Walter Verdin // PINGPONG 2xLP

Walter Verdin // PINGPONG 2xLP

  • Availability: In Stock

ベルギーのカルトバンドPas De DeuxのメンバーWalter Verdinが、2025年4月にリリースする2枚組レコードです。




"80年代のカルトクラシック「Rendez-Vous」と「Cardiocleptomanie」を世に送り出したベルギーのバンドPas De Deuxの結成メンバーWalter Verdinの未発表作品を集めた2枚組LPコンピレーション「PINGPONG」のリリースが決定した。

このコレクションは、1980年から今世紀初頭までのWalter Verdinの多作で実験的な音楽を深く掘り下げ、DIYパンク精神、即興、創造的自由、潮流に逆らって泳いでいた時代を捉えている。

PINGPONGに収録された曲は、自然発生的で重層的なコンポジションを創り出すことへの彼の魅力を反映している。これらのレコーディングは、彼のデュオフォニック・シンセサイザーYamaha CS-40M、借りたドラムマシン、テープループといった限られたツールを使って行われ、リバーブやヴィンテージサウンド・マニュピュレーションといったテクニックによってさらに豊かになった。その結果は、生々しく、手触りがよく、個性に溢れており、プロのスタジオで録音された洗練された商業的なレコーディングよりも、生き生きとして個人的なものであることが多い。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Cortizona releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files.
2 x 12" black vinyl.
Edition of 300.
Includes a 12 page booklet with detailed info, secrets and unpublished pictures written by Walter Verdin.


1. She Loves Me 04:34
2. Dansons Dans 05:10
3. Nobody Moved
4. Dance Riff
5. No Trip
6. Shadance 03:46
7. Sequence X
8. A Cut & A Wipe 2024
9. Aceton
10. IOOTD Dream
11. Constant Click
12. Mission Control
13. Princeton
14. A Car 05:02
15. Sonate Part III
16. Kunst-Zaken '87 00:17
17. Minimalize
18. Linda
19. À Saint Tropez
20. A Shadow
21. Abstractions

Text excerpt by Cortizona:

" We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of ‘PINGPONG’, a 2LP compilation showcasing previously unreleased works by Walter Verdin, the founding member behind Pas De Deux, the Belgian band which delivered 80’s cult classics ‘Rendez-Vous’ & ‘Cardiocleptomanie’.

This collection dives deep into Verdin's prolific and experimental music from 1980 to the beginning of this millennium, capturing an era of a DIY punk spirit, improvisation, creative freedom and swimming against the tide.
This album is not just a compilation: it's a sonic journey into Verdin's unique approach to music-making, which he nurtured in the AV studio at KU Leuven's Audiovisual Services. Having begun his civil service there in 1980, Verdin was exposed to a rich array of audio and video tools that would shape his work for years to come. From the outset, Verdin’s process was defined by an openness to experimentation, where he would explore sound and music organically rather than following pre-existing concepts.

The songs on ‘PINGPONG’ reflect his fascination with creating spontaneous, layered compositions. These recordings were made using limited tools, such as his duophonic Yamaha CS-40M synthesizer, borrowed drum machines, and tape loops, and were further enriched by techniques such as reverb and vintage sound manipulation. The results are raw, tactile, and full of personality—often more vibrant and personal than the polished, commercial recordings that would follow in professional studios.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Verdin developed his craft, regularly drawing from his diverse interests in film history, soundtracks, video art, and avant-garde music. His innovative use of tape recorders, improvisational techniques, and later, MIDI and digital tools, makes for a fascinating and varied listening experience. This compilation includes everything from proto-techno and abstract new wave to avant-pop songs, sample-driven experiments, and the oddball TV-inspired tunes that have long been a staple of his work..."

Artist : Walter Verdin

Label : Cortizona

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ベルギーのカルトバンドPas De DeuxのメンバーWalter Verdinが、2025年4月にリリースする2枚組レコードです。




"80年代のカルトクラシック「Rendez-Vous」と「Cardiocleptomanie」を世に送り出したベルギーのバンドPas De Deuxの結成メンバーWalter Verdinの未発表作品を集めた2枚組LPコンピレーション「PINGPONG」のリリースが決定した。

このコレクションは、1980年から今世紀初頭までのWalter Verdinの多作で実験的な音楽を深く掘り下げ、DIYパンク精神、即興、創造的自由、潮流に逆らって泳いでいた時代を捉えている。

PINGPONGに収録された曲は、自然発生的で重層的なコンポジションを創り出すことへの彼の魅力を反映している。これらのレコーディングは、彼のデュオフォニック・シンセサイザーYamaha CS-40M、借りたドラムマシン、テープループといった限られたツールを使って行われ、リバーブやヴィンテージサウンド・マニュピュレーションといったテクニックによってさらに豊かになった。その結果は、生々しく、手触りがよく、個性に溢れており、プロのスタジオで録音された洗練された商業的なレコーディングよりも、生き生きとして個人的なものであることが多い。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Cortizona releases available at Tobira. 


Ask us for digital files.
2 x 12" black vinyl.
Edition of 300.
Includes a 12 page booklet with detailed info, secrets and unpublished pictures written by Walter Verdin.


1. She Loves Me 04:34
2. Dansons Dans 05:10
3. Nobody Moved
4. Dance Riff
5. No Trip
6. Shadance 03:46
7. Sequence X
8. A Cut & A Wipe 2024
9. Aceton
10. IOOTD Dream
11. Constant Click
12. Mission Control
13. Princeton
14. A Car 05:02
15. Sonate Part III
16. Kunst-Zaken '87 00:17
17. Minimalize
18. Linda
19. À Saint Tropez
20. A Shadow
21. Abstractions

Text excerpt by Cortizona:

" We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of ‘PINGPONG’, a 2LP compilation showcasing previously unreleased works by Walter Verdin, the founding member behind Pas De Deux, the Belgian band which delivered 80’s cult classics ‘Rendez-Vous’ & ‘Cardiocleptomanie’.

This collection dives deep into Verdin's prolific and experimental music from 1980 to the beginning of this millennium, capturing an era of a DIY punk spirit, improvisation, creative freedom and swimming against the tide.
This album is not just a compilation: it's a sonic journey into Verdin's unique approach to music-making, which he nurtured in the AV studio at KU Leuven's Audiovisual Services. Having begun his civil service there in 1980, Verdin was exposed to a rich array of audio and video tools that would shape his work for years to come. From the outset, Verdin’s process was defined by an openness to experimentation, where he would explore sound and music organically rather than following pre-existing concepts.

The songs on ‘PINGPONG’ reflect his fascination with creating spontaneous, layered compositions. These recordings were made using limited tools, such as his duophonic Yamaha CS-40M synthesizer, borrowed drum machines, and tape loops, and were further enriched by techniques such as reverb and vintage sound manipulation. The results are raw, tactile, and full of personality—often more vibrant and personal than the polished, commercial recordings that would follow in professional studios.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Verdin developed his craft, regularly drawing from his diverse interests in film history, soundtracks, video art, and avant-garde music. His innovative use of tape recorders, improvisational techniques, and later, MIDI and digital tools, makes for a fascinating and varied listening experience. This compilation includes everything from proto-techno and abstract new wave to avant-pop songs, sample-driven experiments, and the oddball TV-inspired tunes that have long been a staple of his work..."

Artist : Walter Verdin

Label : Cortizona