jacob kirkegaard // snowblind LP

jacob kirkegaard // snowblind LP

  • Availability: In Stock

Touchを中心に作品を発表しているデンマークの実験音楽家jacob kirkegaardが、2025年1月にアメリカの実験音楽家Jim Haynes主宰レーベルHelen Scarsdale Agencyからリリースしたレコードです。



勇猛な作曲家でありフィールドレコーディング作家であるjacob kirkegaardは、世界の危険で敵対的な地域を知らないわけではない。彼の作品「4 rooms」は、ウクライナのチェルノブイリで建築物の共鳴を増幅することによって放射性崩壊を呼び起こし、その不毛で氷の領域を記録するためにグリーンランドの北極環境を何度も訪れた。隠喩として、また拡張された音響技法として、kirkegaardが作品を通して繰り返し用いる影と神秘は、私たちが文明と考えるものと荒野と考えるものを交差させる複雑で実存的な状況を反映している。廃棄物処理、銃器、死体の腐敗、死体安置所の不気味な静けさ。



しかし、 thomas könerやlustmord、werkbundなどコンセプトが似ている作品に見られる孤立主義的な長尺のドローンを排し、暗号のような音色、ドロドロとした残響音、極寒の喧騒、そして悲惨な音の宣言の数々が相互に関連し合っている。"

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Helen Scarsdale Agency releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 300. 


1. ascend 03:54
2. drift 02:59
3. astray 04:25
4. barren 02:06
5. nyctophobia 05:10
6. wreckage 02:18
7. scavenge 05:10
8. animal 02:08
9. phantasmagoria 02:42
10. torment 02:55
11. perish 02:36

Helen Scarsdale Agency:

"the intrepid composer and field recordist jacob kirkegaard is no stranger to perilous and hostile regions of the world. his 4 rooms invoked the radioactive decay through the amplification of architectural resonance in chernobyl, ukraine; and he has ventured to the arctic environments of greenland on a number of occasions to document that barren, icy territory. his recurrent use of shadow and mystery through his work both as metaphor and as extended sonic technique reflects the complex, existential conditions that cross-contaminate what we consider civilization and what we consider wilderness. waste disposal, firearms, the decomposition of dead bodies, the eerie stillness of morgues. these have also been the source material in kirkegaard's formidable work.

with snowblind, kirkegaard turns to history, and a poetic, failed attempt for a team of swedish explorers to reach the north pole by balloon in the late 19th century. perhaps driven by blind adventurism, perhaps consumed by his own delusions, s.a. andrée launched this ill-fated flight in july 1897, registering only two days in the air before crashing into the ice and ultimately failing to navigate the frigid waters and ice floes. yet documentation of their expedition - photographic, scientific, and diaristic - survived, to be discovered some thirty years after their deaths.

"i wanted to created a cold and hostile album, where there is no escape, no warmth and no happy ending," as kirkegaard explains about snowblind. "yet, i wanted to leave out any immediate drama. it is the creeping shock, the icy feeling from realizing what has been lost and that there's no escape."

yes, snowblind is a very bleak album, but one that eschews the isolationist, long-form drone of conceptually similar works by thomas köner, lustmord, werkbund, and lull with interconnected constellations of cryptic tone, thrumming reverberation, arctic bluster, and a plethora of harrowing sonic proclamations.

Artist : jacob kirkegaard

Label : Helen Scarsdale Agency

CAT no : hms075

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Touchを中心に作品を発表しているデンマークの実験音楽家jacob kirkegaardが、2025年1月にアメリカの実験音楽家Jim Haynes主宰レーベルHelen Scarsdale Agencyからリリースしたレコードです。



勇猛な作曲家でありフィールドレコーディング作家であるjacob kirkegaardは、世界の危険で敵対的な地域を知らないわけではない。彼の作品「4 rooms」は、ウクライナのチェルノブイリで建築物の共鳴を増幅することによって放射性崩壊を呼び起こし、その不毛で氷の領域を記録するためにグリーンランドの北極環境を何度も訪れた。隠喩として、また拡張された音響技法として、kirkegaardが作品を通して繰り返し用いる影と神秘は、私たちが文明と考えるものと荒野と考えるものを交差させる複雑で実存的な状況を反映している。廃棄物処理、銃器、死体の腐敗、死体安置所の不気味な静けさ。



しかし、 thomas könerやlustmord、werkbundなどコンセプトが似ている作品に見られる孤立主義的な長尺のドローンを排し、暗号のような音色、ドロドロとした残響音、極寒の喧騒、そして悲惨な音の宣言の数々が相互に関連し合っている。"

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Helen Scarsdale Agency releases available at Tobira. 


Includes DL code. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 300. 


1. ascend 03:54
2. drift 02:59
3. astray 04:25
4. barren 02:06
5. nyctophobia 05:10
6. wreckage 02:18
7. scavenge 05:10
8. animal 02:08
9. phantasmagoria 02:42
10. torment 02:55
11. perish 02:36

Helen Scarsdale Agency:

"the intrepid composer and field recordist jacob kirkegaard is no stranger to perilous and hostile regions of the world. his 4 rooms invoked the radioactive decay through the amplification of architectural resonance in chernobyl, ukraine; and he has ventured to the arctic environments of greenland on a number of occasions to document that barren, icy territory. his recurrent use of shadow and mystery through his work both as metaphor and as extended sonic technique reflects the complex, existential conditions that cross-contaminate what we consider civilization and what we consider wilderness. waste disposal, firearms, the decomposition of dead bodies, the eerie stillness of morgues. these have also been the source material in kirkegaard's formidable work.

with snowblind, kirkegaard turns to history, and a poetic, failed attempt for a team of swedish explorers to reach the north pole by balloon in the late 19th century. perhaps driven by blind adventurism, perhaps consumed by his own delusions, s.a. andrée launched this ill-fated flight in july 1897, registering only two days in the air before crashing into the ice and ultimately failing to navigate the frigid waters and ice floes. yet documentation of their expedition - photographic, scientific, and diaristic - survived, to be discovered some thirty years after their deaths.

"i wanted to created a cold and hostile album, where there is no escape, no warmth and no happy ending," as kirkegaard explains about snowblind. "yet, i wanted to leave out any immediate drama. it is the creeping shock, the icy feeling from realizing what has been lost and that there's no escape."

yes, snowblind is a very bleak album, but one that eschews the isolationist, long-form drone of conceptually similar works by thomas köner, lustmord, werkbund, and lull with interconnected constellations of cryptic tone, thrumming reverberation, arctic bluster, and a plethora of harrowing sonic proclamations.

Artist : jacob kirkegaard

Label : Helen Scarsdale Agency

CAT no : hms075