Aleksandra Słyż // A Vibrant Touch TAPE

Aleksandra Słyż // A Vibrant Touch TAPE

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ポーランド・ポズナンの音響作家Aleksandra Słyż が、2022年9月にスロバキアの実験/アンビエントレーベルWarm Winterから70本限定でリリースしたカセットです。



ポーランド人作曲家Aleksandra SłyżがWarm Winters Ltd.から2枚目のフルアルバム『A Vibrant Touch』をリリースしました。Pointless Geometryからリリースされたデビュー作『Human Glory』では、2つの異なるアプローチとテクニックを探求しましたが、ここでは、アコースティックと合成音の間につながりを見出し、豊かなドローン構造を作り、ゆっくりとしかし激しく脈打ち、周囲の空間とリスナーの中で共鳴する、彼女独自の道を進んでいることがわかります。

「私は、音とその動きを通して経験する身体感覚に関連するプロセスに非常に魅了されています。私は常に音を物理的な現象として、エネルギーの波として、文字通り感じ、物理的に体験できる振動として認識してきました」と彼女は話します。「そのため、当初から特定のアコースティック楽器の録音を使いたいと考えていました。Słyżと彼女のモジュラーシンセサイザーに加わるのは、バイオリン(Kosma Műller)、ビオラ(Kamil Babka)、チェロ(Anna Szmatoła)、アルトサックス(Marcus Wärnheim)の4人組の演奏家たちです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Warm Winters Ltd. releases available at Tobira.


Includes DL code.

Warm Winters Ltd.:

"Polish composer Aleksandra Słyż joins Warm Winters Ltd. with A Vibrant Touch, her second full-length album. While her debut Human Glory released by Pointless Geometry explored two distinct approaches and techniques, here she finds her unique path forward: finding connections between acoustic and synthetic sounds, creating rich drone structures, slowly but intensely pulsing and resonating within the surrounding space and within each listener.

“I am very much fascinated by the processes related to the body sensations experienced through sound and its movement. I have always perceived sound as a physical phenomenon, travelling as waves of energy, as vibrations which we can literally feel and physically experience,” she shares. “Therefore, from the very beginning I wanted to use recordings of specific acoustic instruments, which in my opinion beautifully represent the motion itself.” Joining Słyż and her modular synthesizer on A Vibrant Touch is a quartet of musicians playing violin (Kosma Műller), viola (Kamil Babka), cello (Anna Szmatoła) and alto saxophone (Marcus Wärnheim).

The three pieces on the album explore the physicality of sound of these instruments – like the way a finger or bow presses down on the string of a cello, or the air pressure in the saxophone when someone blows inside it – as they intertwine with expert navigation of modular synthesizers by Słyż. Drawing on the work of 20th century spectral composers like Grisey or Scelsi, just intonation, drone music and microtonality for inspiration, the Polish composer uses dissonance, tension and pulse with incredible grace and power.

She opens the proceedings with the patient, gliding and stirring piece “Healing”. “The Ruthless Act” is slightly more ominous and grainy, as the cello and modular synthesizer mimic each other's movements to disorienting effect. The final piece “Softness, Flashes, Floating Rage” is a monumental composition lasting almost 26 minutes, a crowning jewel of the album. Słyż and the instrumentalists are exceedingly patient as the piece slowly unravels into a brutal, heart- and ear-shattering climax. It's a testament to her compositional prowess, that a piece of this length is imbued with so much weight and elegance."


Artist bio (via the label):

"Aleksandra Słyż is a Polish composer, sound designer and sound engineer currently moving between Stockholm, Sweden and Poznań, Poland. She has soundtracked and created sound design for multiple films, worked on various installations, and composed music for different ensembles. She has performed at many experimental music festivals, including Unsound Festival (Krakow), Ephemera Festival (Warsaw), Avant Art Festival (Wroclaw), Between Festival (Stockholm), Idealistic Festival (Copenhagen), Kiev Music Fest (Kiev), Open Source Art Festival (Sopot), Sanaatorium of Sound (Sokolowsko), UNG Nordisk Musik Festival (Pitea) and others."

