Kepla // In Furnace TAPE

Kepla // In Furnace TAPE

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熱波の中、廃墟と化した礼拝堂で録音され、ゆっくりとした散発的なプロセスを経て作曲されたKeplaのニュー・アルバム『In Furnace』は、世界の終わりに生きるという不気味な感覚を捉えている。ジョン・デイヴィスのマルチインストゥルメンタル・アプローチに壊れた教会オルガンが加わり、石の冷たさに反して息が詰まるような暑さの場所に私たちを引き込むことで、このアルバムは失われた場所について考察し、新たな意味を集めている。



『In Furnace』の構想は、1989年にホウ・シャオシェン監督の映画『A City of Sadness』(台湾で1947年に起きた反政府蜂起が残酷に弾圧された「二・二八事件」を描いた初の大作)を観た後、すぐにスーナを手に入れ、演奏を習うことから始まった[...]。

"「私は、自分自身と接点がありながら、疎外感を感じている多くの物語に、ある種の感性を与えようとしているんだ。中国とウェールズの両方の背景を持ち、サウスロンドンで育ったアーティストとして、これらの文化は現在疎遠になっている」とジョンは言う。「スーナは(願わくば)、単に音楽を演奏するための楽器ではなく、失われたものを再認識するための活性化された工芸品でありたい。同様に、カペルは、その驚くべき音響と、完全に機能している肺がひとつしかないオルガンによって、音によって活性化されることを要求される空間だ。『In Furnace』は、文化的、生態学的な崩壊という、これまで以上に一般的な感情を、心を揺さぶるテクスチャーのエレジーにまとめ上げている」。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Chinabot releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files. Cassette in norelco case. 


  1. Spectre in Summer 04:29
  2. Horse Ladder 12:44
  3. A Clearing, Spectre in Autumn 07:12
  4. Time In Furnace 07:18
  5. Sanctifier 07:02

Text excerpt from Chinabot:

"Recorded during a heatwave in a deconsecrated chapel and composed over a slow and sporadic process, Kepla’s new album In Furnace captures the uncanny feeling of living at the end of the world. Through drawing us into a place of stifling heat against the coolness of stone, with a broken church organ among Jon Davies’ multi-instrumental approach, it reflects on places that have been lost and gathered new meaning.

In July 2021, Jon arranged a weeklong residency at Capel-y-Graig, a chapel-turned-artspace in the Welsh hamlet of Furnace. He went there to experiment with field recordings, experiment with cello and piano, and learn the suona, a traditional double-reeded musical instrument made popular in China, as well as to gather recordings ready for resampling.

Following the residency it became evident that instead of reprocessing recordings, preserving the unique reverberation of the chapel, its surroundings and the extreme climate would become the album’s focal point. These contested objects - a chapel that no longer functions for organised religion; an instrument unmoored from its ritual function - exist during a time where ecological collapse is no longer in the distant future.

The conception of In Furnace began by obtaining and learning to play the suona soon after seeing Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s 1989 film A City of Sadness, the first major film to depict the February 28 incident in Taiwan, a 1947 anti-government uprising that was brutally suppressed[...]

[...]“I’m trying to give some sort of sensitivity to a lot of stories that I’m tangentially related to, but I feel alienated from them. As an artist with both Chinese and Welsh backgrounds, but having grown up in South London, these cultures are currently estranged,” Jon says. “The suona is (hopefully) an instrument not just for playing music but as an activated artefact to reacquainting myself to something lost. Similarly, the Capel is a space that demands to be activated by sound, with its incredible acoustics, as well as the organ with only one fully functioning lung.” In Furnace pulls the ever more common feelings of cultural and ecological disintegration together into a haunting, textural elegy."

Artist : Kepla

Label : Chinabot





熱波の中、廃墟と化した礼拝堂で録音され、ゆっくりとした散発的なプロセスを経て作曲されたKeplaのニュー・アルバム『In Furnace』は、世界の終わりに生きるという不気味な感覚を捉えている。ジョン・デイヴィスのマルチインストゥルメンタル・アプローチに壊れた教会オルガンが加わり、石の冷たさに反して息が詰まるような暑さの場所に私たちを引き込むことで、このアルバムは失われた場所について考察し、新たな意味を集めている。



『In Furnace』の構想は、1989年にホウ・シャオシェン監督の映画『A City of Sadness』(台湾で1947年に起きた反政府蜂起が残酷に弾圧された「二・二八事件」を描いた初の大作)を観た後、すぐにスーナを手に入れ、演奏を習うことから始まった[...]。

"「私は、自分自身と接点がありながら、疎外感を感じている多くの物語に、ある種の感性を与えようとしているんだ。中国とウェールズの両方の背景を持ち、サウスロンドンで育ったアーティストとして、これらの文化は現在疎遠になっている」とジョンは言う。「スーナは(願わくば)、単に音楽を演奏するための楽器ではなく、失われたものを再認識するための活性化された工芸品でありたい。同様に、カペルは、その驚くべき音響と、完全に機能している肺がひとつしかないオルガンによって、音によって活性化されることを要求される空間だ。『In Furnace』は、文化的、生態学的な崩壊という、これまで以上に一般的な感情を、心を揺さぶるテクスチャーのエレジーにまとめ上げている」。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Chinabot releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files. Cassette in norelco case. 


  1. Spectre in Summer 04:29
  2. Horse Ladder 12:44
  3. A Clearing, Spectre in Autumn 07:12
  4. Time In Furnace 07:18
  5. Sanctifier 07:02

Text excerpt from Chinabot:

"Recorded during a heatwave in a deconsecrated chapel and composed over a slow and sporadic process, Kepla’s new album In Furnace captures the uncanny feeling of living at the end of the world. Through drawing us into a place of stifling heat against the coolness of stone, with a broken church organ among Jon Davies’ multi-instrumental approach, it reflects on places that have been lost and gathered new meaning.

In July 2021, Jon arranged a weeklong residency at Capel-y-Graig, a chapel-turned-artspace in the Welsh hamlet of Furnace. He went there to experiment with field recordings, experiment with cello and piano, and learn the suona, a traditional double-reeded musical instrument made popular in China, as well as to gather recordings ready for resampling.

Following the residency it became evident that instead of reprocessing recordings, preserving the unique reverberation of the chapel, its surroundings and the extreme climate would become the album’s focal point. These contested objects - a chapel that no longer functions for organised religion; an instrument unmoored from its ritual function - exist during a time where ecological collapse is no longer in the distant future.

The conception of In Furnace began by obtaining and learning to play the suona soon after seeing Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s 1989 film A City of Sadness, the first major film to depict the February 28 incident in Taiwan, a 1947 anti-government uprising that was brutally suppressed[...]

[...]“I’m trying to give some sort of sensitivity to a lot of stories that I’m tangentially related to, but I feel alienated from them. As an artist with both Chinese and Welsh backgrounds, but having grown up in South London, these cultures are currently estranged,” Jon says. “The suona is (hopefully) an instrument not just for playing music but as an activated artefact to reacquainting myself to something lost. Similarly, the Capel is a space that demands to be activated by sound, with its incredible acoustics, as well as the organ with only one fully functioning lung.” In Furnace pulls the ever more common feelings of cultural and ecological disintegration together into a haunting, textural elegy."

Artist : Kepla

Label : Chinabot