Linien II // Linien II 1948-49 LP + BOOKLET

Linien II // Linien II 1948-49 LP + BOOKLET

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Linien IIの音の実験の物語は、1948年に一握りの若く理想主義的で自己顕示欲の強い愚かなデンマークのアーティスト・Richard Winther, Hans “Bamse” Kragh-Jacobsen, Niels Macholm, Ib Geertsenたちが、回り道をして独自の具体的な音の芸術を発明した物語であり、ラジオ技師で作曲家のピエール・シェフェールがパリでムジーク・コンクレートの開発に取り組んだのとほぼ同時期である--シェフェールの最初の画期的な、ミュージックコンクレート作品「Cinq études de bruits」がフランスのラジオで初演される以前にコペンハーゲンでは彼らの具象音作品を一般公開までしている--。



このリリースは、コペンハーゲン国立美術館 、ヨーン美術館の協力のもと、アーティストの相続人の支援と協力を得て実現した。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology releases available at Tobira. 


Edition of 300.

Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology:

"This release presents the earliest known Danish works of sound art. Five works from 1948-49 created by the visual artists Richard Winther (1926-2007), Hans “Bamse” Kragh-Jacobsen (1913-92), Niels Macholm (1915-1997), Ib Geertsen (1919-2009) and Gunnar Aagaard Andersen ( 1919-1982), all of whom were part of the artist group Linien II.


The story of Linien II's sound experiments is a story about how a handful of young, idealistic, self-aggrandizing and silly Danish artist dandies in 1948 by a detour invented their own concrete sound art, almost exactly at the same time as radio technician and composer Pierre Schaeffer worked on developing his musique concréte in Paris – and even presented their concrete sound works to the public at an exhibition in Copenhagen before Schaeffer's first and landmark musique concréte work 'Cinq études de bruits' was premiered on French radio.

The release presents five experimental sound works that in different ways represent the artists’ attempts at finding new solutions to a set of formal aesthetic concerns in relation to concrete art by transposing them into the medium of sound. It is a story that hasn’t been told before, as the works until now have only existed in two sets of copies on the original fragile lacquer records, both of which have been locked deep inside museum archives. Now the historical sound works can finally be heard when the Institute for Danish Sound Archeology are releasing them on LP almost 75 years after their recording.

Accompanying the release, a comprehensive art historical text knits
together the story about the creation and context of the experimental sound works.

The release is made in collaboration with SMK National Gallery of Denmark, Museum Jorn, and with the support and invaluable help of the heirs of the artists.

Artist : Linien II

Label : Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology


Linien IIの音の実験の物語は、1948年に一握りの若く理想主義的で自己顕示欲の強い愚かなデンマークのアーティスト・Richard Winther, Hans “Bamse” Kragh-Jacobsen, Niels Macholm, Ib Geertsenたちが、回り道をして独自の具体的な音の芸術を発明した物語であり、ラジオ技師で作曲家のピエール・シェフェールがパリでムジーク・コンクレートの開発に取り組んだのとほぼ同時期である--シェフェールの最初の画期的な、ミュージックコンクレート作品「Cinq études de bruits」がフランスのラジオで初演される以前にコペンハーゲンでは彼らの具象音作品を一般公開までしている--。



このリリースは、コペンハーゲン国立美術館 、ヨーン美術館の協力のもと、アーティストの相続人の支援と協力を得て実現した。

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology releases available at Tobira. 


Edition of 300.

Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology:

"This release presents the earliest known Danish works of sound art. Five works from 1948-49 created by the visual artists Richard Winther (1926-2007), Hans “Bamse” Kragh-Jacobsen (1913-92), Niels Macholm (1915-1997), Ib Geertsen (1919-2009) and Gunnar Aagaard Andersen ( 1919-1982), all of whom were part of the artist group Linien II.


The story of Linien II's sound experiments is a story about how a handful of young, idealistic, self-aggrandizing and silly Danish artist dandies in 1948 by a detour invented their own concrete sound art, almost exactly at the same time as radio technician and composer Pierre Schaeffer worked on developing his musique concréte in Paris – and even presented their concrete sound works to the public at an exhibition in Copenhagen before Schaeffer's first and landmark musique concréte work 'Cinq études de bruits' was premiered on French radio.

The release presents five experimental sound works that in different ways represent the artists’ attempts at finding new solutions to a set of formal aesthetic concerns in relation to concrete art by transposing them into the medium of sound. It is a story that hasn’t been told before, as the works until now have only existed in two sets of copies on the original fragile lacquer records, both of which have been locked deep inside museum archives. Now the historical sound works can finally be heard when the Institute for Danish Sound Archeology are releasing them on LP almost 75 years after their recording.

Accompanying the release, a comprehensive art historical text knits
together the story about the creation and context of the experimental sound works.

The release is made in collaboration with SMK National Gallery of Denmark, Museum Jorn, and with the support and invaluable help of the heirs of the artists.

Artist : Linien II

Label : Institute for Danish Sound Archaeology