Aaron Dilloway // Bhoot Ghar: Sounds Of The Kathmandu Horror House TAPE

Aaron Dilloway // Bhoot Ghar: Sounds Of The Kathmandu Horror House TAPE

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アメリカ・オハイオの実験/ノイズ作家Aaron Dilloway主宰レーベルHanson Records諸作を入荷しました。





1曲目・エントランスのサウンドトラック: お化け屋敷に入る道を歩くときに流れる音声。屋外の安物のPAスピーカーから流れている。この音声にリミックスはしておらず、エントランスのスピーカーから流れていたものをそのまま録音している。無音の瞬間もあるし、ただ粗雑なスピーカーの音もある。完璧だ。その真ん中にシンセ・トラックがあり、友人のルハイル・カイザーがインドの有名なホラーTV番組のイントロ音楽だと特定した。このコラージュを作った人に会いたいものだ。間違いなくヤラレているのだが、この極めてプロらしくない壊れたPAスピーカーを通して体験できて本当に良かった。


3曲目・バンパーカー: カトマンズ・ファンパークのバンパーカーの列に並ぶ私のボーナストラック。公園の他の乗り物と同様、この乗り物はあまりに速く、あまりに長く続く。

4曲目・ガチョウの餌やり: ブート・ガルの外には、フェンスで囲まれた小さな池があり、10羽ほどのガチョウがいる。ある日、私はたまたまホラーハウスを出た時に、ちょうどガチョウに餌をやっているところだった。ホラーハウス入口のサウンドトラックが鳴り響き、近くではサッカーの試合が実況付きで行われていた。


6曲目・バンパーカー: もうひとつの機械的カオスの録音。今回はレコーダーも一緒にバンパーカーの中に入っている。この手のものはスピードが速すぎる。

7曲目・観覧車のベルト: 観覧車のむき出しのベルトが作る素晴らしいリズム。私が乗った数分後にこのベルトが切れてしまい、その後しばらくの間、人々は頂上で立ち往生していた。

8曲目・カセットのみのボーナストラック: 息子と私が乗った 「BREAKDANCER 」は、またしてもスピードが速すぎて...長すぎる。小さな覗き穴のある小さなブースで、小さな男が担当していた。私たちが回転している間、彼は私にウィンクをした。私が気分が悪くなる前にテープは切れてしまったが、私がもううんざりし始めたのが聞こえるだろう...。ライド全体は約8分間続いた。3分後に気分が悪くなった。" 

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Hanson Records releases available at Tobira. 


C30 cassette in norelco case. Includes cassette-only bonus track. 


1. Bhoot Ghar: Entrance Soundtrack 07:23
2. Bhoot Ghar: Walk Through 2 05:30
3. Bumper Cars (In Line) 00:47
4. Geese Feeding Outside Bhoot Ghar 02:03
5. Bhoot Ghar: Walk Through 1 04:00
6. Bumper Cars (In Car) 03:48
7. Ferris Wheel Belt 01:13

Artist statement:

"Phone recordings from the Haunted House in the Kathmandu Fun Park in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Entrance Soundtrack: The audio playing as you walk the path to enter the Horror House... Being blasted out of a way cheap outdoor PA speaker which is seriously blown the fuck out. I did no remixing to this audio, this is the full recording of what was looping out of the entrance speaker. There are moments of silence and just crude ripping speaker sound. It's perfect. There is a synth track in the middle of it, that my friend Ruhail Qaisar identified as the intro music to a famous Indian horror TV show. I wish I could meet who put this collage together, it definitely fucked, though I'm really glad I got to experience it through this extremely unprofessional and broken ass PA speaker.

Walk Through 2: Walking through the pitch dark maze for my second time. Somewhere are motion sensors and when you pass them, bright light flashes, horrifying audio blasts and raw as fuck rusty machinery w/ old rotten rubber masks covered in spray paint and filth pop out at you...seriously looking like some old Survival Research Laboratories machinery that was left out in the dust & rain for 10+ years. A local Nepali couple make the walk through with us and are not having nearly as much fun as me.

Bumper Cars: Bonus track of me standing in line for the bumper cars at Kathmandu Fun Park. As with other rides at the park, these things go WAY TOO FAST, FOR WAY TOO LONG.

Geese Feeding: Outside of the Bhoot Ghar is a small fenced in pond with a dozen or so geese. I happened to leave the Horror House one day just as the geese were being fed. Here are the geese freaking out in meal time bliss as you can hear the horror house entrance soundtrack blaring in the background as well as a nearby soccer game w/ live commentary in progress.

Walk Through 1: My first walk through of the Bhoot Ghar. A lot of bumping into walls and laughing. I turned my phones light on at one point to find myself in an emtpry room dusty and littered with red and gold horror graffiti and a shitty old basket.

Bumper Cars: Another recording of mechanical chaos. This time the recorder is inside the bumper car with me. These things are going WAY TOO FAST.

Ferris Wheel Belt: A great rhythm made by the exposed belt of the ferris wheel. One of these broke just minutes after I rode it and people were stuck at the top for quite some time after.

CASSETTE ONLY BONUS TRACK: My son and I riding the "BREAKDANCER" a teacup spinning ride that again goes way too fast...for WAY TOO LONG. There was a little guy operating out of a small booth with a little peekaboo hole. During one of our spins he winks at me...you'll hear me notice. The tape cuts off before I got sick, but you can hear me starting to have enough... The entire ride went on for about 8 minutes. We started feeling sick after 3."

