲家として登場するCarlos Cipaは、ここでオットーの意図した二重の意味での撤退のジェスチャーを実行し、創作者であると同時に解釈者としても後方に回り込み、『Book of Sounds』をリスナーの自宅のラウドスピーカーとヘッドフォンに一歩前進して遺す。"


2 x 12" black vinyl.


1. The Book of Sounds: Part 1 07:34
2. The Book of Sounds: Part 2 08:32
3. The Book of Sounds: Part 3 05:05
4. The Book of Sounds: Part 4 05:05
5. The Book of Sounds: Part 5 05:52
6. The Book of Sounds: Part 6 03:26
7. The Book of Sounds: Part 7 08:01
8. The Book of Sounds: Part 8 05:09
9. The Book of Sounds: Part 9 02:46
10. The Book of Sounds: Part 10 11:49 video
11. The Book of Sounds: Part 11 03:30
12. The Book of Sounds: Part 12 04:33
13. The Book of Sounds: Part 9 (Alternate Version) 03:04
14. The Book of Sounds: Part 10 (Alternate Version) 10:40
15. The Book of Sounds: Part 11 (Alternate Version) 03:30

Text via the label : 

"The new recording of The Book of Sounds is an intimate exploration of the piano by pianist Carlos Cipa - a way of looking into the sound, of listening into the moment when Cipa's fingers press down on the piano keys.
The Book of Sounds, created between 1979 and 1982 by composer and pianist Hans Otte, is a musical pendulum movement of one hour in twelve 'pieces', as the composer himself describes them. Chords and melodies repeat themselves, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly;
they follow each other in harmonic cadences and yet never dissolve - a timeless back and forth.
The Book of Sounds is the European-German answer to the concert music of American minimalism. But it is also the essence of many questions about society and the human condition at that time. Not very fond of hierarchical thinking, Otte manifested an alternative to the virtuoso genius habitus of composers - astonishing when you consider that he produced and commissioned works by Karlheinz Stockhausen and other 'greats' as a radio editor in Bremen from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Otte spent three years composing the 12 pieces, and seldom have simple chords and melodies been so selectively staged. It is a process of endless reduction - no wild sound dramaturgies, no climaxes, hardly any beginning or end. The interpreting pianist, and in the case of the first recording it was Otte himself, simply prepares a tableaux of perception for the listener.
A withdrawal of the author, a personal signatur should not be recognizable. Cipa naturally sets accents; he recorded the 12 pieces on three different pianos - a Steinway grand piano, a Yamaha upright piano, and a Yamaha CP-70, an early electric piano - to help shape the tonal characteristics.
Inspired by Zen Buddhism, Otte was convinced that a return to simplicity, to the unagitated - a piano, harmonic cadences, a middle register - frees the listener to focus on what is really important in art: the human being. Introspection begins with listening. Today it is called deep listening. Otte himself formulated it as follows:
The Book of Sounds is "dedicated to all those who want to be close to the sounds, so that they can uncover their own resonance in search of the sound of sounds, the secret of life."
Carlos Cipa hits the nerve of the times with this new recording. What music can be as art is still up for debate today. The Book of Sounds is not 'art-proof' and in this it is still a provocation today; absolutely unspectacular and practising relaxation. It is a wonderful invitation to feel, experience, and perhaps even find oneself in the confrontation with the work - and for a moment not to fuel the discourse. Art that doesn't want to be art. Cipa, who otherwise appears as a composer himself, here carries out Otte's intended gesture of withdrawal in a double sense and steps into the background as creator but also interpreter, in order to bequeath The Book of Sounds to the loudspeakers and headphones at home in one step forward."

Artist : Carlos Cipa

Label : Self-released

CAT No : CC003

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ドイツのピアニストCarlos Cipaが、2025年2月に自主リリースした2枚組レコードです。


以下、Bastian Zimmermannによる解説です。

"ピアニストCarlos Cipaによるピアノの親密な探求、つまりCipaの指がピアノの鍵盤を押さえる瞬間の音に耳を傾ける方法である。
作曲家でありピアニストでもあるハンス・オッテが1979年から1982年にかけて創作した『The Book of Sounds』は、作曲家自身が言うように、12の「小品」からなる1時間の振り子楽章である。和音とメロディーが、時には速く、時にはゆっくりと繰り返される。和声的なカデンツで互いに追いかけながら、決して消滅することはない。

