Yann Novak // The Voice of Theseus CD

Yann Novak // The Voice of Theseus CD

  • Availability:

アメリカ・LAのアンビエント作家Yann Novakが、2023年5月にオーストラリア・ブリスベンの実験レーベルRoom40からリリースしたCDです。



"ギリシャ神話に登場するテセウスの伝説は、古代アテネの建国者である王が、クレタ島でミノス王のミノタウロスから街の子供たちを救い出したことを描いている。これを記念して、アテネの人々はテセウスの船をアテネからデロス島まで航海させ、彼の勝利を称える巡礼を始めた。この伝統の中で、歴史的な船に関する哲学的なパラドックスが提起された: 船は少しずつ修理され、もはや元の部品から構成されなくなったが、どの時点でその船はもはや同じ存在とは見なされなくなったのだろうか?


『The Voice of Theseus』は、私が外部の感覚情報を処理する際に直面する障害を探求する試みである。もし私が赤や緑を知覚するのが苦手なら、もし私が特定の周波数を聞き取るのが苦手なら、もし私が標準的な方法で書かれた言語を解釈しないなら、私は他の人が経験するような方法で現実をどれだけ忠実に経験できるのだろうか?このアルバムは、リスナーに対して、自分の知覚や解釈のユニークな手段が、他の人のそれとどう違うかを問うものである。

『The Voice of Theseus』では、私のお気に入りのヴォーカリスト2人にこの実験に協力してもらった。ドリアン・ウッドとG.ブレナーは、アルバム全体を通して私が操作できるようにボーカルを録音してくれた。彼らの元の音声がテセウスの船だとすれば、私が彼らの声に加える変更は、アテネ人が元の船の各パーツを交換するようなものだ。そして、ヴォーカリストのアイデンティティを保ちながら、これらのヴォーカルをどこまで押し広げることができるのか?元となる素材と、それを使って作られたものとの隔たりはどこにあるのだろうか?


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Room40 releases available at Tobira.


CD in matte laminate sleeve.


  1. A Monument to Oblivion 
  2. Reflex Point                                                                            
  3. Traversing the Substrate    
  4. Interlude: The Translator 
  5. Super Coherent Light                                          
  6. Patterned Behavior                                          
  7. The Inevitability of Failure 
  8. Seeing Light Without Knowing Darkness 
  9. We Went out, Not with a Whimper, but a Whisper…

Artist statement by Yann Novak:

"In Greek mythology, the legend of Theseus describes how the king-founder of ancient Athens rescues the children of his city from King Minos’ minotaur on the island of Crete. In commemoration, Athenians began a pilgrimage to honor his victory, taking the ship of Theseus and sailing it from Athens to Delos. It was with this tradition that a philosophical paradox about the historic ship was raised: As the ship was repaired, piece by piece, until it was no longer composed of any original parts, at what point could the ship no longer be considered the same entity?

In recent years, I’ve become interested in exploring the perceptual differences I experience. While some of these differences—partial color blindness and dyslexia—have been with me my entire life, tinnitus caused by hearing damage is a relatively new change to how I experience the world. It is these sensory challenges which have shaped my artistic practice by creating what I call a perceptual insecurity—an uncertainty of how accurately I discern the world around me.

The Voice of Theseus is my attempt to explore the obstacles I face in processing external sensory information. If I have trouble perceiving reds and greens, if I have trouble hearing certain frequencies, if I don’t interpret written language in a standard way, how closely can I experience reality in the way that others experience it? The album asks the listener to question how their unique means of perception and interpretation might differ from that of others.

For The Voice of Theseus, I asked two of my favorite vocalists to assist with this experiment. Both Dorian Wood and G.Brenner recorded vocals for me to manipulate throughout the album. If their original audio is Theseus’s ship, the changes I make to their voices are like the Athenians replacing each of the original vessel’s pieces. And so, how far can these vocals be pushed while still remaining attached to the vocalists’ identities? Where lies the separation between the source materials and the objects they’re used to create?

The myth of Theseus’ ship allowed me to tease at the nuances of how reality can be observed, interpreted, and altered in an indeterminate number of ways; it can be dismantled and rebuilt, many times over. And yet, because of my internal circumstances, a perceptual insecurity remains. As flexible as the true nature of an object or moment may be, inaccuracy looms. There’s no real way to know how great the disparity is between my observational experiences and another’s, and no clear limit of how many pieces of our shared reality can be altered—before it stops being just that.

