Rory Salter // On the Floor, by the Door CD
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オーストラリア・メルボルンの実験レーベルIndex Clean諸作を入荷しました。
本作は、イギリスの実験音楽家Rory Salter aka Malvern Brumeが、2024年1月にリリースしたCDです。
"音楽の背後にある2つの主なアイデアは、家庭と仕事の状況を利用することだ。この曲のほとんどは、昨年引っ越した新しいアパートで録音した。その部屋はとても面白い音響で、長年どんなアパートに住んでいても音楽を作ってきたので、レコーディングした場所やその周辺の音が本当に聞こえるようなものを作りたかったんだ。だから、多くのレコーディングはアパートの別の場所で行い、しばしばアパートに戻って再生したり、別のスピーカーやマイクを使って録音した。多くの素材は、普段の家事をしながら録音し、録音と同時に他の作業をして、部屋と部屋の間を走り回る時間がかなり長かった。『On the Floor, by the Door 』というトラック名は、かなりの部分を玄関のそばで録音したからだ。それと同じように、自分の仕事も作品に取り入れた。私は昼間は大学で音響技師として働き、夜は週に2、3回サウンドエンジニアとして働いている。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Index Clean releases available at Tobira.
CD in digipack.
- The Morbs 05:37
- On the Floor, by the Door, in the Corner, Waving 06:00
- Scored Guard 05:09
- If He Clicks You Click Back 04:05
- These Parts 02:24
- It Ticks 02:32
- Exhaust-ing the Window's Frame 06:44
- Clips for Strings 02:28
- Tiny Irritator 04:01
Artist statement by Rory Salter :
"The two main ideas behind the music are to make use of domestic and work situations. Most of it was recorded in a new flat I moved into last year. The place had a really interesting acoustic and after so many years of making music in whatever flat I was living in I wanted to do something where you could really hear the place it was recorded/the surrounding area. So a lot of the recordings are done in different locations in the flat, and often re-played back into the flat and recorded using different speakers and microphones. A lot of material was recorded whilst performing usual domestic activities and would spend quite a lot of time running between rooms doing other tasks at the same time as recording. The name of the 'On the Floor, by the Door' track is because that's where I recorded a fair bit of it, by the front door. It's in a similar way that I used and included my job in the pieces. I work as a sound technician at a university in the day and as a sound engineer in the evenings a couple times a week. I've been thinking (and talking a lot of shit) about work and art making recently and I’m really into stuff where the persons found some way to include their day job in their art in a way that sort of re-purposes the skills, materials, time etc of work. So anyway I did a lot of this, really thinking about skills I've picked up and making the effort to borrow some really otherwise unattainable equipment. I thought a lot about space and acoustic-ness during the process so a lot of it again is about me wanting sound to exist within a space; reamping sounds into spaces, or recording synthesised sounds through different speakers positioned in ways to filter and alter the sound. A lot of these practices are things I've developed and talked about a lot at work. Friends also feature quite a bit in relatively candid ways and crop up in recordings here and there. I guess there's a desire to get to a point of a 'life' music, where it feels a bit everyday and blurs the line a bit, that's when things are most interesting to me."
Artist : Rory Salter
Label : Index Clean
オーストラリア・メルボルンの実験レーベルIndex Clean諸作を入荷しました。
本作は、イギリスの実験音楽家Rory Salter aka Malvern Brumeが、2024年1月にリリースしたCDです。
"音楽の背後にある2つの主なアイデアは、家庭と仕事の状況を利用することだ。この曲のほとんどは、昨年引っ越した新しいアパートで録音した。その部屋はとても面白い音響で、長年どんなアパートに住んでいても音楽を作ってきたので、レコーディングした場所やその周辺の音が本当に聞こえるようなものを作りたかったんだ。だから、多くのレコーディングはアパートの別の場所で行い、しばしばアパートに戻って再生したり、別のスピーカーやマイクを使って録音した。多くの素材は、普段の家事をしながら録音し、録音と同時に他の作業をして、部屋と部屋の間を走り回る時間がかなり長かった。『On the Floor, by the Door 』というトラック名は、かなりの部分を玄関のそばで録音したからだ。それと同じように、自分の仕事も作品に取り入れた。私は昼間は大学で音響技師として働き、夜は週に2、3回サウンドエンジニアとして働いている。
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Index Clean releases available at Tobira.
CD in digipack.
- The Morbs 05:37
- On the Floor, by the Door, in the Corner, Waving 06:00
- Scored Guard 05:09
- If He Clicks You Click Back 04:05
- These Parts 02:24
- It Ticks 02:32
- Exhaust-ing the Window's Frame 06:44
- Clips for Strings 02:28
- Tiny Irritator 04:01
Artist statement by Rory Salter :
"The two main ideas behind the music are to make use of domestic and work situations. Most of it was recorded in a new flat I moved into last year. The place had a really interesting acoustic and after so many years of making music in whatever flat I was living in I wanted to do something where you could really hear the place it was recorded/the surrounding area. So a lot of the recordings are done in different locations in the flat, and often re-played back into the flat and recorded using different speakers and microphones. A lot of material was recorded whilst performing usual domestic activities and would spend quite a lot of time running between rooms doing other tasks at the same time as recording. The name of the 'On the Floor, by the Door' track is because that's where I recorded a fair bit of it, by the front door. It's in a similar way that I used and included my job in the pieces. I work as a sound technician at a university in the day and as a sound engineer in the evenings a couple times a week. I've been thinking (and talking a lot of shit) about work and art making recently and I’m really into stuff where the persons found some way to include their day job in their art in a way that sort of re-purposes the skills, materials, time etc of work. So anyway I did a lot of this, really thinking about skills I've picked up and making the effort to borrow some really otherwise unattainable equipment. I thought a lot about space and acoustic-ness during the process so a lot of it again is about me wanting sound to exist within a space; reamping sounds into spaces, or recording synthesised sounds through different speakers positioned in ways to filter and alter the sound. A lot of these practices are things I've developed and talked about a lot at work. Friends also feature quite a bit in relatively candid ways and crop up in recordings here and there. I guess there's a desire to get to a point of a 'life' music, where it feels a bit everyday and blurs the line a bit, that's when things are most interesting to me."
Artist : Rory Salter
Label : Index Clean