Lonnie Holley // Tonky 2xLP [COLOR]
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アメリカ・ポートランドのジャズバンドLonnie Holleyが、2025年3月に同国インディアナのインディーレーベルJagjaguwarからリリースした2枚組レコードです。
Lonnie Holleyの作品は、私にとって、このような積み重ねと細心の注意を払った作品である。ある音を見つけ、それをまた別の見つけた音、また別の音と重ね合わせ、聴き手が気づかないうちに、まるで縫い合わせるかのような音のシンフォニーに酔いしれる。Tonkyは、Lonnie Holleyが幼少期をホンキートンクで過ごした際に付けられた幼少期のニックネームから名づけられたアルバムである。Lonnie Holleyのサバイバルと忍耐の人生は、ある種の発明を必要としたものであり、間違いなく今も必要とされている。その発明は、Lonnie Holleyの歌の中にも豊かに存在する。このアルバム『Tonky』では、Lonnie Holleyの歌は充実しており、没入感がある。詠唱、かすかな鍵盤、ストリングス、そしてその頂点に立つHollyの声は、歌ってはいないが、若い頃の土いじりや、その過程で耐えた暴力、殴られて血まみれで痛みに耐えながらベッドに入ることなどを淡々と語っている。この歌は、たとえたゆまぬ努力でその土地に取り組み、その土地に働きかけ、その土地で価値あるものを作ろうと努力したとしても、故郷や、自分を守ってくれるはずの場所が、その土地で売りにしているようなものにはならない、という失敗についてのメタファーへと広がっていく。
「Seeds」は、再生、再生、希望と信仰の限界を軸に展開するアルバムの基調を作るだけでなく、Lonnie Holleyのミュージシャンとしての最大の強みである豊かさと寛大さへのこだわりを浮き彫りにしている。多くのリスナー(私もその一人だが)は、Lonnie Holleyのレコードの足元に座って、彼の力強く広がりのある語り口に耳を傾けるだけで満足するだろう。しかし、『Tonky』は、サウンドの広がりと同様に、さまざまなフィーチャリング・アーティストがレコードのドアから入ってきて、1曲の時間をどのように過ごそうとも、くつろげる場所を作っているアルバムなのだ。"
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Jagjaguar releases available at Tobira.
2 x 12" 'crimson tide' red vinyl.
1. Seeds
2. Life (with Mary Lattimore)
3. Protest With Love 02:36
4. The Burden (with Angel Bat Dawid)
5. The Same Stars (with Joe Minter and Open Mike Eagle)
6. We Was Kings In The Jungle, Slaves In The Field
7. Strength Of A Song (with Alabaster de Plume)
8. What’s Going On (with Isaac Brock)
9. Fear The Machine
10. I Looked Over My Shoulder (with Billy Woods)
11. Did I Do Enough- (with Jesca Hoop)
12. That’s Not Art, That’s Not Music 03:41
13. Those Stars Are Still Shining (with Saul Williams)
14. A Change Is Gonna Come
text written by Hanif Abdurrqib:
"There are poets like the great Mary Oliver, who might suggest that one’s primary function when moving through the world, for as long as they have life and the ability to move through the world, is to play close attention to that which others may foolishly call small, or quotidian. The brain and heart are both containers, with as much space as you wish for them to have, and to live is to create collections of found affections. Sounds from your beloved and familiar blocks, movements of the trees and the people beneath them, the way someone you adore may hold you for a few lingering seconds before releasing from a hug and vanishing into a crowded crosswalk. To think of our living, our making, and our loving in this way means that, at least for some of us, we may be propelled forward by the prospect of what’s next. What moment we can hold and place in our overflowing pockets.
The work of Lonnie Holley is, for me, a work of this kind of accumulation and close attention. The delight of finding a sound and pressing it up against another found sound and another until, before a listener knows it, they are awash in a symphony of sound that feels like it stitches together as it is washing over you. Tonky is an album that takes its name from a childhood nickname that was affixed to Holley when he lived a portion of his childhood life in a honky tonk. Lonnie Holley’s life of survival and endurance is one that required – and no doubt still requires – a kind of invention. An invention that is also rich and present in Holley’s songs, which are full and immersive on Tonky, an album that begins with its longest song, a nine minute, exhaustive marathon of a tune called “Seeds,” which begins with a single sparse sound and then expands. Chants, faint keys, strings, and atop it all, Holley’s voice, not singing, but speaking plainly about working the earth when he was young, the violence he endured in the process of it all, going to bed bloodied and in pain from beatings. The song expands into a metaphor about place, about the failures of home, or anywhere meant to protect you not living up to what it sells itself to be, even if you tirelessly work at it, work on it, work to make something worthwhile of it.
“Seeds” not only sets the tone for an album that revolves around rebirth, renewal, and the limits of hope and faith, but it highlights what Holley’s greatest strength as a musician is, to me, which is a commitment to abundance, and generosity. He is an incredibly gifted storyteller with a commitment to the oral tradition, such that many listeners (myself among them,) would be entirely content sitting at the feet of a Lonnie Holley record and turning an ear to his robust, expansive storytelling. But Tonky is an album as expansive in sound as it is in making a place for a wide range of featured artists to come through the door of the record and feel at home, no matter how they spend the time they get on a song."