Artist : Aaron Dilloway

Label : Hanson Records

アメリカ・オハイオの実験/ノイズ作家Aaron Dilloway主宰レーベルHanson Records諸作を入荷しました。





1曲目・エントランスのサウンドトラック: お化け屋敷に入る道を歩くときに流れる音声。屋外の安物のPAスピーカーから流れている。この音声にリミックスはしておらず、エントランスのスピーカーから流れていたものをそのまま録音している。無音の瞬間もあるし、ただ粗雑なスピーカーの音もある。完璧だ。その真ん中にシンセ・トラックがあり、友人のルハイル・カイザーがインドの有名なホラーTV番組のイントロ音楽だと特定した。このコラージュを作った人に会いたいものだ。間違いなくヤラレているのだが、この極めてプロらしくない壊れたPAスピーカーを通して体験できて本当に良かった。


3曲目・バンパーカー: カトマンズ・ファンパークのバンパーカーの列に並ぶ私のボーナストラック。公園の他の乗り物と同様、この乗り物はあまりに速く、あまりに長く続く。

4曲目・ガチョウの餌やり: ブート・ガルの外には、フェンスで囲まれた小さな池があり、10羽ほどのガチョウがいる。ある日、私はたまたまホラーハウスを出た時に、ちょうどガチョウに餌をやっているところだった。ホラーハウス入口のサウンドトラックが鳴り響き、近くではサッカーの試合が実況付きで行われていた。


6曲目・バンパーカー: もうひとつの機械的カオスの録音。今回はレコーダーも一緒にバンパーカーの中に入っている。この手のものはスピードが速すぎる。

7曲目・観覧車のベルト: 観覧車のむき出しのベルトが作る素晴らしいリズム。私が乗った数分後にこのベルトが切れてしまい、その後しばらくの間、人々は頂上で立ち往生していた。

8曲目・カセットのみのボーナストラック: 息子と私が乗った 「BREAKDANCER 」は、またしてもスピードが速すぎて...長すぎる。小さな覗き穴のある小さなブースで、小さな男が担当していた。私たちが回転している間、彼は私にウィンクをした。私が気分が悪くなる前にテープは切れてしまったが、私がもううんざりし始めたのが聞こえるだろう...。ライド全体は約8分間続いた。3分後に気分が悪くなった。" 

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Hanson Records releases available at Tobira. 


C30 cassette in norelco case. Includes cassette-only bonus track. 


1. Bhoot Ghar: Entrance Soundtrack 07:23
2. Bhoot Ghar: Walk Through 2 05:30
3. Bumper Cars (In Line) 00:47
4. Geese Feeding Outside Bhoot Ghar 02:03
5. Bhoot Ghar: Walk Through 1 04:00
6. Bumper Cars (In Car) 03:48
7. Ferris Wheel Belt 01:13

Artist statement:

"Phone recordings from the Haunted House in the Kathmandu Fun Park in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Entrance Soundtrack: The audio playing as you walk the path to enter the Horror House... Being blasted out of a way cheap outdoor PA speaker which is seriously blown the fuck out. I did no remixing to this audio, this is the full recording of what was looping out of the entrance speaker. There are moments of silence and just crude ripping speaker sound. It's perfect. There is a synth track in the middle of it, that my friend Ruhail Qaisar identified as the intro music to a famous Indian horror TV show. I wish I could meet who put this collage together, it definitely fucked, though I'm really glad I got to experience it through this extremely unprofessional and broken ass PA speaker.

Walk Through 2: Walking through the pitch dark maze for my second time. Somewhere are motion sensors and when you pass them, bright light flashes, horrifying audio blasts and raw as fuck rusty machinery w/ old rotten rubber masks covered in spray paint and filth pop out at you...seriously looking like some old Survival Research Laboratories machinery that was left out in the dust & rain for 10+ years. A local Nepali couple make the walk through with us and are not having nearly as much fun as me.

Bumper Cars: Bonus track of me standing in line for the bumper cars at Kathmandu Fun Park. As with other rides at the park, these things go WAY TOO FAST, FOR WAY TOO LONG.

Geese Feeding: Outside of the Bhoot Ghar is a small fenced in pond with a dozen or so geese. I happened to leave the Horror House one day just as the geese were being fed. Here are the geese freaking out in meal time bliss as you can hear the horror house entrance soundtrack blaring in the background as well as a nearby soccer game w/ live commentary in progress.

Walk Through 1: My first walk through of the Bhoot Ghar. A lot of bumping into walls and laughing. I turned my phones light on at one point to find myself in an emtpry room dusty and littered with red and gold horror graffiti and a shitty old basket.

Bumper Cars: Another recording of mechanical chaos. This time the recorder is inside the bumper car with me. These things are going WAY TOO FAST.

Ferris Wheel Belt: A great rhythm made by the exposed belt of the ferris wheel. One of these broke just minutes after I rode it and people were stuck at the top for quite some time after.

CASSETTE ONLY BONUS TRACK: My son and I riding the "BREAKDANCER" a teacup spinning ride that again goes way too fast...for WAY TOO LONG. There was a little guy operating out of a small booth with a little peekaboo hole. During one of our spins he winks at me...you'll hear me notice. The tape cuts off before I got sick, but you can hear me starting to have enough... The entire ride went on for about 8 minutes. We started feeling sick after 3."

Artist : Aaron Dilloway

Label : Hanson Records