Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson // So Long CD

Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson // So Long CD

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カリフォルニアのサウンドアーティストJim Haynes主宰Helen Scarsdale Agency諸作を入荷しました。

VitrineやCoherent Statesなどコアな物音レーベルから発表しているアイスランドの作家Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarssonによる、地質系ローエンドドローン3曲入りCDです。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Helen Scarsdale Agency releases available at Tobira. 


"a journey through time, perhaps, for a daydreamer floating in a small boat amidst the radiant hues of a midnight sun. that daydreamer in this instance is the icelandic artist sigtryggur berg sigmarsson, best known for his electro-surrealism in stilluppsteypa. he has long been an artist of extremes and absurdities -- mania fueled performances, wildly scribbled drawings, and haflerian audio shock-therapy, on one side; and on the other, a profound meditation on austere shape, form, and mood cast through similar media. sigmarsson will intermingle these sentiments in slippery juxtaposition and assemblage, with beguiling, haunting, and / or charming results. so long aligns itself firmly within that latter aesthetic of crypto-minimalism which began to germinate some 20 years ago. at that time, stilluppsteypa was a trio who had recently eschewed their art-punk trappings, drunkenly scheming to corner the market at documenta with deconstructivist drone and 21th century circuitry. sigmarsson would find himself in his own studio, crafting sympathetic works to stilluppsteypa; but these were directed inward as wounded, naked, and vulnerable concoctions reflective of sigmarsson getting lost in his own little world. so long quietly simmered in his head over the years; and with the completion of this album, we now have a sublime gesture of polar impressionism flecked with hallucinatory ambience, vaseline-smeared crackle, and hauntological displacement"
Helen Scarsdale Agency

Artist : Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson

Label : Helen Scarsdale Agency

カリフォルニアのサウンドアーティストJim Haynes主宰Helen Scarsdale Agency諸作を入荷しました。

VitrineやCoherent Statesなどコアな物音レーベルから発表しているアイスランドの作家Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarssonによる、地質系ローエンドドローン3曲入りCDです。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Helen Scarsdale Agency releases available at Tobira. 


"a journey through time, perhaps, for a daydreamer floating in a small boat amidst the radiant hues of a midnight sun. that daydreamer in this instance is the icelandic artist sigtryggur berg sigmarsson, best known for his electro-surrealism in stilluppsteypa. he has long been an artist of extremes and absurdities -- mania fueled performances, wildly scribbled drawings, and haflerian audio shock-therapy, on one side; and on the other, a profound meditation on austere shape, form, and mood cast through similar media. sigmarsson will intermingle these sentiments in slippery juxtaposition and assemblage, with beguiling, haunting, and / or charming results. so long aligns itself firmly within that latter aesthetic of crypto-minimalism which began to germinate some 20 years ago. at that time, stilluppsteypa was a trio who had recently eschewed their art-punk trappings, drunkenly scheming to corner the market at documenta with deconstructivist drone and 21th century circuitry. sigmarsson would find himself in his own studio, crafting sympathetic works to stilluppsteypa; but these were directed inward as wounded, naked, and vulnerable concoctions reflective of sigmarsson getting lost in his own little world. so long quietly simmered in his head over the years; and with the completion of this album, we now have a sublime gesture of polar impressionism flecked with hallucinatory ambience, vaseline-smeared crackle, and hauntological displacement"
Helen Scarsdale Agency

Artist : Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson

Label : Helen Scarsdale Agency