Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs // Slavic Folk Songs 2xLP

Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs // Slavic Folk Songs 2xLP

  • Availability: In Stock

ラトビアの歌手Ansis BētiņšとArtūrs Čukursが、2025年1月にスウェーデンの実験レーベルXKatedralからリリースした2枚組レコードです。




"Slavic Folk Songsは、ウクライナの歌を中心に、様々なスラブ地域の歌や聖歌を集めたもので、口承伝承やメロディーに基づく。曲はデュオによって2声のために編曲され、ラトヴィアの歌手Ansis BētiņšとArtūrs Čukursによって、スラヴ特有の歌の伝統に特徴的な様々な技法でアカペラで演奏される。歌は「ホワイト・ヴォイス」と呼ばれる伝統的な歌唱スタイルで演奏され、大きな増幅や伴奏を必要としない。このレコードは、世界の危険、苦闘、不幸の道のりを描いているが、憧れ、休息、つかの間の喜び、絶え間ない希望と愛に満ちている。デュオにとってXKatedralからの初リリースとなる本作は、スタジオ録音と2023年3月3日にストックホルムのFylkingenで行われたライブ演奏を収録した2枚組アルバムとなっている。


アンシスとアルトゥルスは青少年合唱団で歌っていたときに出会い、一緒に歌うことは彼らの友情に欠かせないものだった。スラブ男性の伝統で歌われる音楽に初めて出会ったとき、彼らはその力強さと美しさに衝撃を受けた。「それは私たちに直接、言葉を超えた感動を与え、私たちにもっと掘り下げさせ、その中に飛び込ませ、私たちの友情にとって自然なことだが、私たち自身の声でそれを体験させた。」 この声楽の伝統を研究し始めたとき、彼らは、その素材に見られる驚くべき豊かさとバリエーション、つまり、その中に含まれる壮大な力強さ、ユーモア、ウィットと知恵、希望と反抗に心を奪われた。ロシアがウクライナへの本格的な侵攻を開始したとき、戦争で被害を受けた地域の豊かな非物質的文化を破壊から守るために、熱心な人々が民謡や初期の聖歌の音源をデジタル化し、多くのデジタルアーカイブを作成した。アンシスとアルトゥルスは、メロディーとテキストの収集と転写を始め、最終的にはそれらを2声のために編曲した。

Ansis Bētiņšは、Jāzeps Vītolsラトビア音楽アカデミーとイタリアのフィレンツェにあるルイジ・ケルビーニ音楽院でアカデミックな歌唱と古楽を学んだ。Artūrs Čukursは、Jāzeps Vītolsラトビア音楽アカデミー、ハーグ王立音楽院、プラハの舞台芸術アカデミー演劇学部で学んだ。新しく結成されたヴォーカルデュオのアンシスとアルトゥルスは、様々な時代、地域、スタイルの異なる歌の伝統への有機的な興味を原動力としている。 "

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Xkatedral releases available at Tobira.


2 x 12" black vinyl in gatefold sleeve. Edition of 300. 


1. А Бог Адама створив рукама 03:31
2. Marijo deli bela kumrijo
3. Koj će ti kupi al kanariče
4. A što ti je mila kćeri
5. Gusta mi magla
6. Ой не ходи Барабашу
7. Мире лукавий
8. Ой у полі верба
9. Ой чий то Кінь стоїть
10. Порой одинокой унылой (live)
11. Туман яром, туман долиною (live)
12. А Бог Адама створив рукама (live)
13. Їхав, їхав козак містом (live)
14. Гей, наливайте повнії чари (live)
15. Спився козак, спився (live)
16. Kaleš bre Anđo (live)
17. Выхожу один я на дорогу (live)
18. Тихо над річкою (live)


