Jeremiah Chiu // In Electric Time LP [BLACK / COLOR]

Jeremiah Chiu // In Electric Time LP [BLACK / COLOR]

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アメリカ・LAのモジュラー奏者Jeremiah Chiuが、2024年1月に同国シカゴのジャズレーベルInternational Anthemからリリースしたレコードです。




"2023年6月29日、Jeremiah Chiuはロサンゼルスのハイランドパークにあるヴィンテージ・シンセサイザー・ミュージアム(VSM)に入った。VSMの膨大なクラシックシンセサイザー、レアシンセサイザー、定番シンセサイザーのコレクションを探索し、VSMの創設者兼キュレーターであるランス・ヒルの助けを借りながら、マシンのシーケンス、トリガー、レイヤーを重ねていった。

ヒルはこう振り返る: 「Jeremiahはエンジニアが来る前に到着した。彼がグリーマン・ペンタフォニックにサウンドとシーケンスをプログラムし始める前に、私たちは5分ほど話をしました。エンジニアが来るまでに、Jeremiahはグリーマンの周りに他のパーツをいくつか作っていて、それらはどんなコントロール方法でも同期していなかったが、ただ互いに呼び合って反応しているように聴こえた。彼らはタスカム388をパッチベイに接続し、録音を開始した。Jeremiahはそれで演奏し、それで終わった。1時間足らずで書き上げ、録音した最初の作品。それは自然で、楽しく、自由な感じだった。そして、セッションの残りはほとんどそうだった。常に恍惚とした動き。私が携わったノンヒップホップのセッションで一番楽しかった」。

Jeremiahはこう振り返る:「出来上がったアルバム『In Electric Time』は、わずか2日間でレコーディングされ、その後2日間で編集が完了した。エンジニアのベン・ラムスデインによって完全アナログ録音され、彼自身も数曲で演奏に参加している。ビッチン・バハスのクーパー・クレインも出演しているが、結局のところ、この作品集は、Chiuが一人でコンセプトを練り、文脈の中で創り上げたオーガニックなエレクトロニックミュージックの直感的な表現である。ある意味では、『In Electric Time』は、レイモンド・スコットのエレクトロニック・スタジオ・レコーディングの直截さ(シャープなカットや部屋の雑踏など)を反映しており、またある意味では、『ハルモニア』の瞬間的なマジックを想起させる。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more International Anthem releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files.


  1. ElectroComp 101 01:44
  2. Seawater Swell 04:31
  3. For Voices 01:09
  4. Rococco Rondo 07:32
  5. A Cloud Song 02:18
  6. Rhythm Bell 01:44
  7. Brush with Thin Air 03:55
  8. Rhythm Serge 01:24
  9. Static Stone Railway 02:27
  10. Transparent Spheres 05:17
  11. Echo Arp Hold 01:07
  12. In Electric Time 04:23 video

International Anthem:

"On June 29th, 2023, Jeremiah Chiu walked into the Vintage Synthesizer Museum (VSM) in Highland Park, Los Angeles, with no plan more specific than “let’s fire this stuff up and see what happens.” Exploring the VSM’s vast collection of classic, rare and staple synthesizers, he would sequence, trigger, and layer the machines together with help from VSM founder/curator Lance Hill.

Hill recalls: "Jeremiah arrived before the engineer showed up. We talked for maybe 5 minutes before he started programming a sound and sequence into the Gleeman Pentaphonic. By the time the engineer showed up, Jeremiah had built several other parts around the Gleeman that weren't synced by any control method but sounded like they were just calling and responding to each other. They plugged the Tascam 388 into the patch bay, and hit record. Jeremiah played with it, and that was it. First piece written and recorded in under an hour. It felt natural, fun and free. And that's pretty much how the rest of the session went. Constant ecstatic motion. It was the funnest non-HipHop session I've ever worked on."

The resulting album – In Electric Time - was recorded in just two days, and edited to completion in the two days following. It was captured fully analog by engineer Ben Lumsdaine, who ​​contributes performances on a few tracks himself. Cooper Crain (of Bitchin Bajas) makes an appearance as well; but ultimately the collection is an intuitive expression of organic electronic music conceptualized and created in-context by Chiu alone, as he calls on a lifetime of work in sound synthesis to paint a fulgent, refreshingly undercut sequence of cinematic sketches and in-process themes. In some ways, In Electric Time reflects the directness of Raymond Scott’s electronic studio recordings — with sharp cuts and room chatter — and, in others, it conjures the in-the-moment magic of Harmonia.

About the work, Chiu says: “The approach to the improvisations was to embrace the mixer setups at VSM — where a section of synthesizers are all routed to a single mixer/patchbay — and to start at one end of the studio and work our way around the six different sections. I began with the synths I was most familiar with — or had spent years researching — and was fairly certain I could reign in quickly. When working with vintage gear, there's always a sweet spot where the instrument sings in a unique way. This may be the idiosyncrasies of its filter and how it resonates, the action of the keys, the ability to trigger and use control voltage to sequence, or the unique onboard features. I love finding the moments where a melody or rhythm appears in an unexpected way — at times feeling more like archaeology than sculpture. I was quite improvisatory with the editing as well, often pulling bits from distinctly different sections in dialogue with each other, in order to maintain the raw, spontaneous feeling. I loved hearing moments in the recordings when Ben started or stopped tape, so a take that was running long and beyond its moment would hit directly against a fresh idea.”

