Green-House // A Host for All Kinds of Life LP / TAPE

Green-House // A Host for All Kinds of Life LP / TAPE

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アメリカ・LAのアンビエントデュオGreen-Houseが、2023年10月にLAのオールジャンルレーベルLeaving Recordsからリリースしたアルバムです。





2020年にリリースされたGreen-HouseデビューEP『Six Songs for Invisible Gardens』は、Covid-19の「ロックダウン」の深淵と時を同じくして、特に非田舎で蔓延する人間と植物の心労に応えるものだった。カセット・リリースのパッケージには、リスナーが撒けるように野草の種が入っていたことで有名だ。このジェスチャーは、アルディゾーニの真摯で真剣な信念の証である。Six Songsをカルト的なエコ・アンビエント・ヒットとして定着させた方式をさらに洗練させた『Music for Living Space』は、2021年にGreen-House初のフルレングスLPとしてリリースされた。2023年10月13日にLeaving RecordsからリリースされたLP『A Host For All Kinds of Life』は、シリーズ3作目の作品であり、そのタイトルはすべて "for "を中心に展開されている。

このLPのタイトルと、フラナガンがデザインした万華鏡のようなフラクタルなジャケット・アートを考えればわかるだろう。一見ソフトに見える曲が、実はエッジの効いたものだとしたら?楽で瞑想的な喜びが、私たちの考え方を根本的に変えてしまうとしたら?世俗的な主体としての私たちの役割そのものを?リン・マーグリスの作品と、生物学的相互主義(両方の種が利益を得る種同士の結びつき)の進化的役割に関する我々の急成長中の理解を基にした『A Host For All Kinds of Life』は、深く根付いた、政治的根拠のある歌曲組曲である。レコードの9曲目、最後から2番目のトラック「Everything is Okay」(ちなみにこの曲は、アルディゾーニの母親がアルディゾーニに残した優しいメッセージという、このリリース唯一の人間の声で終わっている)の金色の、60年代を彷彿とさせるメロディックなアラベスクを見てほしい。

Green-Houseの存在そのものが、反逆の行為として喜びを選ぶだけでなく、身近な環境にあるどんな植物の生命にもその喜びを見出すという意識的な決断に行き着くのだ。この意味で、Green-Houseのすべてのリリース(特に『A Host for All Kinds of Life』)は、カジュアルなリスナーや初めて聴くリスナーには理解できない過激さを体現している。病める世界で喜びを選択し、模範とし、表現するには勇気が必要だ。『A Host For all Kinds of Life』は、聴く人に、ゆっくりとした時間を持ち、自分の周りにある人間以上の世界に耳を傾け、これから起こる不確実性を踏まえて勇気と喜びを集めるよう促す。"


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Leaving Records/Stones Throw releases available at Tobira. 


Available as 12" black vinyl or cassette. Ask us for digital files.


1. Coquina 04:47
2. Lichen Maps 03:20
3. Desire Path 04:03
4. Castle Song 02:53
5. Far More Other 03:14
6. Luna Clipper 03:41
7. Ferndell Shade 03:53
8. A Host for All Kinds of Life 03:59
9. Everything is Okay 04:40
10.  Many Years Later 02:45

Leaving Records:

" In an era of rampant, man-made climate chaos, “solastalgia” (the longing and distress experienced by individuals as a response to environmental change/degradation) has emerged as a useful, semi-viral concept — a catch-all term for the pervasive sense that the world as we know it is far from well, and only growing less so. But, for many of us, a problem, a trap, an ineffable hollowness, exists at the very crux of this concept/premise: how can we mourn (or even sense the loss of) that which we have never known? Especially for lifelong urbanites estranged from nature, who nevertheless grasp the severity and complexity of the problem—how might they remember? How might they mourn? Perhaps indirectly—that is to say, in an exploratory and non-dogmatic fashion—Green-House, a project birthed by Olive Ardizoni and now officially a duo project featuring long-time collaborator and confidant, Michael Flanagan, seeks to address this gap in understanding.