Artist : Lonnie Holley
Label : Jagjaguar
cat no : JAG468lp-C1
アメリカ・ポートランドのジャズバンドLonnie Holleyが、2025年3月に同国インディアナのインディーレーベルJagjaguwarからリリースした2枚組レコードです。
Lonnie Holleyの作品は、私にとって、このような積み重ねと細心の注意を払った作品である。ある音を見つけ、それをまた別の見つけた音、また別の音と重ね合わせ、聴き手が気づかないうちに、まるで縫い合わせるかのような音のシンフォニーに酔いしれる。Tonkyは、Lonnie Holleyが幼少期をホンキートンクで過ごした際に付けられた幼少期のニックネームから名づけられたアルバムである。Lonnie Holleyのサバイバルと忍耐の人生は、ある種の発明を必要としたものであり、間違いなく今も必要とされている。その発明は、Lonnie Holleyの歌の中にも豊かに存在する。このアルバム『Tonky』では、Lonnie Holleyの歌は充実しており、没入感がある。詠唱、かすかな鍵盤、ストリングス、そしてその頂点に立つHollyの声は、歌ってはいないが、若い頃の土いじりや、その過程で耐えた暴力、殴られて血まみれで痛みに耐えながらベッドに入ることなどを淡々と語っている。この歌は、たとえたゆまぬ努力でその土地に取り組み、その土地に働きかけ、その土地で価値あるものを作ろうと努力したとしても、故郷や、自分を守ってくれるはずの場所が、その土地で売りにしているようなものにはならない、という失敗についてのメタファーへと広がっていく。
「Seeds」は、再生、再生、希望と信仰の限界を軸に展開するアルバムの基調を作るだけでなく、Lonnie Holleyのミュージシャンとしての最大の強みである豊かさと寛大さへのこだわりを浮き彫りにしている。多くのリスナー(私もその一人だが)は、Lonnie Holleyのレコードの足元に座って、彼の力強く広がりのある語り口に耳を傾けるだけで満足するだろう。しかし、『Tonky』は、サウンドの広がりと同様に、さまざまなフィーチャリング・アーティストがレコードのドアから入ってきて、1曲の時間をどのように過ごそうとも、くつろげる場所を作っているアルバムなのだ。"
レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Jagjaguar releases available at Tobira.
2 x 12" 'crimson tide' red vinyl.
1. Seeds
2. Life (with Mary Lattimore)
3. Protest With Love 02:36
4. The Burden (with Angel Bat Dawid)
5. The Same Stars (with Joe Minter and Open Mike Eagle)
6. We Was Kings In The Jungle, Slaves In The Field
7. Strength Of A Song (with Alabaster de Plume)
8. What’s Going On (with Isaac Brock)
9. Fear The Machine
10. I Looked Over My Shoulder (with Billy Woods)
11. Did I Do Enough- (with Jesca Hoop)
12. That’s Not Art, That’s Not Music 03:41
13. Those Stars Are Still Shining (with Saul Williams)
14. A Change Is Gonna Come
text written by Hanif Abdurrqib:
"There are poets like the great Mary Oliver, who might suggest that one’s primary function when moving through the world, for as long as they have life and the ability to move through the world, is to play close attention to that which others may foolishly call small, or quotidian. The brain and heart are both containers, with as much space as you wish for them to have, and to live is to create collections of found affections. Sounds from your beloved and familiar blocks, movements of the trees and the people beneath them, the way someone you adore may hold you for a few lingering seconds before releasing from a hug and vanishing into a crowded crosswalk. To think of our living, our making, and our loving in this way means that, at least for some of us, we may be propelled forward by the prospect of what’s next. What moment we can hold and place in our overflowing pockets.
The work of Lonnie Holley is, for me, a work of this kind of accumulation and close attention. The delight of finding a sound and pressing it up against another found sound and another until, before a listener knows it, they are awash in a symphony of sound that feels like it stitches together as it is washing over you. Tonky is an album that takes its name from a childhood nickname that was affixed to Holley when he lived a portion of his childhood life in a honky tonk. Lonnie Holley’s life of survival and endurance is one that required – and no doubt still requires – a kind of invention. An invention that is also rich and present in Holley’s songs, which are full and immersive on Tonky, an album that begins with its longest song, a nine minute, exhaustive marathon of a tune called “Seeds,” which begins with a single sparse sound and then expands. Chants, faint keys, strings, and atop it all, Holley’s voice, not singing, but speaking plainly about working the earth when he was young, the violence he endured in the process of it all, going to bed bloodied and in pain from beatings. The song expands into a metaphor about place, about the failures of home, or anywhere meant to protect you not living up to what it sells itself to be, even if you tirelessly work at it, work on it, work to make something worthwhile of it.
“Seeds” not only sets the tone for an album that revolves around rebirth, renewal, and the limits of hope and faith, but it highlights what Holley’s greatest strength as a musician is, to me, which is a commitment to abundance, and generosity. He is an incredibly gifted storyteller with a commitment to the oral tradition, such that many listeners (myself among them,) would be entirely content sitting at the feet of a Lonnie Holley record and turning an ear to his robust, expansive storytelling. But Tonky is an album as expansive in sound as it is in making a place for a wide range of featured artists to come through the door of the record and feel at home, no matter how they spend the time they get on a song."
Artist : Lonnie Holley
Label : Jagjaguar
cat no : JAG468lp-C1