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尺八奏者Kenji Ikegamiが、2025年3月にリリースしたレコードです。



"日本古来のエスニック・ミュージックとアンビエント/エクスペリメンタルを独自の世界観で融合する尺八奏者、KENJI IKEGAMIによる最新作がリリース。
テリー・ライリーの精神を継承するチェロ奏者の瀬藤康嗣、アイヌの伝統楽器ムックリの奏者UtaEとの共演による長尺曲を2曲収録。Chee Shimizuプロデュース作品。

山に入り真竹を掘り出し、自ら制作した「地無し尺八」を吹くKENJI IKEGAMI。ブライアン・イーノの「Music For Airport」のように幾重にもレイヤーされた尺八のロング・トーン、テリー・ライリーの精神を継承するチェロ奏者、瀬藤康嗣の変幻自在な即興演奏が浮遊する近未来的ドローン・アンビエント「Kannon(観音)」。尺八が描くパースペクティブな音像に、UtaEが演奏するムックリのビブラートが太陽光線のごとく降り注ぐエスニック・アンビエント「Raven(渡鴉)」。虚無僧よりはじまる地無し尺八の歴史伝統に敬意を表しながら、あらたな息吹を吹き込むKENJI IKEGAMIの音楽は、太古と未来の時空を今に繋ぐ。(Chee Shimizu) "


Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl.


1. KANNON      19:02
2. RAVEN       16:24

Text by Gigi Masin:

"I'll be terribly honest: those two tracks are the deepest and most intense I've heard from a long time, a vibrant sound that takes hold of your attention and takes you far, but without moving a step, as if it sounded inside, touching hidden and alive chords. Beauty, like a long breath, a story that the sea gives us, fast clouds that announce spring, wind that smells of flowers and meadows and a thousand leaves of dancing trees.... Gorgeous music that speaks to the heart."

Artist bio:

"Kenji Ikegami started playing shakuhachi since 2004, with playing Komujakuhachi(Honkyoku), as his lifework.
While he focuses on the komujakuhachi, his music performance incorporating primitive music techniques,improvisation, and drone music. He also provides these sound sources to track makers.
For seeking more original sounds, he started making shakuhachi.After eight years of craftsmanship training, he started his original shakuhachi brand “Ikegami Meiji Jinashi'' in 2018.Each Ikegami Jinashi is handcrafted, focusing on producing the bamboo's natural sounds. Ikegami Jinashi creates an organic sound full of brilliant richness and depth when you play the instrument and has gained recognition by Shakuhachi Honkyoku players.
Currently, he has started a project to make bamboo forest from scratch and expanding the possibility of creating sounds from nature."



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尺八奏者Kenji Ikegamiが、2025年3月にリリースしたレコードです。



"日本古来のエスニック・ミュージックとアンビエント/エクスペリメンタルを独自の世界観で融合する尺八奏者、KENJI IKEGAMIによる最新作がリリース。
テリー・ライリーの精神を継承するチェロ奏者の瀬藤康嗣、アイヌの伝統楽器ムックリの奏者UtaEとの共演による長尺曲を2曲収録。Chee Shimizuプロデュース作品。

山に入り真竹を掘り出し、自ら制作した「地無し尺八」を吹くKENJI IKEGAMI。ブライアン・イーノの「Music For Airport」のように幾重にもレイヤーされた尺八のロング・トーン、テリー・ライリーの精神を継承するチェロ奏者、瀬藤康嗣の変幻自在な即興演奏が浮遊する近未来的ドローン・アンビエント「Kannon(観音)」。尺八が描くパースペクティブな音像に、UtaEが演奏するムックリのビブラートが太陽光線のごとく降り注ぐエスニック・アンビエント「Raven(渡鴉)」。虚無僧よりはじまる地無し尺八の歴史伝統に敬意を表しながら、あらたな息吹を吹き込むKENJI IKEGAMIの音楽は、太古と未来の時空を今に繋ぐ。(Chee Shimizu) "


Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl.


1. KANNON      19:02
2. RAVEN       16:24

Text by Gigi Masin:

"I'll be terribly honest: those two tracks are the deepest and most intense I've heard from a long time, a vibrant sound that takes hold of your attention and takes you far, but without moving a step, as if it sounded inside, touching hidden and alive chords. Beauty, like a long breath, a story that the sea gives us, fast clouds that announce spring, wind that smells of flowers and meadows and a thousand leaves of dancing trees.... Gorgeous music that speaks to the heart."

Artist bio:

"Kenji Ikegami started playing shakuhachi since 2004, with playing Komujakuhachi(Honkyoku), as his lifework.
While he focuses on the komujakuhachi, his music performance incorporating primitive music techniques,improvisation, and drone music. He also provides these sound sources to track makers.
For seeking more original sounds, he started making shakuhachi.After eight years of craftsmanship training, he started his original shakuhachi brand “Ikegami Meiji Jinashi'' in 2018.Each Ikegami Jinashi is handcrafted, focusing on producing the bamboo's natural sounds. Ikegami Jinashi creates an organic sound full of brilliant richness and depth when you play the instrument and has gained recognition by Shakuhachi Honkyoku players.
Currently, he has started a project to make bamboo forest from scratch and expanding the possibility of creating sounds from nature."