Jana Winderen / Hubert Michel // TAPE SERIES 005 TAPE

Jana Winderen / Hubert Michel // TAPE SERIES 005 TAPE

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ノルウェーのJana WinderenとフランスのHubert Michelフィールドレコーディング作家2名が、2023年5月にフランスのフィールドレコーディング専門レーベルPresque Toutから53本限定でリリースしたスプリットカセットです。



以下、Jana WinderenによるA面の解説です。


 Hubert MichelによるB面の解説です。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Presque Tout releases available at Tobira.


Ask us for digital files. Edition of 53.


Artist statement / track information via Presque Tout:


Breeze from the South
01/29/2023, 11:45 p.m.

Recorded outside my studio window under the old maple tree. Overnight all the maple seeds fell to the ground and got buried in the snow.

Microphone : Sound Field 350
Recorder : Sonosax R4+

(Jana Winderen is published by Touch Music / Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd)



Grande Anse, Les Anses-d'Arlet, Martinique (FR)
08/08/2022, at dusk
[14°29'54.9"N 61°04'51.4"W]

Spending holidays in Martinique, I was struck by the sonic transition taking place at nightfall. Blackbird Grackles gradually stop singing while the martinican Hylodes frogs set up their repetitive and elaborate compositions.
Many sound events emerge at dawn, ponctuating this recording. A window being a separation between an inside and an outside, we can also hear our vacationer activities, the mosquito hunt by Murielle Palenne - unaware of the recording at the time - is a good example of these.

Recorder : Tascam DR-70D

Artist : Jana Winderen / Hubert Michel

Label : Presque Tout

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ノルウェーのJana WinderenとフランスのHubert Michelフィールドレコーディング作家2名が、2023年5月にフランスのフィールドレコーディング専門レーベルPresque Toutから53本限定でリリースしたスプリットカセットです。



以下、Jana WinderenによるA面の解説です。


 Hubert MichelによるB面の解説です。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Presque Tout releases available at Tobira.


Ask us for digital files. Edition of 53.


Artist statement / track information via Presque Tout:


Breeze from the South
01/29/2023, 11:45 p.m.

Recorded outside my studio window under the old maple tree. Overnight all the maple seeds fell to the ground and got buried in the snow.

Microphone : Sound Field 350
Recorder : Sonosax R4+

(Jana Winderen is published by Touch Music / Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd)



Grande Anse, Les Anses-d'Arlet, Martinique (FR)
08/08/2022, at dusk
[14°29'54.9"N 61°04'51.4"W]

Spending holidays in Martinique, I was struck by the sonic transition taking place at nightfall. Blackbird Grackles gradually stop singing while the martinican Hylodes frogs set up their repetitive and elaborate compositions.
Many sound events emerge at dawn, ponctuating this recording. A window being a separation between an inside and an outside, we can also hear our vacationer activities, the mosquito hunt by Murielle Palenne - unaware of the recording at the time - is a good example of these.

Recorder : Tascam DR-70D

Artist : Jana Winderen / Hubert Michel

Label : Presque Tout