『The Book of Sounds』は、アメリカのミニマリズムのコンサート音楽に対するヨーロッパとドイツの回答である。しかし、それはまた、当時の社会と人間のあり方に関する多くの疑問のエッセンスでもあった。1960年代から1980年代までブレーメンでラジオの編集者として、カールハインツ・シュトックハウゼンやその他の「偉大な」作曲家たちの作品をプロデュースし、委嘱していたことを考えると驚くべきことだ。

「『The Book of Sounds』は、「音に近づきたいと願うすべての人に捧げられる。そうすれば、音の中の音、生命の秘密を求めて、自分自身の共鳴を発見することができる。」

Carlos Cipaはこの新譜で時代の神経を逆撫でした。音楽が芸術となりうるかどうかは、今日でも議論の余地がある。この『Book of Sounds』は「芸術の証明」ではないし、その点では今日でも挑発的である。それは、作品と対峙する中で、感じ、体験し、そしておそらく自分自身を見いだすための素晴らしい招待状であり、しばらくの間、言説を煽るものではない。アートであることを望まないアート。それ以外は作曲家として登場するCarlos Cipaは、ここでオットーの意図した二重の意味での撤退のジェスチャーを実行し、創作者であると同時に解釈者としても後方に回り込み、『Book of Sounds』をリスナーの自宅のラウドスピーカーとヘッドフォンに一歩前進して遺す。"


2 x 12" black vinyl.


1. The Book of Sounds: Part 1 07:34
2. The Book of Sounds: Part 2 08:32
3. The Book of Sounds: Part 3 05:05
4. The Book of Sounds: Part 4 05:05
5. The Book of Sounds: Part 5 05:52
6. The Book of Sounds: Part 6 03:26
7. The Book of Sounds: Part 7 08:01
8. The Book of Sounds: Part 8 05:09
9. The Book of Sounds: Part 9 02:46
10. The Book of Sounds: Part 10 11:49 video
11. The Book of Sounds: Part 11 03:30
12. The Book of Sounds: Part 12 04:33
13. The Book of Sounds: Part 9 (Alternate Version) 03:04
14. The Book of Sounds: Part 10 (Alternate Version) 10:40
15. The Book of Sounds: Part 11 (Alternate Version) 03:30

Text via the label : 

"The new recording of The Book of Sounds is an intimate exploration of the piano by pianist Carlos Cipa - a way of looking into the sound, of listening into the moment when Cipa's fingers press down on the piano keys.
The Book of Sounds, created between 1979 and 1982 by composer and pianist Hans Otte, is a musical pendulum movement of one hour in twelve 'pieces', as the composer himself describes them. Chords and melodies repeat themselves, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly;
they follow each other in harmonic cadences and yet never dissolve - a timeless back and forth.
The Book of Sounds is the European-German answer to the concert music of American minimalism. But it is also the essence of many questions about society and the human condition at that time. Not very fond of hierarchical thinking, Otte manifested an alternative to the virtuoso genius habitus of composers - astonishing when you consider that he produced and commissioned works by Karlheinz Stockhausen and other 'greats' as a radio editor in Bremen from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Otte spent three years composing the 12 pieces, and seldom have simple chords and melodies been so selectively staged. It is a process of endless reduction - no wild sound dramaturgies, no climaxes, hardly any beginning or end. The interpreting pianist, and in the case of the first recording it was Otte himself, simply prepares a tableaux of perception for the listener.
A withdrawal of the author, a personal signatur should not be recognizable. Cipa naturally sets accents; he recorded the 12 pieces on three different pianos - a Steinway grand piano, a Yamaha upright piano, and a Yamaha CP-70, an early electric piano - to help shape the tonal characteristics.
Inspired by Zen Buddhism, Otte was convinced that a return to simplicity, to the unagitated - a piano, harmonic cadences, a middle register - frees the listener to focus on what is really important in art: the human being. Introspection begins with listening. Today it is called deep listening. Otte himself formulated it as follows:
The Book of Sounds is "dedicated to all those who want to be close to the sounds, so that they can uncover their own resonance in search of the sound of sounds, the secret of life."
Carlos Cipa hits the nerve of the times with this new recording. What music can be as art is still up for debate today. The Book of Sounds is not 'art-proof' and in this it is still a provocation today; absolutely unspectacular and practising relaxation. It is a wonderful invitation to feel, experience, and perhaps even find oneself in the confrontation with the work - and for a moment not to fuel the discourse. Art that doesn't want to be art. Cipa, who otherwise appears as a composer himself, here carries out Otte's intended gesture of withdrawal in a double sense and steps into the background as creator but also interpreter, in order to bequeath The Book of Sounds to the loudspeakers and headphones at home in one step forward."

Artist : Carlos Cipa

Label : Self-released

CAT No : CC003