Artist : Aleksandra Słyż

Label : Warm Winters Ltd. 

ポーランド・ポズナンの音響作家Aleksandra Słyż が、2022年9月にスロバキアの実験/アンビエントレーベルWarm Winterから70本限定でリリースしたカセットです。



ポーランド人作曲家Aleksandra SłyżがWarm Winters Ltd.から2枚目のフルアルバム『A Vibrant Touch』をリリースしました。Pointless Geometryからリリースされたデビュー作『Human Glory』では、2つの異なるアプローチとテクニックを探求しましたが、ここでは、アコースティックと合成音の間につながりを見出し、豊かなドローン構造を作り、ゆっくりとしかし激しく脈打ち、周囲の空間とリスナーの中で共鳴する、彼女独自の道を進んでいることがわかります。

「私は、音とその動きを通して経験する身体感覚に関連するプロセスに非常に魅了されています。私は常に音を物理的な現象として、エネルギーの波として、文字通り感じ、物理的に体験できる振動として認識してきました」と彼女は話します。「そのため、当初から特定のアコースティック楽器の録音を使いたいと考えていました。Słyżと彼女のモジュラーシンセサイザーに加わるのは、バイオリン(Kosma Műller)、ビオラ(Kamil Babka)、チェロ(Anna Szmatoła)、アルトサックス(Marcus Wärnheim)の4人組の演奏家たちです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Warm Winters Ltd. releases available at Tobira.


Includes DL code.

Warm Winters Ltd.:

"Polish composer Aleksandra Słyż joins Warm Winters Ltd. with A Vibrant Touch, her second full-length album. While her debut Human Glory released by Pointless Geometry explored two distinct approaches and techniques, here she finds her unique path forward: finding connections between acoustic and synthetic sounds, creating rich drone structures, slowly but intensely pulsing and resonating within the surrounding space and within each listener.

“I am very much fascinated by the processes related to the body sensations experienced through sound and its movement. I have always perceived sound as a physical phenomenon, travelling as waves of energy, as vibrations which we can literally feel and physically experience,” she shares. “Therefore, from the very beginning I wanted to use recordings of specific acoustic instruments, which in my opinion beautifully represent the motion itself.” Joining Słyż and her modular synthesizer on A Vibrant Touch is a quartet of musicians playing violin (Kosma Műller), viola (Kamil Babka), cello (Anna Szmatoła) and alto saxophone (Marcus Wärnheim).

The three pieces on the album explore the physicality of sound of these instruments – like the way a finger or bow presses down on the string of a cello, or the air pressure in the saxophone when someone blows inside it – as they intertwine with expert navigation of modular synthesizers by Słyż. Drawing on the work of 20th century spectral composers like Grisey or Scelsi, just intonation, drone music and microtonality for inspiration, the Polish composer uses dissonance, tension and pulse with incredible grace and power.

She opens the proceedings with the patient, gliding and stirring piece “Healing”. “The Ruthless Act” is slightly more ominous and grainy, as the cello and modular synthesizer mimic each other's movements to disorienting effect. The final piece “Softness, Flashes, Floating Rage” is a monumental composition lasting almost 26 minutes, a crowning jewel of the album. Słyż and the instrumentalists are exceedingly patient as the piece slowly unravels into a brutal, heart- and ear-shattering climax. It's a testament to her compositional prowess, that a piece of this length is imbued with so much weight and elegance."


Artist bio (via the label):

"Aleksandra Słyż is a Polish composer, sound designer and sound engineer currently moving between Stockholm, Sweden and Poznań, Poland. She has soundtracked and created sound design for multiple films, worked on various installations, and composed music for different ensembles. She has performed at many experimental music festivals, including Unsound Festival (Krakow), Ephemera Festival (Warsaw), Avant Art Festival (Wroclaw), Between Festival (Stockholm), Idealistic Festival (Copenhagen), Kiev Music Fest (Kiev), Open Source Art Festival (Sopot), Sanaatorium of Sound (Sokolowsko), UNG Nordisk Musik Festival (Pitea) and others."

Artist : Aleksandra Słyż

Label : Warm Winters Ltd.