Lucie Vítková // Cave Acoustics TAPE

Lucie Vítková // Cave Acoustics TAPE

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チェコ出身アメリカ・NY在住の実験音楽家Lucie Vítkováが、2023年7月にスロバキアの実験/オールジャンルレーベルMappaからリリースしたカセットです。


"2018年、ニューヨークを拠点に活動する作曲家で即興演奏家のLucie Vítkováは、チェコ共和国の洞窟とスロバキアの廃墟となったゴシック様式の教会でレコーディングを行った。彼らのアルバム『Cave Acoustics』は、これらのユニークな場所の物理性と音響の魅力的な探求と、家族の遺産とルーツという深く個人的なテーマが組み合わされている。


Hair Scoreは、兄弟の母親の死を、静謐な、そして少し不穏な揺れ動く儀式を通して処理しようとする試みであり、慟哭の波や緊急サイレンの音は、弔いの口から出てくるにつれて激しさを増していく。


Inside the RitualはLucieにとって、スロバキアの森や丘と自分の身体が融合するのを感じる「変容」体験だった。23分に及ぶこの曲は、暑い夏の夕暮れにカウベルや虫の鳴き声を聴くような催眠的なものだ。金属的な音がルLucieの声と日本の篳篥(ひちりき)の葦のような音色で刻まれると、状況はさらに奇妙になる。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Mappa releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 


  1. Trash Trio 08:00
  2. Hair Score 13:26
  3. Stones 03:45
  4. Inside the Ritual 23:05


"In 2018, New York based composer and improviser Lucie Vítková made recordings in caves in the Czech Republic and an abandoned Gothic church in Slovakia. Their album Cave Acoustics combines a beguiling exploration of the physicality and acoustics of these unique locations with profoundly personal themes of family legacy and roots.

Lucie performed with their sisters in Výpustek Cave – an underground system of tunnels and former Soviet-era bunker. The choreography-based piece creates crescendos of metallic noise as the trio moves around the spaces. It begins with echoing clanks of tins and coins and accelerates towards a rattling cacophony with distant singing floating up from deep in the shadows. Bearing in mind the siblings had never performed together before, their frenzied kinetic outpourings seem even more special, a wordless cohesion forming between them. Lucie clearly doesn’t shy away from a physically full on experience; they embarked on a Fitzcarraldo-style journey to carry heavy props up a steep hill and across a river to reach the less accessible Jáchymyka Cave.

‘Hair Score’ is an attempt to process the death of the siblings’ mother through a serene then slightly unsettling swaying ritual, with rising and falling waves of wailing and emergency siren sounds growing in intensity as they emerge from their mourning mouths.

After the cavernous acoustics, ‘Stones’ by American experimental classical composer Christian Wolff feels more immediate with its textural sounds and fast, insistent rhythms, as we hear different sized stones knocked together rapidly, following the composer’s instructions not to break anything.

‘Inside the Ritual’ was a “transformative” experience for Lucie, where they felt their body merge with the forest and hills in Slovakia. The 23-minute long track is hypnotic, listening to cowbells and chirping insects at the end of a hot summer’s evening. Things get stranger as metallic clatter is punctuated with Lucie’s voice and reedy tones from their Japanese hichiriki flute.

The album is a calm, contemplative but also energetic and moving reflection of these rare and unheard environments and Lucie’s reunion with the people and places that have shaped them.

Artist : Lucie Vítková

Label : Mappa

チェコ出身アメリカ・NY在住の実験音楽家Lucie Vítkováが、2023年7月にスロバキアの実験/オールジャンルレーベルMappaからリリースしたカセットです。


"2018年、ニューヨークを拠点に活動する作曲家で即興演奏家のLucie Vítkováは、チェコ共和国の洞窟とスロバキアの廃墟となったゴシック様式の教会でレコーディングを行った。彼らのアルバム『Cave Acoustics』は、これらのユニークな場所の物理性と音響の魅力的な探求と、家族の遺産とルーツという深く個人的なテーマが組み合わされている。


Hair Scoreは、兄弟の母親の死を、静謐な、そして少し不穏な揺れ動く儀式を通して処理しようとする試みであり、慟哭の波や緊急サイレンの音は、弔いの口から出てくるにつれて激しさを増していく。


Inside the RitualはLucieにとって、スロバキアの森や丘と自分の身体が融合するのを感じる「変容」体験だった。23分に及ぶこの曲は、暑い夏の夕暮れにカウベルや虫の鳴き声を聴くような催眠的なものだ。金属的な音がルLucieの声と日本の篳篥(ひちりき)の葦のような音色で刻まれると、状況はさらに奇妙になる。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Mappa releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 


  1. Trash Trio 08:00
  2. Hair Score 13:26
  3. Stones 03:45
  4. Inside the Ritual 23:05


"In 2018, New York based composer and improviser Lucie Vítková made recordings in caves in the Czech Republic and an abandoned Gothic church in Slovakia. Their album Cave Acoustics combines a beguiling exploration of the physicality and acoustics of these unique locations with profoundly personal themes of family legacy and roots.

Lucie performed with their sisters in Výpustek Cave – an underground system of tunnels and former Soviet-era bunker. The choreography-based piece creates crescendos of metallic noise as the trio moves around the spaces. It begins with echoing clanks of tins and coins and accelerates towards a rattling cacophony with distant singing floating up from deep in the shadows. Bearing in mind the siblings had never performed together before, their frenzied kinetic outpourings seem even more special, a wordless cohesion forming between them. Lucie clearly doesn’t shy away from a physically full on experience; they embarked on a Fitzcarraldo-style journey to carry heavy props up a steep hill and across a river to reach the less accessible Jáchymyka Cave.

‘Hair Score’ is an attempt to process the death of the siblings’ mother through a serene then slightly unsettling swaying ritual, with rising and falling waves of wailing and emergency siren sounds growing in intensity as they emerge from their mourning mouths.

After the cavernous acoustics, ‘Stones’ by American experimental classical composer Christian Wolff feels more immediate with its textural sounds and fast, insistent rhythms, as we hear different sized stones knocked together rapidly, following the composer’s instructions not to break anything.

‘Inside the Ritual’ was a “transformative” experience for Lucie, where they felt their body merge with the forest and hills in Slovakia. The 23-minute long track is hypnotic, listening to cowbells and chirping insects at the end of a hot summer’s evening. Things get stranger as metallic clatter is punctuated with Lucie’s voice and reedy tones from their Japanese hichiriki flute.

The album is a calm, contemplative but also energetic and moving reflection of these rare and unheard environments and Lucie’s reunion with the people and places that have shaped them.

Artist : Lucie Vítková

Label : Mappa