Aleksandra Słyż // Tonarium Live LP [COLOR]
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ポーランドの実験音楽家Aleksandra Słyżが、2025年1月にイタリアの実験/ジャズレーベルSuperpangからリリースしたレコードです。
マスタリングはRashad Beckerが担当しています。
"Tonariumは、2台のモジュラーシンセサイザーからなる特異な楽器であるRandom SourceのSergeとBugbrandのSergeで構成され、両者はPiotr CeglarekとJan Dybałaが製作したミキサーと共に動作する。この絡み合いにより、オーディオ信号とCV信号の正確なコントロールが容易になり、テクノロジーとアナログ・サウンドが統合され、アーティストたちに独特のサウンドパレットを提供している。
トナリウムは表現のための導管としての役割を果たすものであり、アーティストAleksandra Słyżが創造性と感情を音楽に注ぎ込むための器である。パート1、パート2ともに、リスナーを時空を超えた音の旅へと引きずり込み、震える魂に忘れがたい印象を残す。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Superpang releases available at Tobira.
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12" transparent blue vinyl.
1. Tonarium I 18:26
2. Tonarium II 16:40
"The Tonarium is an idiosyncratic instrument comprising of two sets of modular synthesizers: Serge by Random Source, and another one by Bugbrand, both of which operate alongside a mixer constructed by Piotr Ceglarek and Jan Dybała. This intertwinement facilitates precise control over audio and CV signals and integrates technology with analog sound, offering the artists a distinctive sonic palette to delve into.
The present record unfolds in two parts, each exploring the fluctuating nature of sound. Both equally contribute to the work’s immersive imaging characterized by sound intensity, continuity and endless flow. Within its sonic tapestry lies a space for listeners to uncover subtle nuances, pulsations, and moments of harmony flickering through each chord’s firm surface.
In Part I, a formidable force consisting of chord progressions pierced by abrupt shifts and transitions unfolds. This deliberate disruption of harmonic continuity invites listeners to immerse themselves fully in each musical entity, uncovering the intricate details of the
chords’ overtonal structure, drifting and steadily glimmering inside their glowing cores.
Part II, on the other hand, presents a more closed form—a recurring four-chord motif that evolves and transforms with each iteration until it finally fades out into whisper-like serenity. Here, the bass pulsates with greater intensity, like a wave enveloping the listener in a froth of feelings, which prevails and swells throughout the composition. In contrast to Part I, it exudes a sense of warmth and intimacy, inviting listeners to reflect over the dimensions of their own inner landscapes.
The Tonarium is to serve as a conduit for expression—a vessel through which the artist Aleksandra Slyz is enabled to channel her creativity and emotion into the music. Both Part I and II of the work have the capacity to drag listeners into a sonic odyssey that transcends time and space, therefore leaving an indelible impression on one’s trembling soul. "
Artist : Aleksandra Słyż
Label : Superpang
ポーランドの実験音楽家Aleksandra Słyżが、2025年1月にイタリアの実験/ジャズレーベルSuperpangからリリースしたレコードです。
マスタリングはRashad Beckerが担当しています。
"Tonariumは、2台のモジュラーシンセサイザーからなる特異な楽器であるRandom SourceのSergeとBugbrandのSergeで構成され、両者はPiotr CeglarekとJan Dybałaが製作したミキサーと共に動作する。この絡み合いにより、オーディオ信号とCV信号の正確なコントロールが容易になり、テクノロジーとアナログ・サウンドが統合され、アーティストたちに独特のサウンドパレットを提供している。
トナリウムは表現のための導管としての役割を果たすものであり、アーティストAleksandra Słyżが創造性と感情を音楽に注ぎ込むための器である。パート1、パート2ともに、リスナーを時空を超えた音の旅へと引きずり込み、震える魂に忘れがたい印象を残す。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Superpang releases available at Tobira.
Ask us for digital files.
12" transparent blue vinyl.
1. Tonarium I 18:26
2. Tonarium II 16:40
"The Tonarium is an idiosyncratic instrument comprising of two sets of modular synthesizers: Serge by Random Source, and another one by Bugbrand, both of which operate alongside a mixer constructed by Piotr Ceglarek and Jan Dybała. This intertwinement facilitates precise control over audio and CV signals and integrates technology with analog sound, offering the artists a distinctive sonic palette to delve into.
The present record unfolds in two parts, each exploring the fluctuating nature of sound. Both equally contribute to the work’s immersive imaging characterized by sound intensity, continuity and endless flow. Within its sonic tapestry lies a space for listeners to uncover subtle nuances, pulsations, and moments of harmony flickering through each chord’s firm surface.
In Part I, a formidable force consisting of chord progressions pierced by abrupt shifts and transitions unfolds. This deliberate disruption of harmonic continuity invites listeners to immerse themselves fully in each musical entity, uncovering the intricate details of the
chords’ overtonal structure, drifting and steadily glimmering inside their glowing cores.
Part II, on the other hand, presents a more closed form—a recurring four-chord motif that evolves and transforms with each iteration until it finally fades out into whisper-like serenity. Here, the bass pulsates with greater intensity, like a wave enveloping the listener in a froth of feelings, which prevails and swells throughout the composition. In contrast to Part I, it exudes a sense of warmth and intimacy, inviting listeners to reflect over the dimensions of their own inner landscapes.
The Tonarium is to serve as a conduit for expression—a vessel through which the artist Aleksandra Slyz is enabled to channel her creativity and emotion into the music. Both Part I and II of the work have the capacity to drag listeners into a sonic odyssey that transcends time and space, therefore leaving an indelible impression on one’s trembling soul. "
Artist : Aleksandra Słyż
Label : Superpang