R de K // Kokiko TAPE

R de K // Kokiko TAPE

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オランダ・アムステルダムのモジュラー奏者R de Kが、2024年2月にスペインの実験レーベルZona Watusaからリリースしたカセットです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Zona Watusa releases available at Tobira. 


Cassette in norelco case.


1. I     21:35
2. II     11:42
3. III     10:18

Zona Watusa:

"In recent years R de K has become more active recording long-form improvised hardware jams. After relocating back to Amsterdam he stumbled upon Open Oscillator - an open stage for synth enthusiasts - and signed up to perform. Two more editions followed and this release is the cumulative result of those performances. Snapshots of sonic encounters with various objects, persons, elements of nature and a very special bird form the backbone of the three pieces on this release. Hypnotic pulses converge with abrasive textures, inducing a sense of both tranquility and disquietude. Seamlessly oscillating between the serene and the unsettling, this release will keep its listener captivated and transported to realms unknown."

Artist : R de K

Label : Zona Watusa

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オランダ・アムステルダムのモジュラー奏者R de Kが、2024年2月にスペインの実験レーベルZona Watusaからリリースしたカセットです。


レーベルその他作品はこちら /// Click here to see more Zona Watusa releases available at Tobira. 


Cassette in norelco case.


1. I     21:35
2. II     11:42
3. III     10:18

Zona Watusa:

"In recent years R de K has become more active recording long-form improvised hardware jams. After relocating back to Amsterdam he stumbled upon Open Oscillator - an open stage for synth enthusiasts - and signed up to perform. Two more editions followed and this release is the cumulative result of those performances. Snapshots of sonic encounters with various objects, persons, elements of nature and a very special bird form the backbone of the three pieces on this release. Hypnotic pulses converge with abrasive textures, inducing a sense of both tranquility and disquietude. Seamlessly oscillating between the serene and the unsettling, this release will keep its listener captivated and transported to realms unknown."

Artist : R de K

Label : Zona Watusa