"Slavic Folk Songs is a collection of songs and sacred chants from diverse Slavic regions, based on oral traditions and melodies often without authors or composers, with a special emphasis on Ukrainian songs. The songs have been arranged by the duo for two voices and are performed a cappella by Latvian singers Ansis Bētiņš and Artūrs Čukurs, in various techniques, characteristic to the specific Slavic singing traditions. The songs are performed in a traditional style of singing called "white voice" which requires no significant amplification or accompaniment. The record outlines a path of perils, struggles and the misfortunes of the world, yet is full of longing, respites, fleeting moments of joy and relentless hope and love throughout. This release is the duo’s first on XKatedral and consists of a double album containing a studio recording and a live performance at Fylkingen in Stockholm on March 3rd 2023.
“In Latvia we are surrounded by melodies of folk songs – they have been sung to us by our mothers before we were even born, long before we started to speak and sing ourselves. These melodies are passed from generation to generation and they continue to be an essential part of our culture today. Throughout centuries they have been influenced by other cultures of the region interacting with each other – they have been shaped and reshaped together, traveling from mouth to mouth without borders. And you can find themes, characters, even melodies and attitudes towards life in the folks songs near and far – akin to the ones that were sung to us when we were kids. So, in this way our process of researching and collecting Slavic folk songs has been a process of understanding more about ourselves – through others, through our neighbors. We haven't aimed to achieve historically informed performance and authenticity with these recordings. But we believe we have made them with utmost respect and honesty. These songs have brought a huge amount of joy and ensnared us in their beauty. And we are excited and beyond grateful to share them with others through our voices.”
Ansis and Arturs met when singing in a youth choir and singing together has been an integral part of their friendship. When they first came across music sung in the Slavic male tradition they were primarily struck by its power and beauty. ”It touched us directly, beyond words, and made us dig for more, to dive into it and – naturally for our friendship – to experience it with our own voices.” As they started researching this vocal tradition they were taken by the incredible richness and variation found in the material – the magnificent strength, humor, wit and wisdom, hope and defiance contained within. When Russia launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a number of digital archives sprung up made by dedicated people increasingly digitizing sound recordings of folk songs and early chants from the regions affected by war in order to save their rich immaterial culture from destruction. Ansis and Arturs started collecting and transcribing the melodies and texts, eventually arranging them for two voices.
Ansis Bētiņš studied academic singing and early music at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music and the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Italy. Artūrs Čukurs has studied at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, and the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. In their newly formed vocal duo Ansis and Arturs are driven by their organic interest in different singing traditions of various periods, regions, and styles."

Artist : Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs

Label : Xkatedral

CAT No : XK030lp

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ラトビアの歌手Ansis BētiņšとArtūrs Čukursが、2025年1月にスウェーデンの実験レーベルXKatedralからリリースした2枚組レコードです。




"Slavic Folk Songsは、ウクライナの歌を中心に、様々なスラブ地域の歌や聖歌を集めたもので、口承伝承やメロディーに基づく。曲はデュオによって2声のために編曲され、ラトヴィアの歌手Ansis BētiņšとArtūrs Čukursによって、スラヴ特有の歌の伝統に特徴的な様々な技法でアカペラで演奏される。歌は「ホワイト・ヴォイス」と呼ばれる伝統的な歌唱スタイルで演奏され、大きな増幅や伴奏を必要としない。このレコードは、世界の危険、苦闘、不幸の道のりを描いているが、憧れ、休息、つかの間の喜び、絶え間ない希望と愛に満ちている。デュオにとってXKatedralからの初リリースとなる本作は、スタジオ録音と2023年3月3日にストックホルムのFylkingenで行われたライブ演奏を収録した2枚組アルバムとなっている。


アンシスとアルトゥルスは青少年合唱団で歌っていたときに出会い、一緒に歌うことは彼らの友情に欠かせないものだった。スラブ男性の伝統で歌われる音楽に初めて出会ったとき、彼らはその力強さと美しさに衝撃を受けた。「それは私たちに直接、言葉を超えた感動を与え、私たちにもっと掘り下げさせ、その中に飛び込ませ、私たちの友情にとって自然なことだが、私たち自身の声でそれを体験させた。」 この声楽の伝統を研究し始めたとき、彼らは、その素材に見られる驚くべき豊かさとバリエーション、つまり、その中に含まれる壮大な力強さ、ユーモア、ウィットと知恵、希望と反抗に心を奪われた。ロシアがウクライナへの本格的な侵攻を開始したとき、戦争で被害を受けた地域の豊かな非物質的文化を破壊から守るために、熱心な人々が民謡や初期の聖歌の音源をデジタル化し、多くのデジタルアーカイブを作成した。アンシスとアルトゥルスは、メロディーとテキストの収集と転写を始め、最終的にはそれらを2声のために編曲した。

