SUGAI KEN // Tone River LP

SUGAI KEN // Tone River LP

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唯一無二の日本的ミュージックコンクレートを表現するSUGAI KENの新作がField Recordsよりリリースされました。

Caught somewhere between environmental sound studies and surrealist sonic architecture, SUGAI KEN helps mark the 30th release of Field Records with an ambitious new album. Commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo, Tone River is the product of a year’s intensive work between artist and label, created in part to examine the relationship between Japan and the Netherlands with regard to water management.
While its doors to the Western world were closed during the 17th and 18th centuries, Japan kept abreast of Western science via a Dutch trade post in the bay of Nagasaki. When the country changed from a feudal society to a modern democracy through the turn of the 19th century, Dutch engineers lent their expertise to large-scale water management projects. One of the most prestigious projects of the time was the Tone River, which stretches 322 kilometers across Honshu, Japan’s largest island.
For this project, SUGAI KEN travelled to three points across the Tone River and used regular, binaural and underwater microphones to record environmental sounds, seeking to express the change in landscape of the river in its flow into the Pacific Ocean. On Tone River, these varied recordings are interspersed and juxtaposed with Ken’s distinctive take on synthesis, where raw and precisely sculpted textures and tones interact in stark, neutral space.
On this conceptually rigorous, yet beguiling and free-flowing record, SUGAI KEN glides between the elemental and hyper-synthetic in a flexible exploration of sound and story.
Please check his DJ Charts as well.
artist : SUGAI KEN
label : Field Records
唯一無二の日本的ミュージックコンクレートを表現するSUGAI KENの新作がField Recordsよりリリースされました。 本作は在日オランダ大使館の委嘱を受け、1年かけて制作されました。 17世紀から18世紀にかけて、鎖国によって西洋との門戸を閉ざしていた日本でしたが、19世紀に入って近代的な民主主義国家へとシフトすると、オランダの技術者たちは大規模な水管理プロジェクトに専門知識を提供しました。その中でも最も権威のあったプロジェクトの一つが、本州に322kmもの長さを持つ利根川の治水事業でした。
本作では、利根川を縦断する3つの地点を巡り、通常のマイク、バイノーラルマイク、水中マイクを使って環境音を録音し、太平洋へと流れる利根川の風景の変化が表現させれています。これらの多様な録音を、彼の独特の手法であるシンセシスと並置して、生の音と精密に造形されたテクスチャーとが、無垢でニュートラルな空間の中で相互に作用します。 SUGAIさんのDJチャートもご参考になさってください。 Caught somewhere between environmental sound studies and surrealist sonic architecture, SUGAI KEN helps mark the 30th release of Field Records with an ambitious new album. Commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo, Tone River is the product of a year’s intensive work between artist and label, created in part to examine the relationship between Japan and the Netherlands with regard to water management.
While its doors to the Western world were closed during the 17th and 18th centuries, Japan kept abreast of Western science via a Dutch trade post in the bay of Nagasaki. When the country changed from a feudal society to a modern democracy through the turn of the 19th century, Dutch engineers lent their expertise to large-scale water management projects. One of the most prestigious projects of the time was the Tone River, which stretches 322 kilometers across Honshu, Japan’s largest island.
For this project, SUGAI KEN travelled to three points across the Tone River and used regular, binaural and underwater microphones to record environmental sounds, seeking to express the change in landscape of the river in its flow into the Pacific Ocean. On Tone River, these varied recordings are interspersed and juxtaposed with Ken’s distinctive take on synthesis, where raw and precisely sculpted textures and tones interact in stark, neutral space.
On this conceptually rigorous, yet beguiling and free-flowing record, SUGAI KEN glides between the elemental and hyper-synthetic in a flexible exploration of sound and story.
Please check his DJ Charts as well. artist : SUGAI KEN label : Field Records