Peace Flag Ensemble // Everything Is Possible LP
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カナダ・サスカチュワンの5人組ジャズバンドPeace Flag Ensembleが、2025年2月に同国トロントのオールジャンルレーベルWe Are Busy Bodiesから500部限定でリリースしたレコードです。
プロデュースとミキシングはMaichael Scott Dawsonが担当しています。
"Peace Flag Ensembleは、よりシャープな焦点と広いレンズを持って3枚目のLPをリリースした。このアルバムは、最もカノーラスで親しみやすい。このアンビエント・フリージャズ集団の初期のレコーディングは、ピアノを控えめにし、追加楽器のテクスチャーを多用した、パーカッションのないゴージャスなものだったが、『Everything Is Possible』では、6人の各メンバーが輝ける場所を見つけると同時に、お互いを高め合っている。希望、驚き、心配。悲しみ、愛、怒り。喜び、ロマンス、タイムトラベル。...すべてが可能なのだ。
このアルバムは、ピアニスト、ジョン・ネーハーの即興演奏を中心に構成されている。ドイツで短期間の公演を行なった後、ネーハーは新譜を形作るある観察に衝撃を受けた。彼の楽器は、ライブでは後景に退いていたが、その必要はなかった。その結果、『Everything Is Possible』では、よりメロディアスでヴィルトゥオーゾ的な場面で一歩前進した。
Everything Is Possibleの名前は、ある朝、ドーソンが空港を走っているときに見間違えたノベルティのTシャツに由来する。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more We Are Busy Bodies releases available at Tobira.
Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 500.
1. Paint Drying
2. The Past Is What Changes Most 03:45
3. Hot Mic 05:04
4. Le Souvenir
5. Ann Hodges Asleep on The Sofa
6. General Strike
7. Ley Lines
8. Raised Among Catalogs
9. Flamingo Heights
10. Lover's Spat
11. I Am Not The Gaugin I Used To Be
We Are Busy Bodies:
"Peace Flag Ensemble return on their third LP with sharper focus and a wider lens. The record is their most canorous and their most accessible. The ambient free jazz collective’s early recordings were gauzy, percussion-less affairs where the piano was sparing and additional instrumentation was often textural, but on Everything Is Possible each member of the sextet finds space to shine while simultaneously lifting each other up. Hope, wonder, worry. Grief, love, fury. Joy, romance, time travel. ....Everything is possible.
The album centers around the improvisations of pianist Jon Neher. Following a short run of dates in Germany, Neher was struck by an observation that shaped the new record. His instrument had been receding to the background live in a way it didn’t have to – there was room to be more than just a vessel for the other players. As a result he steps forward on Everything Is Possible with more melodic and virtuosic moments.
Flugelhornist Dalton Lam and saxophonist Paul Gutheil’s lyrical playing sounds as though they’ve found comfort in each other’s company. They share exchanges like great conversationalists, and at times prove that silence is peak communication. Across the album, drummer Mike Thievin sits notably more present. His playing is restrained and subtle, but deceptively intricate as he anchors Travis Packer’s wayfaring electric bass.
The album was once again produced and mixed by ambient artist Michael Scott Dawson who contributes mazy guitars and electronics to the project. Dawson’s studio as an instrument approach lends a human touch to the affected and atmospheric elements. The result is as indebted to Tortoise in ‘99 as it is to Keith Jarrett in ‘75.
Everything Is Possible takes its name from a novelty tee shirt Dawson misread one bleary morning while racing through an airport. "
Artist : Peace Flag Ensemble
Label : We Are Busy Bodies
カナダ・サスカチュワンの5人組ジャズバンドPeace Flag Ensembleが、2025年2月に同国トロントのオールジャンルレーベルWe Are Busy Bodiesから500部限定でリリースしたレコードです。
プロデュースとミキシングはMaichael Scott Dawsonが担当しています。
"Peace Flag Ensembleは、よりシャープな焦点と広いレンズを持って3枚目のLPをリリースした。このアルバムは、最もカノーラスで親しみやすい。このアンビエント・フリージャズ集団の初期のレコーディングは、ピアノを控えめにし、追加楽器のテクスチャーを多用した、パーカッションのないゴージャスなものだったが、『Everything Is Possible』では、6人の各メンバーが輝ける場所を見つけると同時に、お互いを高め合っている。希望、驚き、心配。悲しみ、愛、怒り。喜び、ロマンス、タイムトラベル。...すべてが可能なのだ。
このアルバムは、ピアニスト、ジョン・ネーハーの即興演奏を中心に構成されている。ドイツで短期間の公演を行なった後、ネーハーは新譜を形作るある観察に衝撃を受けた。彼の楽器は、ライブでは後景に退いていたが、その必要はなかった。その結果、『Everything Is Possible』では、よりメロディアスでヴィルトゥオーゾ的な場面で一歩前進した。
Everything Is Possibleの名前は、ある朝、ドーソンが空港を走っているときに見間違えたノベルティのTシャツに由来する。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more We Are Busy Bodies releases available at Tobira.
Ask us for digital files. 12" black vinyl. Edition of 500.
1. Paint Drying
2. The Past Is What Changes Most 03:45
3. Hot Mic 05:04
4. Le Souvenir
5. Ann Hodges Asleep on The Sofa
6. General Strike
7. Ley Lines
8. Raised Among Catalogs
9. Flamingo Heights
10. Lover's Spat
11. I Am Not The Gaugin I Used To Be
We Are Busy Bodies:
"Peace Flag Ensemble return on their third LP with sharper focus and a wider lens. The record is their most canorous and their most accessible. The ambient free jazz collective’s early recordings were gauzy, percussion-less affairs where the piano was sparing and additional instrumentation was often textural, but on Everything Is Possible each member of the sextet finds space to shine while simultaneously lifting each other up. Hope, wonder, worry. Grief, love, fury. Joy, romance, time travel. ....Everything is possible.
The album centers around the improvisations of pianist Jon Neher. Following a short run of dates in Germany, Neher was struck by an observation that shaped the new record. His instrument had been receding to the background live in a way it didn’t have to – there was room to be more than just a vessel for the other players. As a result he steps forward on Everything Is Possible with more melodic and virtuosic moments.
Flugelhornist Dalton Lam and saxophonist Paul Gutheil’s lyrical playing sounds as though they’ve found comfort in each other’s company. They share exchanges like great conversationalists, and at times prove that silence is peak communication. Across the album, drummer Mike Thievin sits notably more present. His playing is restrained and subtle, but deceptively intricate as he anchors Travis Packer’s wayfaring electric bass.
The album was once again produced and mixed by ambient artist Michael Scott Dawson who contributes mazy guitars and electronics to the project. Dawson’s studio as an instrument approach lends a human touch to the affected and atmospheric elements. The result is as indebted to Tortoise in ‘99 as it is to Keith Jarrett in ‘75.
Everything Is Possible takes its name from a novelty tee shirt Dawson misread one bleary morning while racing through an airport. "
Artist : Peace Flag Ensemble
Label : We Are Busy Bodies