Six Songs for Invisible Gardens, the debut Green-House EP whose 2020 release coincided with the depths of Covid-19 “lockdown,” responded to the rampant heartsickness of human and plant life, especially in non-rural areas. The packaging of the cassette release famously included wildflower seeds for the listener to scatter. This gesture (at once simple and daring, especially when one considers the logistical element) exists as testament to the sincerity and seriousness of Ardizoni’s convictions. Music for Living Spaces, the first full-length Green-House LP, followed in 2021— a refinement of the formula that enshrined Six Songs as a cult, eco-ambient hit. Out October 13, 2023 on Leaving Records, they have returned with the LP A Host For All Kinds of Life, a third entry in a series of releases whose titles have incidentally all revolved around the “for” construction: an unofficial canon of offerings, or maybe rather instructions as to how the music contained therein might, could, and should operate in/on the listener’s life and “living space(s).”

Decidedly the most expansive Green-House release — one need only consider the LP’s title and the kaleidoscopic, fractal cover art designed by Flanagan—A Host For All Kinds of Life troubles the very notion of “ambient music,” a category with whom Green-House has always existed in some degree of tension. What if a song’s seeming softness constitutes its biting edge? What if easeful, contemplative pleasure can radically alter our mindset? Our very role as worldly subjects? Drawing on the works of Lynn Margulis and our burgeoning understanding of the evolutionary role of biological mutualism (associations between species in which both species benefit), A Host For All Kinds of Life is a deeply entrenched and politically grounded song suite. And there are indeed discrete songs here, with defined structure, momentum, and sway; see the gilded, sixties-evoking melodic arabesque of the record’s ninth and penultimate track, “Everything is Okay” (which incidentally ends with the release’s only human voice—a tender message left for Ardizoni by their mother).

In conversation, Ardizoni speaks often of the centrality of joy—that Green-House’s very existence can be traced to a conscious decision they made to not only choose joy as an act of rebellion, but to find that joy in whatever plant life they could access in their immediate environment. In this sense, all of Green-House’s releases (and A Host for All Kinds of Life especially) embody a radicality that may elude the casual or first-time listener. To choose, model, and express joy in an ailing world requires courage, a courage that must be jealously guarded and constantly replenished. A Host For all Kinds of Life encourages the listener to slow down, take stock, tune in to the more-than-human world around them, and gather their courage and joy in light of the uncertainty to come.

Artist :  Green-House

Label : Leaving Records

Cat. Number : LR248LP

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アメリカ・LAのアンビエントデュオGreen-Houseが、2023年10月にLAのオールジャンルレーベルLeaving Recordsからリリースしたアルバムです。





2020年にリリースされたGreen-HouseデビューEP『Six Songs for Invisible Gardens』は、Covid-19の「ロックダウン」の深淵と時を同じくして、特に非田舎で蔓延する人間と植物の心労に応えるものだった。カセット・リリースのパッケージには、リスナーが撒けるように野草の種が入っていたことで有名だ。このジェスチャーは、アルディゾーニの真摯で真剣な信念の証である。Six Songsをカルト的なエコ・アンビエント・ヒットとして定着させた方式をさらに洗練させた『Music for Living Space』は、2021年にGreen-House初のフルレングスLPとしてリリースされた。2023年10月13日にLeaving RecordsからリリースされたLP『A Host For All Kinds of Life』は、シリーズ3作目の作品であり、そのタイトルはすべて "for "を中心に展開されている。

このLPのタイトルと、フラナガンがデザインした万華鏡のようなフラクタルなジャケット・アートを考えればわかるだろう。一見ソフトに見える曲が、実はエッジの効いたものだとしたら?楽で瞑想的な喜びが、私たちの考え方を根本的に変えてしまうとしたら?世俗的な主体としての私たちの役割そのものを?リン・マーグリスの作品と、生物学的相互主義(両方の種が利益を得る種同士の結びつき)の進化的役割に関する我々の急成長中の理解を基にした『A Host For All Kinds of Life』は、深く根付いた、政治的根拠のある歌曲組曲である。レコードの9曲目、最後から2番目のトラック「Everything is Okay」(ちなみにこの曲は、アルディゾーニの母親がアルディゾーニに残した優しいメッセージという、このリリース唯一の人間の声で終わっている)の金色の、60年代を彷彿とさせるメロディックなアラベスクを見てほしい。

Green-Houseの存在そのものが、反逆の行為として喜びを選ぶだけでなく、身近な環境にあるどんな植物の生命にもその喜びを見出すという意識的な決断に行き着くのだ。この意味で、Green-Houseのすべてのリリース(特に『A Host for All Kinds of Life』)は、カジュアルなリスナーや初めて聴くリスナーには理解できない過激さを体現している。病める世界で喜びを選択し、模範とし、表現するには勇気が必要だ。『A Host For all Kinds of Life』は、聴く人に、ゆっくりとした時間を持ち、自分の周りにある人間以上の世界に耳を傾け、これから起こる不確実性を踏まえて勇気と喜びを集めるよう促す。"


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Leaving Records/Stones Throw releases available at Tobira. 


