Anatomy of the Heads // Unholy Spirits Light Divine TAPE

Anatomy of the Heads // Unholy Spirits Light Divine TAPE

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キリバス共和国・バナナのダンジョンシンセ・アンビエントトリオAnatomy of the Headsが、2022年10月に50本限定でリリースしたカセットです。



メッカの向こうの山地に棲む大龍を見よ。オスマントルコの災い。ワラキアの専制君主 ルーマニアの英雄 その庭で彼は宴を催している 肥沃な大地と荒れ狂う海の子!忘れ去られた献身的な行為として 今夜、我々は汝の名の下に グラスを掲げる。世界に死を!彼らは恐れを知らなければならない 男も女も子供も、若者も老人も、 神を知るためには死を味わわなければならない。彼らの恐怖は私たちのために 用意された寺院です 我々は彼らの司祭だからだ 死の恐怖を通してのみ、汝は真の栄光、力、強さを得る準備ができることを我々は知っている。天が崩れ、地が彼らを食い尽くしますように!夜はまだ浅い、汝の庭園からワインを注ぐのだ。千の神々が死と不死を入力した場所。セトの口を開いて 夜の子供達を呼び起こしなさい 彼らは何と美しい音楽を奏でるのでしょう 汝の門を開けよ 汝の軍に命じよ 生けるものが破滅を味わうまで 日夜攻めよ 呼びかけよ!地獄の門を破壊し、イブリス、シャイターン、そして穴の中の全ての悪魔を解き放つよう命じよ。疫病と衰弱で彼らを苦しめよ。急げ!アブラクサスと彼の天使の軍団に呼びかけろ人の体に悪を働かせ魂を毒殺するのだ すべての良いものが彼らに敵対するように喜びは悲しみに変わり、生命は死に変わる。彼らの身体、心、精神を苦しめ、彼らの身体を墓に、魂を外の暗闇に送り込むのだ。来て、遅れないように。快楽のために出掛けよう それが永遠の我らの命令だからである。


Includes DL code. 1st edition of 50. Hand numbered. 

'The soundtrack to Dracula's resurrection!'
- Countess Ophelia Von Seggrern (Feral Goat)

'30-minutes of sonic vampirism'
- Lord Inkogunyto (Decapitated Slime)

'Oh, what pleasures await the unsuspecting listener!'
- Grandvizir Metuzuh (Al-Malik al-Aswad)


Accompanying text:

"Behold the great dragon dwelling in the mountain lands beyond Mecca. Scourge of the Ottomans. Despot of Wallachia. Hero to Romania. There in his gardens he feasts. Child of fertile soils and raging seas! As an act in the forgotten art of devotion, tonight we raise our glasses in thy name. Death to the world! For they must know fear. Men, women and children, the young and old alike, must savour death to know the divine. Their fear is a temple that has been prepared for us. For we are their priests. We know that only through the fears of death will thy be ready to receive their true glory, power and strength. So may the sky collapse and the earth devour them! The night is still young, pour forth the wine from thy gardens. The place upon which a thousand gods have entered death and immortality. Open the mouths of Set and summon forth the children of the night. For what beautiful music they play. Fling open thy gates and command thy armies to assail the living day and night until all life tastes destruction. Give the call! Order the Gates of Hell to crumble and for Iblis, Shaitan and all the demons of the pit to be unleashed. Torment them with pestilence and feebleness. Make haste! Call upon Abraxas and his angelic legions to work evil upon the bodies of men and poison their souls. So that all good things will turn against them, that their joy will turn to sorrow and their life will turn to death. Plague their body, mind and spirit, to deliver their bodies into the grave and their souls into the outer darkness. Come and don't delay. Let us go out for pleasure! For such is our command, Eternal."