Artist : Jeremiah Chiu

Label : International Anthem

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アメリカ・LAのモジュラー奏者Jeremiah Chiuが、2024年1月に同国シカゴのジャズレーベルInternational Anthemからリリースしたレコードです。




"2023年6月29日、Jeremiah Chiuはロサンゼルスのハイランドパークにあるヴィンテージ・シンセサイザー・ミュージアム(VSM)に入った。VSMの膨大なクラシックシンセサイザー、レアシンセサイザー、定番シンセサイザーのコレクションを探索し、VSMの創設者兼キュレーターであるランス・ヒルの助けを借りながら、マシンのシーケンス、トリガー、レイヤーを重ねていった。

ヒルはこう振り返る: 「Jeremiahはエンジニアが来る前に到着した。彼がグリーマン・ペンタフォニックにサウンドとシーケンスをプログラムし始める前に、私たちは5分ほど話をしました。エンジニアが来るまでに、Jeremiahはグリーマンの周りに他のパーツをいくつか作っていて、それらはどんなコントロール方法でも同期していなかったが、ただ互いに呼び合って反応しているように聴こえた。彼らはタスカム388をパッチベイに接続し、録音を開始した。Jeremiahはそれで演奏し、それで終わった。1時間足らずで書き上げ、録音した最初の作品。それは自然で、楽しく、自由な感じだった。そして、セッションの残りはほとんどそうだった。常に恍惚とした動き。私が携わったノンヒップホップのセッションで一番楽しかった」。

Jeremiahはこう振り返る:「出来上がったアルバム『In Electric Time』は、わずか2日間でレコーディングされ、その後2日間で編集が完了した。エンジニアのベン・ラムスデインによって完全アナログ録音され、彼自身も数曲で演奏に参加している。ビッチン・バハスのクーパー・クレインも出演しているが、結局のところ、この作品集は、Chiuが一人でコンセプトを練り、文脈の中で創り上げたオーガニックなエレクトロニックミュージックの直感的な表現である。ある意味では、『In Electric Time』は、レイモンド・スコットのエレクトロニック・スタジオ・レコーディングの直截さ(シャープなカットや部屋の雑踏など)を反映しており、またある意味では、『ハルモニア』の瞬間的なマジックを想起させる。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more International Anthem releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files.


  1. ElectroComp 101 01:44
  2. Seawater Swell 04:31
  3. For Voices 01:09
  4. Rococco Rondo 07:32
  5. A Cloud Song 02:18
  6. Rhythm Bell 01:44
  7. Brush with Thin Air 03:55
  8. Rhythm Serge 01:24
  9. Static Stone Railway 02:27
  10. Transparent Spheres 05:17
  11. Echo Arp Hold 01:07
  12. In Electric Time 04:23 video

International Anthem:

"On June 29th, 2023, Jeremiah Chiu walked into the Vintage Synthesizer Museum (VSM) in Highland Park, Los Angeles, with no plan more specific than “let’s fire this stuff up and see what happens.” Exploring the VSM’s vast collection of classic, rare and staple synthesizers, he would sequence, trigger, and layer the machines together with help from VSM founder/curator Lance Hill.

Hill recalls: "Jeremiah arrived before the engineer showed up. We talked for maybe 5 minutes before he started programming a sound and sequence into the Gleeman Pentaphonic. By the time the engineer showed up, Jeremiah had built several other parts around the Gleeman that weren't synced by any control method but sounded like they were just calling and responding to each other. They plugged the Tascam 388 into the patch bay, and hit record. Jeremiah played with it, and that was it. First piece written and recorded in under an hour. It felt natural, fun and free. And that's pretty much how the rest of the session went. Constant ecstatic motion. It was the funnest non-HipHop session I've ever worked on."

The resulting album – In Electric Time - was recorded in just two days, and edited to completion in the two days following. It was captured fully analog by engineer Ben Lumsdaine, who ​​contributes performances on a few tracks himself. Cooper Crain (of Bitchin Bajas) makes an appearance as well; but ultimately the collection is an intuitive expression of organic electronic music conceptualized and created in-context by Chiu alone, as he calls on a lifetime of work in sound synthesis to paint a fulgent, refreshingly undercut sequence of cinematic sketches and in-process themes. In some ways, In Electric Time reflects the directness of Raymond Scott’s electronic studio recordings — with sharp cuts and room chatter — and, in others, it conjures the in-the-moment magic of Harmonia.

About the work, Chiu says: “The approach to the improvisations was to embrace the mixer setups at VSM — where a section of synthesizers are all routed to a single mixer/patchbay — and to start at one end of the studio and work our way around the six different sections. I began with the synths I was most familiar with — or had spent years researching — and was fairly certain I could reign in quickly. When working with vintage gear, there's always a sweet spot where the instrument sings in a unique way. This may be the idiosyncrasies of its filter and how it resonates, the action of the keys, the ability to trigger and use control voltage to sequence, or the unique onboard features. I love finding the moments where a melody or rhythm appears in an unexpected way — at times feeling more like archaeology than sculpture. I was quite improvisatory with the editing as well, often pulling bits from distinctly different sections in dialogue with each other, in order to maintain the raw, spontaneous feeling. I loved hearing moments in the recordings when Ben started or stopped tape, so a take that was running long and beyond its moment would hit directly against a fresh idea.”

Artist : Jeremiah Chiu

Label : International Anthem