SIIHHI // Totallo TAPE

SIIHHI // Totallo TAPE

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LAのアンビエント〜ニューエイジレーベルCudighi Records諸作をどかっと本邦初入荷しました。

本作は、Ikuisuusなどから発表しているSamuli Tannerが別名義SIIHHIで2020年7月にリリースしたカセットです。ビート強めですがSamuli節のポコポコ感は残っています。

Cudighi Records:

"With TOTALLO, SIIHHI (Samuli Tanner) indulges in top-shelf sonic tinkering as if given free rein to a bottomless toy chest and every noisemaker found within. After wrangling and subduing the perfect assortment of sounds, Tanner blends challenging digressions with memorable melodies, sunny tones with lethargic loops, all the while adding a glossy sheen that's wholly charming, inviting, and affable. Each track resembles an oil pastel left too long on the patio, a liquified Saturday morning cartoon, real or imagined."

Tristan Bath, The Quietus:

"Located somewhere between the sonic mulch of Quantum Natives’ open-ended electronics, People Like Us, and the shuffled swaying of the post-FlyLo beats landscape, SIIHHI’s music often sounds like it’s been left out in the sun too long, semi-molten."

Artist : SIIHHI

Label : Cudighi Records

LAのアンビエント〜ニューエイジレーベルCudighi Records諸作をどかっと本邦初入荷しました。

本作は、Ikuisuusなどから発表しているSamuli Tannerが別名義SIIHHIで2020年7月にリリースしたカセットです。ビート強めですがSamuli節のポコポコ感は残っています。

Cudighi Records:

"With TOTALLO, SIIHHI (Samuli Tanner) indulges in top-shelf sonic tinkering as if given free rein to a bottomless toy chest and every noisemaker found within. After wrangling and subduing the perfect assortment of sounds, Tanner blends challenging digressions with memorable melodies, sunny tones with lethargic loops, all the while adding a glossy sheen that's wholly charming, inviting, and affable. Each track resembles an oil pastel left too long on the patio, a liquified Saturday morning cartoon, real or imagined."

Tristan Bath, The Quietus:

"Located somewhere between the sonic mulch of Quantum Natives’ open-ended electronics, People Like Us, and the shuffled swaying of the post-FlyLo beats landscape, SIIHHI’s music often sounds like it’s been left out in the sun too long, semi-molten."

Artist : SIIHHI

Label : Cudighi Records