Artist : Yann Novak

Label : Room40

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アメリカ・LAのアンビエント作家Yann Novakが、2023年5月にオーストラリア・ブリスベンの実験レーベルRoom40からリリースしたCDです。



"ギリシャ神話に登場するテセウスの伝説は、古代アテネの建国者である王が、クレタ島でミノス王のミノタウロスから街の子供たちを救い出したことを描いている。これを記念して、アテネの人々はテセウスの船をアテネからデロス島まで航海させ、彼の勝利を称える巡礼を始めた。この伝統の中で、歴史的な船に関する哲学的なパラドックスが提起された: 船は少しずつ修理され、もはや元の部品から構成されなくなったが、どの時点でその船はもはや同じ存在とは見なされなくなったのだろうか?


『The Voice of Theseus』は、私が外部の感覚情報を処理する際に直面する障害を探求する試みである。もし私が赤や緑を知覚するのが苦手なら、もし私が特定の周波数を聞き取るのが苦手なら、もし私が標準的な方法で書かれた言語を解釈しないなら、私は他の人が経験するような方法で現実をどれだけ忠実に経験できるのだろうか?このアルバムは、リスナーに対して、自分の知覚や解釈のユニークな手段が、他の人のそれとどう違うかを問うものである。

『The Voice of Theseus』では、私のお気に入りのヴォーカリスト2人にこの実験に協力してもらった。ドリアン・ウッドとG.ブレナーは、アルバム全体を通して私が操作できるようにボーカルを録音してくれた。彼らの元の音声がテセウスの船だとすれば、私が彼らの声に加える変更は、アテネ人が元の船の各パーツを交換するようなものだ。そして、ヴォーカリストのアイデンティティを保ちながら、これらのヴォーカルをどこまで押し広げることができるのか?元となる素材と、それを使って作られたものとの隔たりはどこにあるのだろうか?


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Room40 releases available at Tobira.


CD in matte laminate sleeve.


  1. A Monument to Oblivion 
  2. Reflex Point                                                                            
  3. Traversing the Substrate    
  4. Interlude: The Translator 
  5. Super Coherent Light                                          
  6. Patterned Behavior                                          
  7. The Inevitability of Failure 
  8. Seeing Light Without Knowing Darkness 
  9. We Went out, Not with a Whimper, but a Whisper…

Artist statement by Yann Novak:

"In Greek mythology, the legend of Theseus describes how the king-founder of ancient Athens rescues the children of his city from King Minos’ minotaur on the island of Crete. In commemoration, Athenians began a pilgrimage to honor his victory, taking the ship of Theseus and sailing it from Athens to Delos. It was with this tradition that a philosophical paradox about the historic ship was raised: As the ship was repaired, piece by piece, until it was no longer composed of any original parts, at what point could the ship no longer be considered the same entity?

In recent years, I’ve become interested in exploring the perceptual differences I experience. While some of these differences—partial color blindness and dyslexia—have been with me my entire life, tinnitus caused by hearing damage is a relatively new change to how I experience the world. It is these sensory challenges which have shaped my artistic practice by creating what I call a perceptual insecurity—an uncertainty of how accurately I discern the world around me.

The Voice of Theseus is my attempt to explore the obstacles I face in processing external sensory information. If I have trouble perceiving reds and greens, if I have trouble hearing certain frequencies, if I don’t interpret written language in a standard way, how closely can I experience reality in the way that others experience it? The album asks the listener to question how their unique means of perception and interpretation might differ from that of others.

For The Voice of Theseus, I asked two of my favorite vocalists to assist with this experiment. Both Dorian Wood and G.Brenner recorded vocals for me to manipulate throughout the album. If their original audio is Theseus’s ship, the changes I make to their voices are like the Athenians replacing each of the original vessel’s pieces. And so, how far can these vocals be pushed while still remaining attached to the vocalists’ identities? Where lies the separation between the source materials and the objects they’re used to create?

The myth of Theseus’ ship allowed me to tease at the nuances of how reality can be observed, interpreted, and altered in an indeterminate number of ways; it can be dismantled and rebuilt, many times over. And yet, because of my internal circumstances, a perceptual insecurity remains. As flexible as the true nature of an object or moment may be, inaccuracy looms. There’s no real way to know how great the disparity is between my observational experiences and another’s, and no clear limit of how many pieces of our shared reality can be altered—before it stops being just that.

Artist : Yann Novak

Label : Room40