Himmelrum // Indersiden udad demoer TAPE
- Availability:
デンマーク・コペンハーゲンのインディーロックバンドHimmelrumが、2023年6月にコペンハーゲンのアンビエントレーベルForlaget Kornmodから100本限定でリリースしたカセットです。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Forlaget Kornmod releases available at Tobira.
Includes DL code.
Tape in slipcase - each cover is unique and hand-drawn.
- Solen ville ik' gå ned 05:03
- Zeas måne 04:56
- Den milde sandhed 06:06
- Vendt på vrangen 07:15
- Diablo 03:58
- Gammaugle 04:57
- Skygger og blæk 05:58
- Vuggevise (online only) 04:09
- Klar OP! 03:50
- Grønne Tæppe 05:28
- Pak mig ud 02:49
- Krybdyr 01:53
- Irakli 03:08
- Solen 05:00
- Gammaugle 01:08
- Øjne som vand 04:05
- Lilla Ovel 02:59
- Medicin 02:27
Forlaget Kornmod:
"This tape is a collection of demos and tape-experiments recorded doing the writing process of Himmelrums album Indersiden Udad. While the studio album is heavily focused on the band’s beautiful songwriting, this tape is a lot more sprawling and experimental. On this tape you’ll find everything from drum n bass beats, Lo-fi folk songs, to almost psychedelic rock music. But in my opinion, this tape also captures some of the bands most Beautiful and heartfelt recordings. And somehow, I think the tape actually captures the very essence of this ever-exploring unit."
Artist : Himmelrum
Label : Forlaget Kornmod
デンマーク・コペンハーゲンのインディーロックバンドHimmelrumが、2023年6月にコペンハーゲンのアンビエントレーベルForlaget Kornmodから100本限定でリリースしたカセットです。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Forlaget Kornmod releases available at Tobira.
Includes DL code.
Tape in slipcase - each cover is unique and hand-drawn.
- Solen ville ik' gå ned 05:03
- Zeas måne 04:56
- Den milde sandhed 06:06
- Vendt på vrangen 07:15
- Diablo 03:58
- Gammaugle 04:57
- Skygger og blæk 05:58
- Vuggevise (online only) 04:09
- Klar OP! 03:50
- Grønne Tæppe 05:28
- Pak mig ud 02:49
- Krybdyr 01:53
- Irakli 03:08
- Solen 05:00
- Gammaugle 01:08
- Øjne som vand 04:05
- Lilla Ovel 02:59
- Medicin 02:27
Forlaget Kornmod:
"This tape is a collection of demos and tape-experiments recorded doing the writing process of Himmelrums album Indersiden Udad. While the studio album is heavily focused on the band’s beautiful songwriting, this tape is a lot more sprawling and experimental. On this tape you’ll find everything from drum n bass beats, Lo-fi folk songs, to almost psychedelic rock music. But in my opinion, this tape also captures some of the bands most Beautiful and heartfelt recordings. And somehow, I think the tape actually captures the very essence of this ever-exploring unit."
Artist : Himmelrum
Label : Forlaget Kornmod