Ansis Bētiņšは、Jāzeps Vītolsラトビア音楽アカデミーとイタリアのフィレンツェにあるルイジ・ケルビーニ音楽院でアカデミックな歌唱と古楽を学んだ。Artūrs Čukursは、Jāzeps Vītolsラトビア音楽アカデミー、ハーグ王立音楽院、プラハの舞台芸術アカデミー演劇学部で学んだ。新しく結成されたヴォーカルデュオのアンシスとアルトゥルスは、様々な時代、地域、スタイルの異なる歌の伝統への有機的な興味を原動力としている。 "

レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Xkatedral releases available at Tobira.


2 x 12" black vinyl in gatefold sleeve. Edition of 300. 


1. А Бог Адама створив рукама 03:31
2. Marijo deli bela kumrijo
3. Koj će ti kupi al kanariče
4. A što ti je mila kćeri
5. Gusta mi magla
6. Ой не ходи Барабашу
7. Мире лукавий
8. Ой у полі верба
9. Ой чий то Кінь стоїть
10. Порой одинокой унылой (live)
11. Туман яром, туман долиною (live)
12. А Бог Адама створив рукама (live)
13. Їхав, їхав козак містом (live)
14. Гей, наливайте повнії чари (live)
15. Спився козак, спився (live)
16. Kaleš bre Anđo (live)
17. Выхожу один я на дорогу (live)
18. Тихо над річкою (live)


"Slavic Folk Songs is a collection of songs and sacred chants from diverse Slavic regions, based on oral traditions and melodies often without authors or composers, with a special emphasis on Ukrainian songs. The songs have been arranged by the duo for two voices and are performed a cappella by Latvian singers Ansis Bētiņš and Artūrs Čukurs, in various techniques, characteristic to the specific Slavic singing traditions. The songs are performed in a traditional style of singing called "white voice" which requires no significant amplification or accompaniment. The record outlines a path of perils, struggles and the misfortunes of the world, yet is full of longing, respites, fleeting moments of joy and relentless hope and love throughout. This release is the duo’s first on XKatedral and consists of a double album containing a studio recording and a live performance at Fylkingen in Stockholm on March 3rd 2023.
“In Latvia we are surrounded by melodies of folk songs – they have been sung to us by our mothers before we were even born, long before we started to speak and sing ourselves. These melodies are passed from generation to generation and they continue to be an essential part of our culture today. Throughout centuries they have been influenced by other cultures of the region interacting with each other – they have been shaped and reshaped together, traveling from mouth to mouth without borders. And you can find themes, characters, even melodies and attitudes towards life in the folks songs near and far – akin to the ones that were sung to us when we were kids. So, in this way our process of researching and collecting Slavic folk songs has been a process of understanding more about ourselves – through others, through our neighbors. We haven't aimed to achieve historically informed performance and authenticity with these recordings. But we believe we have made them with utmost respect and honesty. These songs have brought a huge amount of joy and ensnared us in their beauty. And we are excited and beyond grateful to share them with others through our voices.”
Ansis and Arturs met when singing in a youth choir and singing together has been an integral part of their friendship. When they first came across music sung in the Slavic male tradition they were primarily struck by its power and beauty. ”It touched us directly, beyond words, and made us dig for more, to dive into it and – naturally for our friendship – to experience it with our own voices.” As they started researching this vocal tradition they were taken by the incredible richness and variation found in the material – the magnificent strength, humor, wit and wisdom, hope and defiance contained within. When Russia launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a number of digital archives sprung up made by dedicated people increasingly digitizing sound recordings of folk songs and early chants from the regions affected by war in order to save their rich immaterial culture from destruction. Ansis and Arturs started collecting and transcribing the melodies and texts, eventually arranging them for two voices.
Ansis Bētiņš studied academic singing and early music at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music and the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Italy. Artūrs Čukurs has studied at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, and the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. In their newly formed vocal duo Ansis and Arturs are driven by their organic interest in different singing traditions of various periods, regions, and styles."

Artist : Ansis Bētiņš & Artūrs Čukurs

Label : Xkatedral

CAT No : XK030lp