Christopher Colm Morrin // Sketches 1-17 2xCD
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ドイツ・ベルリンの美術家/詩人Christopher Colm Morrinが、2024年12月にベルリンの実験/ダンスレーベルStray Signalsからリリースした2枚組CDです。
詩人メアリー・オリバーは、「物事には時間がかかる 」と書いた。
2021年の真冬、Christopher Colm Morrinは、ホリデーシーズンに突然家に閉じこもり、一人で過ごすことになった。突然の予定変更に直面した彼は、音のアーカイブを作ることだけに集中し、ギターといくつかのシンプルなペダルで実験し、すべての録音を「スケッチ」という名前のフォルダに保存することで対処することにした。音楽は、生々しく、誠実で、川の流れのように、潮の満ち引きを繰り返しながら、あるときはかろうじてそこにあり、またあるときは周囲のものすべてに溢れ出てくる。
スケッチとは、静寂と注意の証人であり、雑念の嵐の中で破裂する一筋の光である。本作は、その色彩豊かで誠実な線と真摯な語り口で、時間と場所、「今、ここ」、そして物事にかかる時間を許すことへの聖歌を、献身的に描いている。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Stray Signals releases available at Tobira.
Includes DL code. 2 x CD in cardstock sleeve.
1. Sketches 1 18:30
2. Sketches 2 04:22
3. Sketches 3 05:40
4. Sketches 4 06:47
5. Sketches 5 05:02
6. Sketches 6 09:18
7. Sketches 7 08:38
8. Sketches 8 07:18
9. Sketches 9 16:09
10. Sketches 10 02:43
11. Sketches 11 04:07
12. Sketches 12 05:25
13. Sketches 13 11:19
14. Sketches 14 09:58
15. Sketches 15 05:43
16. Sketches 16 06:35
17. Sketches 17 09:30
Stray Signals:
"... Very often, when we think about art, we think of results: a song, a theatre piece, a painting... but, if we listen to the artists, they are mostly just talking about the process that led to those results, just as the baker is preoccupied with baking, and the gardener with gardening. The bread and the flowers take their time to come through.
Focusing on the practice seems like a very radical approach in a world that has become obsessed with the outcome of processes, mainly because results can be consumed and owned. A musician who is searching to encounter sound, rather than chasing and catching the songs, is striving for, in Duchamp’s words, ‘to make visible the invisible’ or, in this case, to transform silence into music, and that’s exactly how 'Sketches 1-17' came to be.
In the midst of winter, back in 2021, artist Christopher Colm Morrin found himself suddenly stuck at home and alone for the holiday season. Confronted with the abrupt change of plans, he decided to cope by focusing entirely on making an archive of sound, experimenting with a guitar and a few simple pedals, and storing all the recordings in a folder named ‘sketches’. The music came out, raw and sincere, like a river flow, with its high and low tides, sometimes barely there, others overflowing through everything around it.
Sketching is an act of giving body to an idea or a sensation surrounding us, whispering, waiting to be given a sort of materiality, to become audible, or visible, able to be experienced. The profound beauty of a sketch is in its rough simplicity and strong gestural nature that, somehow, make us feel as if parts of its creator were contained in that unique and singular moment of creation.
A sketch is a witness to stillness and attention, a rupturing beam of light through the storm of distraction. 'Sketches 1-17', with its colourful and sincere lines and its earnest delivery, draw, with devotion, a chant to time and place, to the here and the now, and to allow things to take the time they take. "
Artist : Christopher Colm Morrin
Label : Stray Signals
ドイツ・ベルリンの美術家/詩人Christopher Colm Morrinが、2024年12月にベルリンの実験/ダンスレーベルStray Signalsからリリースした2枚組CDです。
詩人メアリー・オリバーは、「物事には時間がかかる 」と書いた。
2021年の真冬、Christopher Colm Morrinは、ホリデーシーズンに突然家に閉じこもり、一人で過ごすことになった。突然の予定変更に直面した彼は、音のアーカイブを作ることだけに集中し、ギターといくつかのシンプルなペダルで実験し、すべての録音を「スケッチ」という名前のフォルダに保存することで対処することにした。音楽は、生々しく、誠実で、川の流れのように、潮の満ち引きを繰り返しながら、あるときはかろうじてそこにあり、またあるときは周囲のものすべてに溢れ出てくる。
スケッチとは、静寂と注意の証人であり、雑念の嵐の中で破裂する一筋の光である。本作は、その色彩豊かで誠実な線と真摯な語り口で、時間と場所、「今、ここ」、そして物事にかかる時間を許すことへの聖歌を、献身的に描いている。 "
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Stray Signals releases available at Tobira.
Includes DL code. 2 x CD in cardstock sleeve.
1. Sketches 1 18:30
2. Sketches 2 04:22
3. Sketches 3 05:40
4. Sketches 4 06:47
5. Sketches 5 05:02
6. Sketches 6 09:18
7. Sketches 7 08:38
8. Sketches 8 07:18
9. Sketches 9 16:09
10. Sketches 10 02:43
11. Sketches 11 04:07
12. Sketches 12 05:25
13. Sketches 13 11:19
14. Sketches 14 09:58
15. Sketches 15 05:43
16. Sketches 16 06:35
17. Sketches 17 09:30
Stray Signals:
"... Very often, when we think about art, we think of results: a song, a theatre piece, a painting... but, if we listen to the artists, they are mostly just talking about the process that led to those results, just as the baker is preoccupied with baking, and the gardener with gardening. The bread and the flowers take their time to come through.
Focusing on the practice seems like a very radical approach in a world that has become obsessed with the outcome of processes, mainly because results can be consumed and owned. A musician who is searching to encounter sound, rather than chasing and catching the songs, is striving for, in Duchamp’s words, ‘to make visible the invisible’ or, in this case, to transform silence into music, and that’s exactly how 'Sketches 1-17' came to be.
In the midst of winter, back in 2021, artist Christopher Colm Morrin found himself suddenly stuck at home and alone for the holiday season. Confronted with the abrupt change of plans, he decided to cope by focusing entirely on making an archive of sound, experimenting with a guitar and a few simple pedals, and storing all the recordings in a folder named ‘sketches’. The music came out, raw and sincere, like a river flow, with its high and low tides, sometimes barely there, others overflowing through everything around it.
Sketching is an act of giving body to an idea or a sensation surrounding us, whispering, waiting to be given a sort of materiality, to become audible, or visible, able to be experienced. The profound beauty of a sketch is in its rough simplicity and strong gestural nature that, somehow, make us feel as if parts of its creator were contained in that unique and singular moment of creation.
A sketch is a witness to stillness and attention, a rupturing beam of light through the storm of distraction. 'Sketches 1-17', with its colourful and sincere lines and its earnest delivery, draw, with devotion, a chant to time and place, to the here and the now, and to allow things to take the time they take. "
Artist : Christopher Colm Morrin
Label : Stray Signals