01. Lift Up Thy Chalice for a Thousand Tongues Exalt the Night
02. The Stars Proclaim, We Are the Kin of the Dragon
03. Come, Let Us Join in Cheerful Hunt
04. From the Depths of Woe, We Call Out to the Coffins
05. A Dirge of Cruel Shadows upon the Midnight Air
06. Alas! Miasma Shrouds and Carrion Winds
07. Moon-Thirst, Solemn and Majestic
08. Love Divine, an Immortal Prison of Grief

*For your listening pleasure, all movements are presented as one in The Tomb of Kitlab Al-Roh

Artist : Anatomy of the Heads

Label : Self-released

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キリバス共和国・バナナのダンジョンシンセ・アンビエントトリオAnatomy of the Headsが、2022年10月に50本限定でリリースしたカセットです。



メッカの向こうの山地に棲む大龍を見よ。オスマントルコの災い。ワラキアの専制君主 ルーマニアの英雄 その庭で彼は宴を催している 肥沃な大地と荒れ狂う海の子!忘れ去られた献身的な行為として 今夜、我々は汝の名の下に グラスを掲げる。世界に死を!彼らは恐れを知らなければならない 男も女も子供も、若者も老人も、 神を知るためには死を味わわなければならない。彼らの恐怖は私たちのために 用意された寺院です 我々は彼らの司祭だからだ 死の恐怖を通してのみ、汝は真の栄光、力、強さを得る準備ができることを我々は知っている。天が崩れ、地が彼らを食い尽くしますように!夜はまだ浅い、汝の庭園からワインを注ぐのだ。千の神々が死と不死を入力した場所。セトの口を開いて 夜の子供達を呼び起こしなさい 彼らは何と美しい音楽を奏でるのでしょう 汝の門を開けよ 汝の軍に命じよ 生けるものが破滅を味わうまで 日夜攻めよ 呼びかけよ!地獄の門を破壊し、イブリス、シャイターン、そして穴の中の全ての悪魔を解き放つよう命じよ。疫病と衰弱で彼らを苦しめよ。急げ!アブラクサスと彼の天使の軍団に呼びかけろ人の体に悪を働かせ魂を毒殺するのだ すべての良いものが彼らに敵対するように喜びは悲しみに変わり、生命は死に変わる。彼らの身体、心、精神を苦しめ、彼らの身体を墓に、魂を外の暗闇に送り込むのだ。来て、遅れないように。快楽のために出掛けよう それが永遠の我らの命令だからである。


Includes DL code. 1st edition of 50. Hand numbered. 

'The soundtrack to Dracula's resurrection!'
- Countess Ophelia Von Seggrern (Feral Goat)

'30-minutes of sonic vampirism'
- Lord Inkogunyto (Decapitated Slime)

'Oh, what pleasures await the unsuspecting listener!'
- Grandvizir Metuzuh (Al-Malik al-Aswad)


Accompanying text:

"Behold the great dragon dwelling in the mountain lands beyond Mecca. Scourge of the Ottomans. Despot of Wallachia. Hero to Romania. There in his gardens he feasts. Child of fertile soils and raging seas! As an act in the forgotten art of devotion, tonight we raise our glasses in thy name. Death to the world! For they must know fear. Men, women and children, the young and old alike, must savour death to know the divine. Their fear is a temple that has been prepared for us. For we are their priests. We know that only through the fears of death will thy be ready to receive their true glory, power and strength. So may the sky collapse and the earth devour them! The night is still young, pour forth the wine from thy gardens. The place upon which a thousand gods have entered death and immortality. Open the mouths of Set and summon forth the children of the night. For what beautiful music they play. Fling open thy gates and command thy armies to assail the living day and night until all life tastes destruction. Give the call! Order the Gates of Hell to crumble and for Iblis, Shaitan and all the demons of the pit to be unleashed. Torment them with pestilence and feebleness. Make haste! Call upon Abraxas and his angelic legions to work evil upon the bodies of men and poison their souls. So that all good things will turn against them, that their joy will turn to sorrow and their life will turn to death. Plague their body, mind and spirit, to deliver their bodies into the grave and their souls into the outer darkness. Come and don't delay. Let us go out for pleasure! For such is our command, Eternal."


01. Lift Up Thy Chalice for a Thousand Tongues Exalt the Night
02. The Stars Proclaim, We Are the Kin of the Dragon
03. Come, Let Us Join in Cheerful Hunt
04. From the Depths of Woe, We Call Out to the Coffins
05. A Dirge of Cruel Shadows upon the Midnight Air
06. Alas! Miasma Shrouds and Carrion Winds
07. Moon-Thirst, Solemn and Majestic
08. Love Divine, an Immortal Prison of Grief

*For your listening pleasure, all movements are presented as one in The Tomb of Kitlab Al-Roh

Artist : Anatomy of the Heads

Label : Self-released