Available as 12" black vinyl or cassette. Ask us for digital files.


1. Coquina 04:47
2. Lichen Maps 03:20
3. Desire Path 04:03
4. Castle Song 02:53
5. Far More Other 03:14
6. Luna Clipper 03:41
7. Ferndell Shade 03:53
8. A Host for All Kinds of Life 03:59
9. Everything is Okay 04:40
10.  Many Years Later 02:45

Leaving Records:

" In an era of rampant, man-made climate chaos, “solastalgia” (the longing and distress experienced by individuals as a response to environmental change/degradation) has emerged as a useful, semi-viral concept — a catch-all term for the pervasive sense that the world as we know it is far from well, and only growing less so. But, for many of us, a problem, a trap, an ineffable hollowness, exists at the very crux of this concept/premise: how can we mourn (or even sense the loss of) that which we have never known? Especially for lifelong urbanites estranged from nature, who nevertheless grasp the severity and complexity of the problem—how might they remember? How might they mourn? Perhaps indirectly—that is to say, in an exploratory and non-dogmatic fashion—Green-House, a project birthed by Olive Ardizoni and now officially a duo project featuring long-time collaborator and confidant, Michael Flanagan, seeks to address this gap in understanding.

Six Songs for Invisible Gardens, the debut Green-House EP whose 2020 release coincided with the depths of Covid-19 “lockdown,” responded to the rampant heartsickness of human and plant life, especially in non-rural areas. The packaging of the cassette release famously included wildflower seeds for the listener to scatter. This gesture (at once simple and daring, especially when one considers the logistical element) exists as testament to the sincerity and seriousness of Ardizoni’s convictions. Music for Living Spaces, the first full-length Green-House LP, followed in 2021— a refinement of the formula that enshrined Six Songs as a cult, eco-ambient hit. Out October 13, 2023 on Leaving Records, they have returned with the LP A Host For All Kinds of Life, a third entry in a series of releases whose titles have incidentally all revolved around the “for” construction: an unofficial canon of offerings, or maybe rather instructions as to how the music contained therein might, could, and should operate in/on the listener’s life and “living space(s).”

Decidedly the most expansive Green-House release — one need only consider the LP’s title and the kaleidoscopic, fractal cover art designed by Flanagan—A Host For All Kinds of Life troubles the very notion of “ambient music,” a category with whom Green-House has always existed in some degree of tension. What if a song’s seeming softness constitutes its biting edge? What if easeful, contemplative pleasure can radically alter our mindset? Our very role as worldly subjects? Drawing on the works of Lynn Margulis and our burgeoning understanding of the evolutionary role of biological mutualism (associations between species in which both species benefit), A Host For All Kinds of Life is a deeply entrenched and politically grounded song suite. And there are indeed discrete songs here, with defined structure, momentum, and sway; see the gilded, sixties-evoking melodic arabesque of the record’s ninth and penultimate track, “Everything is Okay” (which incidentally ends with the release’s only human voice—a tender message left for Ardizoni by their mother).

In conversation, Ardizoni speaks often of the centrality of joy—that Green-House’s very existence can be traced to a conscious decision they made to not only choose joy as an act of rebellion, but to find that joy in whatever plant life they could access in their immediate environment. In this sense, all of Green-House’s releases (and A Host for All Kinds of Life especially) embody a radicality that may elude the casual or first-time listener. To choose, model, and express joy in an ailing world requires courage, a courage that must be jealously guarded and constantly replenished. A Host For all Kinds of Life encourages the listener to slow down, take stock, tune in to the more-than-human world around them, and gather their courage and joy in light of the uncertainty to come.

Artist :  Green-House

Label : Leaving Records

Cat. Number : LR248LP