Het Zweet s/t LP
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1980年代に活動していたオランダのインダストリアル作家/楽器製作者Het Zweetが、2025年1月にウガンダ・カンパラのレフトフィールド・ダンスレーベルHeat Crimeからリリースした再発レコードです。(オリジナルは1983年リリース)
"Het Zweetの最初のセルフタイトルのテープは1983年にリリースされたもので、後に1987年にリリースされた同名のアルバムと混同してはならない。このプロジェクトは、2013年に惜しまれつつこの世を去ったオランダ人のマリエン・ヴァン・オアーズによって考案されたもので、自作楽器を駆使した神秘的で儀式的な展開の軌跡を残している。Het Zweetは、ヴァン・オアーズが最も神秘的で原始的な作品であり、初歩的な音を、先祖伝来のリズムの幾何学に立ち返った波打つようなパーカッシブなアトモスフェアに形成し、その反復を鉄のような工業時代の汚れにまみれさせている。ヴァン・オアーズの名前はオランダ語で「汗」を意味し、そのマンタには明らかに屈強なクオリティーがある。これらは決して単なるループではなく、忍耐強く深いリスナーに報いる、瞑想的な忍耐の技なのだ。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Hakuna Kulala / Nyege Nyege Tapes / HEAT CRIMES releases available at Tobira.
12" black 180gram vinyl. Edition of 250.
1. Vocus 11:18
2. Tribus 14:43
3. Slindus 12:46
4. Indus 14:07
"Made up of four lengthy hallucinogenic incantations, Het Zweet's first self-titled tape was originally released in 1983 and shouldn't be confused with the later 1987-released album of the same name. The project was conceived by Dutchman Marien Van Oers, who sadly passed away in 2013, leaving behind a breadcrumb trail of mysterious, ritualistic deployments pieced together using an arsenal of home-made instruments. And 'Het Zweet' finds Van Oers at his most mystifying and most primal, forming rudimentary sounds into surging, percussive atmospheres that peer back towards ancestral rhythmic geometries and caking his repetitions in ferric, industrial-era dirt. The name itself means "sweat" in Dutch, and there's an identifiably herculean quality to Van Oers' mantas - these aren't simply loops, by any means, but contemplative feats of endurance that reward patient, deep listeners.
Opening track 'Vocus' is the album's most haunted stretch, almost 12 minutes of spectral decelerated gloop that infuses a sequence of chants with the dilatory, caliginous energy of doom metal. There's an almost monastic quality to the pitch-skewed synths that introduce the composition, but that's quickly interrupted by molasses slow vocal cycles that rumble enigmatically next to Van Oers' barely audible vocalizations. The artist's kinetic drumming is thrust into the foreground on 'Tribus', but the ritual quality never disappears, his cyclic intonations adding color to the pebbly pots 'n pans cracks and cavernous oscillations. It's music that lodges itself between Muslimgauze and Z'EV, crafted for patient listeners who can perceive the elemental grooves lying just beneath Van Oers' trance-like patterns and discombobulating effects.
On 'Tribus', Van Oers intensifies the magick, playing a languid, lop-sided beat that twangs as it pierces the red, creating its own eerie distortion. Unmistakably psychedelic gear, it breaks down into wisps of guttural, groaning white noise and temple chimes that Van Oers uses to catch his breath before bellowing into a foghorn-like home-made pipe and rebooting the rhythm. And the closer 'Indus' is the album's most focused, starkest stretch, almost 15 minutes of gymnastic drumwork that's accompanied by a vocal mantra that simmers softly in the background. Over four decades later, 'Het Zweet' is still startlingly unique material; not quite industrial, not quite dark ambient and definitely not new age, it's music that's plugged into cultural history, re-imagining long-forgotten ceremonies as a feat of physical and spiritual endurance for both the performer and the listener. "
Artist : Het Zweet
cat no : HC013
1980年代に活動していたオランダのインダストリアル作家/楽器製作者Het Zweetが、2025年1月にウガンダ・カンパラのレフトフィールド・ダンスレーベルHeat Crimeからリリースした再発レコードです。(オリジナルは1983年リリース)
"Het Zweetの最初のセルフタイトルのテープは1983年にリリースされたもので、後に1987年にリリースされた同名のアルバムと混同してはならない。このプロジェクトは、2013年に惜しまれつつこの世を去ったオランダ人のマリエン・ヴァン・オアーズによって考案されたもので、自作楽器を駆使した神秘的で儀式的な展開の軌跡を残している。Het Zweetは、ヴァン・オアーズが最も神秘的で原始的な作品であり、初歩的な音を、先祖伝来のリズムの幾何学に立ち返った波打つようなパーカッシブなアトモスフェアに形成し、その反復を鉄のような工業時代の汚れにまみれさせている。ヴァン・オアーズの名前はオランダ語で「汗」を意味し、そのマンタには明らかに屈強なクオリティーがある。これらは決して単なるループではなく、忍耐強く深いリスナーに報いる、瞑想的な忍耐の技なのだ。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Hakuna Kulala / Nyege Nyege Tapes / HEAT CRIMES releases available at Tobira.
12" black 180gram vinyl. Edition of 250.
1. Vocus 11:18
2. Tribus 14:43
3. Slindus 12:46
4. Indus 14:07
"Made up of four lengthy hallucinogenic incantations, Het Zweet's first self-titled tape was originally released in 1983 and shouldn't be confused with the later 1987-released album of the same name. The project was conceived by Dutchman Marien Van Oers, who sadly passed away in 2013, leaving behind a breadcrumb trail of mysterious, ritualistic deployments pieced together using an arsenal of home-made instruments. And 'Het Zweet' finds Van Oers at his most mystifying and most primal, forming rudimentary sounds into surging, percussive atmospheres that peer back towards ancestral rhythmic geometries and caking his repetitions in ferric, industrial-era dirt. The name itself means "sweat" in Dutch, and there's an identifiably herculean quality to Van Oers' mantas - these aren't simply loops, by any means, but contemplative feats of endurance that reward patient, deep listeners.
Opening track 'Vocus' is the album's most haunted stretch, almost 12 minutes of spectral decelerated gloop that infuses a sequence of chants with the dilatory, caliginous energy of doom metal. There's an almost monastic quality to the pitch-skewed synths that introduce the composition, but that's quickly interrupted by molasses slow vocal cycles that rumble enigmatically next to Van Oers' barely audible vocalizations. The artist's kinetic drumming is thrust into the foreground on 'Tribus', but the ritual quality never disappears, his cyclic intonations adding color to the pebbly pots 'n pans cracks and cavernous oscillations. It's music that lodges itself between Muslimgauze and Z'EV, crafted for patient listeners who can perceive the elemental grooves lying just beneath Van Oers' trance-like patterns and discombobulating effects.
On 'Tribus', Van Oers intensifies the magick, playing a languid, lop-sided beat that twangs as it pierces the red, creating its own eerie distortion. Unmistakably psychedelic gear, it breaks down into wisps of guttural, groaning white noise and temple chimes that Van Oers uses to catch his breath before bellowing into a foghorn-like home-made pipe and rebooting the rhythm. And the closer 'Indus' is the album's most focused, starkest stretch, almost 15 minutes of gymnastic drumwork that's accompanied by a vocal mantra that simmers softly in the background. Over four decades later, 'Het Zweet' is still startlingly unique material; not quite industrial, not quite dark ambient and definitely not new age, it's music that's plugged into cultural history, re-imagining long-forgotten ceremonies as a feat of physical and spiritual endurance for both the performer and the listener. "
Artist : Het Zweet
cat no : HC013